
How to be a God in the Game-multiverse. (starting in Dark souls)

A very..."interesting" kid is offered a journey to become a God. what's the catch? well, he needs to save a couple of worlds in order to gain the worship of people that he needs to ascend.

some_random_dude1 · Video Games
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Lucas stop! your character development wasn't meant to start so soon!

It's. So. Fricking. COLD!

That meme with a guy covered in frost and with a grumpy face? Yeah, that's me right now.

Flying through the air in the grip of a big bird is not pleasant. At first it was cool, but after a while it quickly got horrible.

The giant Raven was flying fast and high, which caused the cold air to collide against my body. Idk how Oscar is doing, the poor guy is just hanging from BIG BIRB second talon, almost lifelessly.

Wait a fucking minute, did he pass out? Oh my God, he did, didn't he? Just like one of those dudes who seem to turn off their whole body on a roller coaster ride.

Well, I can't exactly blame him for it…man are not meant to fly.

…im kinda considering giving him a hard to control flying ability now…

After what seemed like an eternity, we finally reached the Land of the Gods and got thrown to the ground. Alright, maybe not "thrown", the Raven just let us go and we crash-landed into the cold hard ground beneath us. 

At least Oscar woke up.

"Well, what do we have here?" The crestfallen warrior began only for me to interrupt him.

"There are two bells, we know." Oscar let out a confused grunt as he stared at me in confusion from the bonfire that was soothing his ribs bruised by the fall. "Well… I knew he didn't, but now he does."

"Why do we need to ring the bells, didn't you said-" i'm gonna stop him right there, I don't think mentioning our intention to extinguish the flame is a good idea. The crestfallen warrior may do nothing about it, but Petrus who is not so far away from us may hear this. And I don't want to deal with him just yet.

"We just need to do it, you will understand later." I told my Paladin and thought of something. "Hey, you want a zweihander? There is one not far from here."

Oscar stared at me confused but shook his head. "No, I prefer lighter and more maneuverable weapons" 

"Well, in that case, let us go adventure into this depressing dead filled land!" My jolly tone of voice didn't suit the morbid sentence at all.

"Can't we rest a while-?"

"No." I than began to drag Oscar by making a ring of blue energy around his waist that follows my every command. Picking up energy as my divinity was a good idea.

There were probably better options, but I couldn't think of anything better at that time. 

I dragged Oscar up the stairs leading to the weird medieval water…thing…idk how those are called. And all the way there he kept squirming and complying about the free ride I was providing him, saying that it was "disgraceful" and all that jazz

Curiously there were no hollows until we both entered the undead burg.

Maybe it was the people of firelink shrine not being comfortable with having hollows so close to their location? Yeah, thats probably it.

"Alright my Paladin." i said and released the embarrassed Astora knight "show me your worth!" I heard him grumble something but he complied. He took out his sword and before the hollows could even hope to turn around and see what hit them, they were dead.

I would clap for him, but those were just simple hollows, so…yeah.

"Next time make me prove my worth on something more difficult." Did he just…?

 I was planning to help him with the Tarus demon, but now he is on his own, I hope it will be what he wanted!

Yeah, in petty like that.

"Oh? Alright then." I had to suppress my chuckle and suppress my smirk to not alarm him of my intentions. "I will." Unfortunately, a tinge of maliciousness found its way to my voice, which caused him to shuffle nervously before changing the subject.

"Where to now?"

I pointed at the entrance blocked by the Fog wall and fallowed after him. We went up the stairs and exited the building via the door opening to the right.

Ah, yes…the drake jumpscare location.

This will be fun to watch.

Just as Oscar was mid way through the bridge/path leading to the next location of the undead burg…it happened! The hellkite drake landed on the bridge in front of Oscar! Its massive talons wrapped themselves around the path to stabilize its massive body before it stopped and turned its head toward my Paladin.

I was watching it all unfold by peaking through the doorway we came through.

Oscar was petrified, his legs refused to move as he gaped dumbly at the big red reptile.

Actually now that I look at him more carefully…aren't his legs shaking? 

The drake turned its massive head toward Oscar, it eyed him for a split second before it let out a snort that released a puff of smoke through its nostrils and then flew off into the distance.

I immediately stepped out back into the bridge with a calm smile on my face, hands in my pockets, and with a relaxed posture.

That monster could kill me, but there is no reason to give Oscar such suspicion. Who would follow a God that is scared of Drakes when there are Gods that could slay dragons? Or should I say "there were" instead? Gwyn is hollow, Nito probably WANTS to die, and the witch of Izalith is a mutant demon tree. Yeah, most of the gods here are no longer able to slay dragons probably. But the humans didn't know that, still thinking that they are in Anor Londo

"A-a-a-a…" Oscar tried to stammer out.

"A what?" I began with a nonchalant voice. "Oh the Drake?" An idea struck me, and I had to summon all the strength in my body to prevent my lips from forming into a smile.

Now, I shall do a little trolling.

 "He will be your next opponent for me to test your worth." Oscar stiffened at my words. "A more difficult opponent just like you wanted. After all, what sort of God ignores the request of his Paladin, am I right?" 

I couldn't help it. I smiled. But at least I managed to suppress it enough to not make it into a large psychotic smile, because if I didn't even Jeff the killer would be jealous of it.

Damn that's nostalgic. I still remember reading that creepypasta when I was 6 in 2012 and being afraid of him.

I patted Oscar on the back and moved past the Astora knight who was probably in despair at this moment. I zapped the crossbow-wielding hollow and then did the same with the three others who were charging at me with broken swords. 

The sound of footsteps to my right made me unleash a wave of lightning arcs in that general direction. It was the two spear-wielding hollows that guard the entrance to the area where the undead merchant is.

"Weird, they shouldn't become agro until you get close enoug-" I stopped. "Right. This isn't a world bound by game mechanics and script. I need to stop thinking like it is." I scolded myself.

Moving up the stairs I saw the area with the bonfire. It was inside one of the supports of the bridge above me, connected to the rooftop i'm currently standing on by a hand-made wooden bridge.

"Alright Oscar, go lit it up so you can use it later-" only now I noticed that Oscar was not here. I looked back and sighed as I saw Oscar standing right where I left him. "OI, OSCAR! STOP BEING A CRYBABY AND GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE BEFORE I DRAG YOU HERE LIKE I DID FROM FIRELINK SHRINE TO UNDEAD BURG!" this brought his attention back to reality and he gazed at me for a second before he started moving toward me.

Groans and multiple footsteps sounded from behind me. My response was to discharge another wave of lightning at the sound's general direction again. 

It seems like my shouting got the Attention of the hollow undead that guard the closed gate leading to the lower undead burg. Not only them but the annoying firebomb throwing hollows also took notice and started throwing…well…firebombs, duh.

Fortunately for me, they were too weak to throw them far enough to reach me.

Unfortunately for them, my lightning was strong enough to reach them.

"Lord Lucas?" Oooh! LORD Lucas eh? Not gonna lie, that word tickled me in a good way. "May I ask something?" Oh? Is he gonna beg me to make him not fight the Drake?

"Ask away"

"Why are the souls of the Hollow you slay come to me?"


No, wait! I can use this!

"I'm a God Oscar" I told him and made sure to emphasize the word 'God'. "I don't need souls. But you on the other hand…you are undead, you can make use of them." 

Why would a God need more strength? If one is a God, then his strength is enough to shatter mountains with a flick of a finger. No, scratch that. The strength of a God is enough to destroy universes by just sneezing.

The concept of a God is something that can't be understood by mortal minds, it's something that is completely impossible for a mortal to understand.

For what is a God other than a title that is given to an idea of something perfect? Something we will always strive for but never reach?

Perfection…in a way it's both a blessing and a curse.

It's a blessing because you reached the peak of everything.

And its a curse because you reached the peak of everything.

You are at the top of existence, nothing will be better than you. But if you reach that point…if you achieve perfection…what is the point of existence?

Struggle, and hardship is what gives our life meaning.

Why live if you can solve every problem without difficulty? What is the meaning of such existence? 

It's boring.

It's stagnant.

Without purpose.

The Gods in fanfictions always give power to a random guy to satisfy their boredom, to feel a thrill of excitement by watching the life of an imperfect being that was given unlimited power.

Is it because they desire that imperfection? Because they don't want to be the omniscient deities that they are? Because they can live that sort of life only by observing the life of an imperfect being?

"I see…thank you my lord." Oscar bowed slightly, but I was too absorbed by my own thoughts, thinking of a response to the questions I asked myself. I just nodded lightly and continued my train of thought.

What is a God? 

And do I truly want to become one?

Damn…why do I have to be so fucking philosophical all of a sudden? I hate this… 

I didn't even know what I wanted to be before I was transmitted, and now I need to figure out if I want to be a God.

I'm 16 year old, am I ready for such a responsibility? For such duty? Will I be able to prevail? Or will I be crushed under a mountain of expectations that my believers will have toward me? 

…im a God…i thought that such a title would carry unlimited freedom…but now that I think about this…isnt that a title that binds me? Isn't it a title of someone that needs to take care of the well-being of the people who believe in you? To listen to your followers pray to you in their time of need? 

Do I want to be God?

Am I ready to be a God?


I don't know

I have no idea…