
HOTD: Aerion Targaryen

- I do not own the story or any characters, except for the main character. - This story is primarily developed during my weekend holidays. - I am writing this to enhance my writing skills, aiming to improve my overall storytelling. Feel free to provide comments if you notice any mistakes or issues. -I haven't read the books, and have only a vague understanding of the book adaption and Canon version of Game of thrones, House of dragon and the whole history of the world.

MrGood23 · TV
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38 Chs

Chapter 22

"What's this?" Alicent queried, noticing a small letter.

"A missive... from Vaemond Velaryon," Viserys revealed.

"The Sea Snake's sibling?" Alicent sought confirmation.

"Yes," Viserys affirmed, proceeding to explain the situation in the Stepstones. He was in a quandary; while he wished to send aid, the Small Council advised against it.

Lord Corlys and his allies were losing their war, and by all accounts, this letter was a plea for assistance. But sending ships now might portray the crown as weak, at least that's what Otto and the rest of the council believed.

"Why not dispatch aid then?" Alicent probed.

"Because this war was instigated by two dissidents, discontent with the decisions I made," Viserys retorted, annoyance creeping into his voice.

"If I now extend aid to Daemon and Corlys, what message does that send about their king?" Viserys pondered aloud.

"Perhaps, that he is a compassionate man who cares for his brother," Alicent suggested.

"Well, if you genuinely believe that, my dear... then you indeed have a generous heart," Viserys complimented Alicent, his heart slightly comforted.

"What do you believe, Viserys?" Alicent questioned.

"That I am eternally destined to displease one person in the act of pleasing another," Viserys confessed, leaning back in his chair.

"Then I pose a simpler question: Is it better for the realm if the Crabfeeder thrives, or is vanquished?" Alicent asked.

Viserys already had the answers and he also made up his mind not only for the kingdom but also for his brother.

Next day King'slanding,

Within the towering walls of the Red Keep, the throne room stood silent. The Iron Throne, a monstrous construct of a thousand swords, loomed over the hall, its dark presence overshadowing the figures below. King Viserys, his hand resting upon the hilt of the legendary sword Blackfyre, sat upon the throne, his gaze sweeping over his court.

The King's Guard, in their gleaming white armor, stood sentinel around the throne, their faces obscured behind their helms. Below the dais, Otto Hightower, the Hand of the King, stood with a solemn expression, his eyes fixed on the ground.

The members of the small council were arrayed beside him. Alicent Hightower, the queen, stood beside Princess Rhaenyra, both adorned in their courtly finery, yet their faces betrayed a tension that mirrored the room's charged atmosphere.

The heavy doors to the throne room burst open, breaking the silence like a clap of thunder. All eyes turned as Prince Aerion, Viserys' First son ( in name) strode into the room. His expression was calm, composed, a stark contrast to the other's within the throne room. He approached the throne, his steps measured, and offered a formal bow to his father.

"Father," Aerion began, his voice echoing through the hall, "I stand before you and the realm to address the charges laid against me."

King Viserys regarded his son, the weight of the crown heavy upon his brow. "Aerion, are you certain you wish to proceed? If doubt lingers in your heart, release Maester James and offer your apologies," he urged, his voice laced with a father's concern.

Yet Aerion's resolve did not waver. He met his father's gaze, a confident smile playing upon his lips. "Please continue, Father, as you must. I stand ready to face whatever comes," he replied, his voice steady.

Viserys gave a curt nod to Otto Hightower, who bowed deeply before turning to address the prince.

"Aerion Targaryen of House Targaryen," Otto intoned, his voice carrying the weight of his standing, "you stand accused by the Order of Maesters of falsely accusing Maester James and unlawfully imprisoning him. How do you answer these charges?"

The room held its breath, awaiting the prince's response. Aerion's eyes swept across the faces of the council, the queen, his sister, and finally rested on the Hand of the King.

"With all due respect, Lord Hightower, the charges are baseless," Aerion declared, his voice resolute.

"Maester James conspired against the crown and my house, House Targaryen and I acted to protect the kingdom and my house. I have evidence to prove my claims, and I request a fair trial to present it before the court."

Murmurs rippled through the assembly as the gravity of Aerion's words sank in. The king rose from his throne, Blackfyre in hand, and the room fell silent once more.

"Very well," King Viserys announced, his voice booming across the hall. "A trial shall be held to ascertain the truth of these matters. Maester Luwin will represent the Order of Measters to present the case."

King Viserys, seated upon the Iron Throne, had just declared the commencement of a trial. Maester Luwin, a slightly old potbelly Maester stood forward representing the Order of Maesters, stood ready to present the case against Prince Aerion, who was accused of imprisoning Maester James on false accusations and causing harm to the reputation of the Citadel.

As the trial was about to begin, King Viserys summoned all related parties. Dragonkeepers as witnesses, Maester Aemond as a related party, and, Maester James, were called forth.

Because the latter was in Aerion's custody he was escorted by two men under Aerion, their arms laden with stacks of scrolls and various containers, evidence of the prince's thorough investigation.

The throne room doors closed with a resounding thud,as all unrelated parties left the hall, Viserys signaling the start of the proceedings.

Aerion, standing tall and resolute, was the first to address the assembly. His voice, clear and unwavering, filled the hall as he recounted his visit to the Dragonpit.

"After returning from Kingswood I was going to visit and see how Syrax was doing a bit before I could see Syrax I saw Dreamfyre chained down. I was confused why the dragon was chained Inside the pit but on closer inspection I found Dreamfyre in a weak and violent state.

After my primary investigation it can be seen that the dragon has been chained for a prolonged period, on more recent observations I found artificial wounds and such on the dragon.

I later freed Dreamfyre and took it to be treated after some questions it was found that due to Maester Aemond Advanced age he had appointed Maester James who would take on his position after his retirement to take care of the dragons.

For many of my questions, Maesters James answers and reaction made him a suspect.

As the only member of house Targaryen within the castle at that time I took the authority to arrest Maester James for questioning." Aerion explains what happened in detail.