
How to be a God in the Game-multiverse. (starting in Dark souls)

A very..."interesting" kid is offered a journey to become a God. what's the catch? well, he needs to save a couple of worlds in order to gain the worship of people that he needs to ascend.

some_random_dude1 · Video Games
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Oscar Proves himself while Lucas goes to chat with Solaire

I'm having a fucking identity crisis, and I haven't even fully settled for what kind of identity I want to have.

Why can't I be one of those brainless MC's who just live the best of their life and dick around in the multiverse? Not even a day after I got isekai'd and I'm already going through character development questions that I shouldn't ask myself so early in my journey!

Y'know what? 


Later. I will deal with all this philosophical nonsense LATER. I don't want to answer those questions now! Hell, I don't even know if I will ever be able to answer them? What do I know about the world, how it works, and our part in it? 


So I will do what every teenager does when he is forced to answer the uncomfortable question of "who do you want to be when you grow up?". 

I will ignore the question and act like it was never asked. Screw responsibility and your place in the world! Let's go have fun, shall we??

"Alright, we reached a bonfire, and there are only two of us. This is a good time to share it." I began while shifting back to my 'im a very powerful deity' persona I chose to wear around Oscar and any other people…at least in this world. 

Maybe I'll play the Crazy happy-go-lucky mentality for the next world I will visit.

Because if im able to choose my next divinity after I max out my current one then im definitely choosing something that will let me travel the multiverse!


How do you call it?

Fuck it, let's go with "dimension traveling". I'm gonna choose something that allows me to travel to other dimensions.

"Listen well my Paladin, we will soon travel to a tower where we, or should I say YOU, will battle a Demon." Oscar inhaled sharply. "It wields a war axe that fits its size. And the area where you will fight it will be a narrow path on the top of the stone wall." 

I think im a sadist. I took a small pleasure in Oscar's uncomfortable shuffle.

"Could we possibly…not do that?" My victim asked.

I used my energy manipulation to grab the ladder on top of the broken stairs and yanked it down to us so we could use it.

"We can use this to skip the fight with the demon."

"Oh." Oscar exclaimed, probably shocked that I knowledge his request. "Thank you my lor-" time to bitchslap him with the reality of Dark Soul.

"But if we do that, we will enter the area where the Drake will be." Yeah get fucked Oscar, you either GIT GUD or you stop playing dark souls. And I do need him to make him do all the hard stuff so I can go through this journey comfortably…soooo….yeah, sorry Oscar but I'm gonna put you through hell to make you stronger.

"Ah, I see." My paladin said in the most deadpan voice I have ever heard. "I shall try my chances with the demon then" after he said that, the world went gray again, and time seemed to stop.

Alright, I've seen this happen once. It happened when I was choosing what sort of blessing I should give Oscar back in the undead asylum.

[A test of worth has been chosen! Your Paladin will soon face a mighty foe! ]

[Should he succeed, tell us the price you would like to bestow on him.]

[Should he fail, tell us the punishment you want to inflict]

"Shouldn't this choice be given right before we cross the fog wall atop the tower?"

[Who said that the boss is going to stay on the top of the tower?]

Fuck, shit, fuckfuckfuckfuck.

"Aright, if he succeeds then make his {cutting wave} stronger, if he fails make him 1% weaker." I'm generous like that. 

My paladin failed? A slap on the wrist shall suffice, now go and continue to commit questionable things in my name!

Alright all jokes aside tho, I need to find a way to help Oscar.

Shit, the world gained its colors again. Need to act fast!

"Change of plans, the demon is coming this way." Right as I said this a loud THUD could be heard from outside. "Go fight him" 

I stood up and pat him on his shoulder, his stressed body language changing into something else as I used my divine magic to reinforce his muscles with my energy manipulation to aid him.

He seemed surprised by the sudden feeling of gaining raw power out of nowhere, but before he could say anything I spoke once again.

"A little gift from me to you to help you on your test. Good luck, I'll go and recruit a very Jolly companion to join us on this journey while you fight to the death with-" a loud roar sounded through the area, it almost seemed to shake the ground as dust started to fall from the walls and ceiling. "...with THAT."

I approached the ladder and started climbing it, I tried my best to do it in a relaxed way, in a way that didn't make it seem like I was in a hurry.

When I reached the top and was about to climb the stairs, I heard something interesting coming from Oscar.

"I will not disappoint my lord." He said simply before he dashed out of the room toward the outside where the demon roars came from.

It wasn't the words that surprised me. It was the tone.

He was scared and anxious not that long ago, and yet…when he said it there was something in his voice… Something confident, it was almost like he made a promise when he said that.

What caused his attitude to change so quickly? Was it something I did? All I've done is act relaxed and nonchalant while going up the ladder.

I don't get it.

Eh, whatever, let's get out of here and get Solaire.

What's the point of being in dark souls if you don't have the best boy on your team?

I heard more demon roars and what seemed to sound like the demon greataxe smashing stuff. Hope Oscar is having fun, there is a lot more of this kind of enemies later so he might as well learn to enjoy it.

Wait, did I just wish for Oscar to become a M?

…I…I better abandon this train of thought before it becomes weirder.

Making my way up I ignored the passage under the bridge and went on the top of it. What I did not expect once I got on it was Solaire charging silently with a lightning spear in one hand and his sword in his other hand into the direction of the hellfire drake sitting above the gate of the bonfire near the sunlight altar.

What? …just….WHAT???

The fact that he did this so silently without even a battle cry or anything of the sort made this situation unreal, almost comical if you ask me.

The drake snarled as it prepared to burn the warrior of sunlight with its fire breath, but a lightning spear hitting its throat made it choke. I gazed in wonder as the scales on that area cracked and fell off its body.

The games tell you that dragon scales and some drakes are weak against the lightning but that translates to simply doing more damage to it via lightning.

To see the process and effect of lightning weakening the creature was…fascinating.

It destroyed its scales, it's natural armor. It left it naked, exposed to the threats of sharp steel that Humans and everything human-like is able to wield.

Lightning made them Mortal.

"Cool" I whispered in awe under my breath and watched the drake hop off the gate and onto the bridge where Solaire was waiting with his sword raised, and another lightning spear ready to be thrown.

I came up this bridge to have a chat with Solaire while away from the danger of the Tarus Demon who climbed down its tower, but now that I think about it, the demon may be less threatening than the Drake.

But I couldn't move, my feet were rooted in the ground. I stood and watched. This is going to be the most epic fight I was about to see to this point in my life, and I was weirdly okay with being in the danger zone in order to witness it.

I quickly peaked down the bridge edge and saw Oscar jumping from one rooftop to another as he avoided the demon's large swings. 

He's okay for now.

I looked back to Solaire and the Drake and noticed that they were already in battle. The little amount of time that I used to peek down at Oscar was enough for Solaire to strike the Drake with a lightning spear again, or at least this is my judgment after I saw the exposed left side of the snout that was lacking its scales.

The Drake head sprung forward low to the ground trying to catch the warrior of sunlight, but without even a smudge of hesitation, Solaire jumped up and landed on the now confused Drake head

The pointy end of the sword found it's way into the beast eye. It was done with such force that only the hilt of the sword remained.

Solaire jumped off just as the Drake started trashing his head and backed two steps away from him. It let out a roar of anger and started flapping its wings, but before it could even lift itself one inch into the ground a lightning spear hit the sword hilt.

The electrical current traveled from the hilt, through the blade and then directly inside the Drake head.

Clever. Very clever.

I wouldn't have thought of such a way to kill the beast even if I would have spent the whole day thinking on how to do it.

This attack stunned the beast, and before it had the time to recover Solaire threw another lightning spear. Then another. And another. And another.

The Drake seemed to experience a violent seizure which caused Solaire to stop his assault and watch as the beast spasm for a moment and then go limp.

Alright, maybe it wasn't a long and epic battle, but it was an amazing show of clever thinking and skill.

10/10. Would watch again.

Another Roar. This time from the undead burg.

Right, Oscar is fighting the Tarus demon. Almost forgot.

I once again peaked over the edge. I squinted my eyes as I saw the Tarus demon and Oscar in the lower undead burg, Oscar jumping and Rolling away from the beast attack trying to keep his distance.

What I also noticed was an enormous amount of Red, and I think that it was blood. Was Oscar playing the waiting game and waited for the demon to lose a considerable amount of blood in order to weaken it? How did he even deal so much damage?

"He cut the veins on the Demon legs to make it bleed out." A voice sounded beside me. "A common tactic but a good one, the only problem being that large demons have more blood than us due to their big body."

His voice is warm and soothing even when he is serious. Solaire you Jolly optimistic fool, I love you so much! *Sniff* i'm not crying…I'm really not!

Holding in my tears I focused on Oscar's battle again and saw his baiting the Tarus demon into killing the hollows that burst through the closed doors.

Oscar mainly focused on dodging, and it was working. Minutes passed and I could see the demons slowing down as it lost too much blood.

The demon tried and failed to swing his axe. It fell on all fours and tried to get up but it was all in vain.

Seeing his opportunity, Oscar charged with the tip of his sword aimed forward. I was too far to see, but from what I could figure out he stabbed the demon in the head and it died.

"Good job buddy" I praised under my breath. It's…weird. Pride in someone else.

Is it wrong to feel pride for him when I abandoned him to fight that demon by himself? 

Maybe I should give him an extra reward…

And I even had an idea on what it should be.

The only problem is that im not sure if Solaire would be okay with me taking the Drake tail from the corpse.