
HOTD: Aerion Targaryen

- I do not own the story or any characters, except for the main character. - This story is primarily developed during my weekend holidays. - I am writing this to enhance my writing skills, aiming to improve my overall storytelling. Feel free to provide comments if you notice any mistakes or issues. -I haven't read the books, and have only a vague understanding of the book adaption and Canon version of Game of thrones, House of dragon and the whole history of the world.

MrGood23 · TV
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38 Chs

Chapter 21

"Is my brother inside?" Rhaenyra's voice was a mix of command and concern, her eyes fixed on the door.

"Indeed, princess, but the prince has forbidden disturbance," Ser Harrold replied, the conflict was clear in his eyes.

Rhaenyra's gaze did not waver. "I doubt I am whom he meant to bar," she stated, her tone leaving no room for argument.

Ser Harrold's hesitation was palpable, torn between duty and the fierce determination of the princess before him. But thankfully the decision was taken from his hands as Aerion's voice, clear and authoritative, cut through the silence. "Let her in, Ser Harrold."

With a nod, the knight stepped aside, and the door creaked open, revealing the chamber's inside to Rhaenyra. The room was old but clean the entire chamber was Vacant if not for some tools, vessels and draws dancing in the light that breached the darkness. And there, amidst various items, she saw her brother Aerion.

Aerion was hunched over, his back to Rhaenyra, deeply engrossed in etching something onto the hard ground.

Rhaenyra entered the room, the door closing behind her with a gentle thud. Her eyes scanned the chamber, taking in the half-completed array etched into the central area of the floor. To the trained eye, it was clearly a magical array.

Her gaze wandered, noting the various tools, vessels, and cabinets filled with herbs, metals, and minerals. However, a particular skeleton caught her attention - a small dragon's remains.

"Aerion," she began, her voice softer now, "what are you up to?"

Aerion turned slowly, "Sister," he said, his eyes following hers, "If you're referring to the dragon skeleton, I'm conducting an experiment."

"I'm not specifically asking about the skeleton. I'm wondering why you're here, etching the chamber floor, surrounded by a collection that resembles a Maester's chamber. And why have you arrested Maester, inviting trouble for father and yourself ?" Rhaenyra questioned.

Aerion paused, turning to face her fully. After their uncle Daemon, Rhaenyra was the second most troublesome person who brought troubles for their father Viserys. Now, she was questioning him about the problems he had caused.

"Firstly, sister, I'm not inviting trouble. I have valid reasons and evidence for arresting Maester James. Secondly, I'm not destroying the Chamber floor but working on something beneficial for our house," Aerion defended himself, walking towards a drawer and retrieving a silver metal blob.

"Observe this. I refined this metal from the mineral extracted from the dragon bone and added it with some other minerals . It's stronger than the finest steel, weighs only a third, and most importantly, it can conduct magic," he explained, holding the glowing metal blob.

"What?" Rhaenyra was taken aback, her concern about the Maester momentarily forgotten as she stared at the glowing metal.

While the majority acknowledge the existence of magic in this world, many are unaware of how to harness it naturally. Most rely on magical items passed down from the age of Ancient Valeria, some magical abilities passed down through blood, or some related to the gods of this world.

However, all these are weak magic, nothing compared to his imagination and inheritances. The strength of science from Rakesh's memories or the martial arts, Alchemy, and array knowledge from Bloodmist are far superior to this world's magical attainment.

But Aerion wasn't limited by the world's progress in magic. He was able to use this world's magic energy and integrate it with the inheritance of Bloodmist to do remarkable things and use the basic scientific principles of Rakesh's inheritance to improve them further.

For instance, the array he was currently engraving on the floor was a small-scale Refinement array. Once completed, it would aid him in refining medicines, minerals, and other things.

After examining the metal blob, Rhaenyra asked, "Aerion, what can it do besides glowing?"

Aerion smirked, a proud look in his eyes as he explained, "Once my experiments are completed, I can use the metal to build a weapon that could slice a Dragon into two with a swing or a shield that can even protect one from the strongest Dragon flame, or make a full set of knight's armour that would make the wearer strong enough to rival a small army by himself and much more."

As Aerion began to explain the various ways the metal could be used and the various weapons and magical items he could produce, Rhaenyra was increasingly amazed.

She asked questions, and after talking for more than two hours, she was excited "I want a sword !" she demanded as she left the chamber quickly before Aerion could accept or reject her.

Rhaenyra completely forgetting that she initially came to inquire about the matter regarding Maester's arrest.

As Rhaenyra departed for her quarters, Alicent, fresh from a conversation with her father Otto, the King's Hand, found herself contemplating the idea of her firstborn, Aegon Targaryen, as the heir to the throne that her father was trying hard to convince her.

But the Friendship, emotions and loyalty she had for Rhaenyra and the previous Queen Aemma Targaryen made her hesitate.

More than that the thought of her children starting a war for the throne or being sacrificing her children for her father's ambition made her hesitate, with these thoughts swirling in her mind, she left the chamber.

She made her way to the King's quarters, where Viserys was engaged in a discussion with the Maesters, sipping wine to dull the pain that wracked his body. Upon Alicent's arrival, the Maesters respectfully bowed and exited the room, leaving the royal couple alone. Alicent's gaze fell upon her husband, his face etched with discomfort.

"Are you faring well, my lord?" Alicent inquired, concerned lacing her words.

"The Gods have seen fit to chastise me for my excesses," Viserys responded, the pain from his recent indulgences during the three-day banquet and hunt in Kingswood still evident.

"But the wine was exquisite, wasn't it?" Alicent attempted to lighten the atmosphere, settling down with a contented sigh.

"Indeed, too exquisite," Viserys agreed, taking another sip of his wine.

Alicent hesitated before broaching a topic, "There's something I wish to discuss..."

Viserys, reading her expression, instinctively knew the subject, "Rhaenyra!"

"I fear she didn't find Jason Lannister's company to her liking," he admitted with a sigh.

"I did caution you about her potential resistance," Alicent reminded him, a hint of 'I told you so' in her tone.

"Rhaenyra is of age now. She needs to wed a noble lord who will honor her, protect her, and serve as her king consort," Viserys voiced his concerns, a sense of helplessness creeping into his tone.

"Her personal desires in this matter hold no weight," he declared.

"I believe Rhaenyra will consent to marriage, Your Grace, especially if you cease to pressure her," Alicent advised.

"What other options do I have?" Viserys questioned, turning to look at his wife.

"You must convince her that marriage is her choice," Alicent suggested.

Upon hearing this, Viserys leaned back, fully comprehending Alicent's advice, which echoed her previous counsel. With a resigned sigh, he decided to give it a try.