
Honkai Impact: Herrscher of Progressions

Xin Tian is a 13-year-old kid who loves to read and watch anime. Suddenly, he gains the power of the gamer and, due to curiosity, activates his skills to travel into Apotheosis without caring about the dangers he may confront.

zedmoto123 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 7 Playing Around the Sect Examination

Luo Yan found comfort and relaxation as she lay in Xin Tian's lap. The gentle warmth emanating from Xin Tian's body and the sense of security he provided eased her worries and brought her a sense of peace. With her head resting on his thighs, she closed her eyes and allowed herself to fully immerse in the moment, savoring the tranquility of their connection.

As she lay there, Luo Yan's mind drifted away from the chaos of the outside world. She focused on the rhythmic rise and fall of Xin Tian's breath, finding solace in the steady and reassuring pattern. It was as if time stood still, and there was nothing else that mattered in that intimate space they shared.

Luo Yan's body felt weightless, her muscles relaxed, and her mind cleared of any concerns or burdens. She allowed herself to be vulnerable, embracing the genuine affection and care Xin Tian grew deeper.

She cherished these quiet and intimate moments together, recognizing the genuine connection they shared.

As Luo Yan felt her lips being kissed by Xin Tian, after two years of staying together, they had already done many things that couples do, including intimate ones.

Opening her eyes, Luo Yan saw the warm smile of her beloved man. "Let's visit my sect, the Qing Yun Sect. I still need to report to them that the treasure was not real," she said.

Xin Tian agreed. It was also time for them to leave the snowy place and for him to introduce himself to Luo Yan's family.

As Luo Yan and Xin Tian prepared to leave the snowy place and embark on their journey to the Qing Yun Sect, they gathered their belongings and store them inside his inventory, they bid farewell to the tranquil surroundings that had provided them solace for so long.

With a wave of her hand, Luo Yan summoned a portal shimmering with spiritual energy. The portal's ethereal glow illuminated the snowy landscape as they stepped through, leaving behind the serene refuge they had cherished.

On the other side of the portal awaited the Qing Yun Sect, a place of profound cultivation and ancient traditions. As they emerged from the portal, they were greeted by the breathtaking sight of majestic mountains, cascading waterfalls, and vibrant flora that adorned the sect's surroundings.

"I'm going to enter the sect trial, so wait for me, okay?" Xin Tian said, a playful smirk written on his face.

Luo Yan chuckled, fully aware of Xin Tian's playful nature. "Of course, I'll be waiting for you," she replied with a warm smile. "But please take it easy. The tests in the Qing Yun Sect are known to be rigorous and demanding, although for someone like you, they would be a walk in the park."

Xin Tian immediately left the place, filled with excitement. Luo Yan watched his departure with a gentle smile and decided to visit the elder who was overseeing the sect trials.

Luo Yan made her way through the grand halls of the Qing Yun Sect, guided by her familiarity with the sect's layout. As she approached the chamber where the elder resided, she could feel a sense of anticipation building within her.

The door to the elder's chamber creaked open, revealing a serene and wise figure seated at a wooden desk, engrossed in reading an ancient scroll. The room was adorned with shelves filled with mystical artifacts and books, each containing the wisdom and knowledge of generations past.

"Ah, Luo Yan," the elder greeted her, his voice carrying a deep resonance. "I have been expecting you. Please, come in."

Luo Yan stepped into the chamber, feeling a mix of reverence and gratitude for the elder who had guided her throughout her journey in the sect. She bowed respectfully before him before taking a seat across the desk.

"I have returned from the snowy place," Luo Yan began, her voice filled with determination. "I bring news regarding the treasure we sought. It turns out it was not real, but merely a test of our resolve and strength."

The elder listened attentively, his eyes filled with wisdom. He nodded, understanding the nature of trials and tests in the realm of cultivation.

"Indeed, trials come in many forms," the elder replied, his voice gentle yet profound. "Sometimes, the greatest treasures lie not in the physical realm, but within ourselves. It is through these challenges that we grow and discover our true potential."

Luo Yan took a moment to absorb the elder's words, finding solace and reassurance in his wisdom. She knew that her journey with Xin Tian had not been in vain, even if the treasure they had sought turned out to be an illusion.

"Thank you, Elder," Luo Yan expressed her gratitude, her voice filled with sincerity. "Your guidance and teachings have shaped me into the cultivator I am today. I am forever grateful for your wisdom and support."

The elder smiled warmly, his eyes twinkling with pride. "You have grown immensely. I can't even sense your cultivation level. At what stage are you now?"

Luo Yan didn't answer his question and simply gave him a smile. The elder knew that she wouldn't say anything and decided to let the matter go.

As Xin Tian descended the mountain at full speed, his eyes caught sight of a dagger hurtling towards him. Without making an effort, he effortlessly raised his hand, palm outstretched. With a swift flick of his wrist, he redirected the dagger's trajectory, causing it to veer off course and fly harmlessly into the distance.

Xin Tian approached the entrance exam of the Qing Yun Sect, only to find a crowd of eager participants blocking the way. he swiftly maneuvered through the sea of people, effortlessly dodging and weaving past each individual in his path.

Arriving at the forefront, Xin Tian stood tall and composed, ready to face the entrance exam.

"Wow, another group of people failed the trial and eliminated," Xin Tian turned his gaze towards the man with the average appearance and brown hair, who had just commented on the failed participants. Curiosity sparked in Xin Tian's eyes as he wondered about the man's own experiences and observations.

"Is there a requirement for joining the Qing Yun Sect?" Xin Tian turned his attention to the man with the handsome face and purple hair, acknowledging his question with a nod. "Yes, there are certain requirements to join the Qing Yun Sect," Xin Tian replied, his voice humble and devoid of malice.

"First, you need to create a sect token using your energy," Xin Tian said as he made a token using his energy. "If you are not strong enough to create one, it means you're not strong enough."

The purple-haired man, having successfully created his own sect token, nodded with satisfaction. He stepped forward, his gaze fixed on the path ahead. The brown-haired man, intrigued by the purple-haired man's progress, struck up a conversation, and Xin Tian followed closely behind, climbing the stairs that led to the next stage of the entrance exam.

"The two of you didn't feel a thing despite walking this far?" the brown-haired man asked, his tone filled with shock and disbelief. Xin Tian and the purple-haired man exchanged puzzled glances, unable to comprehend the meaning behind his words.

Confused, the purple-haired man spoke up. "What do you mean?" he asked, his voice laced with curiosity. He, too, was intrigued by the brown-haired man's remark.

The brown-haired man took a moment to collect his thoughts before responding. "I'm talking about the change in gravity as we ascended these stairs. Normally, one would feel the increasing pull or heaviness, but it seems like the two of you didn't even notice it."

Xin Tian and the purple-haired man shared a surprised look, realizing that they had been completely unaware of the change in gravity. They had walked the stairs without feeling any difference in weight or resistance.

"The gravity within the sect is 10 times stronger than it is outside! Making the disciple token and crossing through the gate are just the first few steps. Only by completing the trial can you officially become Qing Yun Sect's outer disciple," the brown-haired man exclaimed, his eyes filled with amazement as he looked at Xin Tian and the purple-haired man.

Curiosity brimming within him, Xin Tian couldn't help but ask, "How can we complete the trial? And how do they record our scores?"

The brown-haired man took a moment to gather his thoughts before responding, "Your disciple token records your strength, but the trial will make decisions based on each person's unique scenario."

Xin Tian and the purple-haired man exchanged glances, their interest piqued by the mention of a personalized trial. They realized that their journey within the Qing Yun Sect would be tailored to their individual abilities and experiences.

As they continued their ascent up the stairs, their hearts filled with anticipation and excitement.

Seeing that the purple-haired man had a storage ring but was carrying a rag in his hand, Xin Tian couldn't help but ask, "Why are you carrying that rag when you have a storage ring?"

The purple-haired man looked at Xin Tian with curiosity, then glanced down at his storage ring. Realizing his oversight, a sheepish smile appeared on his face. "You're right," he admitted, acknowledging the convenience of the storage ring. Without hesitation, he placed the rag inside the storage ring, freeing his hand.

Xin Tian and the purple-haired man shared a brief moment of amusement at the oversight. It was a reminder of the convenience and power that the storage rings provided, enabling them to carry their belongings without the need for physical bags.

After walking for 10 miles upstairs, the gravity suddenly intensified, becoming 20 times stronger than outside. Xin Tian, with his exceptional physical strength and Level, He continued to walking steadily, unaffected by the increased gravity. He maintained his composure and showed no signs of fatigue.

Meanwhile, the brown-haired man, He feels lacking strength and endurance, began to feel the strain. Panting heavily, he struggled to keep up with Xin Tian's pace, his steps becoming slower and more laborious.

The purple-haired man, though not as physically exhausted as the brown-haired man, still found himself perspiring under the increased gravity. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead, evidence of the additional effort required to climb further.

As the two individuals leaped from behind, attempting to catch Xin Tian and the purple-haired man off guard, they were met with swift and decisive actions.

Xin Tian's mastery of earth magic allowed him to react quickly. With a wave of his hand, he summoned the earth's power, causing thick tendrils of soil and rock to emerge from the ground, entwining around the limbs of the man sneaking up on him. The earth's grip tightened, immobilizing the assailant and rendering him helpless.

Meanwhile, the purple-haired man's reflexes were equally impressive. Reacting with agility and precision, he swiftly turned, launching a powerful kick aimed at the second attacker. The force behind his kick was formidable, connecting with the assailant's body and sending him sprawling backward.

Meanwhile, as the brown-haired guy was on the brink of falling victim to a successful sneak attack, Xin Tian's instincts kicked in with remarkable precision. Without even glancing in the attacker's direction, Xin Tian swiftly drew his blade and executed a swift and powerful strike, severing the assailant's arm with a single fluid motion. The attacker let out a cry of pain and crumpled to the ground, rendered instantly incapacitated.

"Thank you for saving me," Xin Tian was taken aback by the unexpected display of gratitude from the brown-haired guy. He had anticipated a different reaction, considering the nature of their dire encounter. Nonetheless, he accepted the bow with humility, a sense of respect growing between them.

"You're welcome," Xin Tian replied sincerely, his voice carrying a note of reassurance.

"You're welcome," Xin Tian replied sincerely, his voice carrying a note of reassurance.

"I'm Xin Tian," Xin Tian said, introducing himself to the others. He turned to the brown-haired guy and extended his hand. "It's good to meet you. And you are?"

The brown-haired guy smiled and shook Xin Tian's hand firmly. "I'm Mo Can," he replied. "Glad to have you with us, Xin Tian. Your skills are impressive."

Xin Tian nodded, acknowledging the compliment. He then turned to the purple-haired guy, who introduced himself as Luo Zheng. Xin Tian couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity with the name, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

"Luo Zheng," Xin Tian repeated, his voice reflecting his surprise. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Luo Zheng. Your name sounds familiar to me, as if I've heard it somewhere before."

"Perhaps you heard about the Luo Family instead of Luo Zheng," Luo Zheng replied.

"Not really, I don't even know about the Luo Family except for my wife having the same last name," Xin Tian replied, a hint of curiosity in his voice.

"I see," Luo Zheng said, his expression filled with surprise. Xin Tian being married to someone from the Luo Family was unexpected news.

Xin Tian's face lit up with mischievous delight as he suddenly remembered that Luo Zheng was not only his wife Luo Yan's brother but also the big brother she had often mentioned. The realization sparked an idea in Xin Tian's mind.

Xin Tian used his gamers system interface, accessing the chat function to send a message to Luo Yan. With a mischievous smile, he typed:

[Xin Tian]: Hey, guess who I just met in the sect trial? Your big brother Luo Zheng! We're teaming up for a little surprise for you. Get ready for some sibling fun!

Xin Tian pressed the send button, eagerly awaiting Luo Yan's response. He couldn't help but chuckle, imagining her reaction to the unexpected reunion with her brother in such a unique setting.

As Xin Tian awaited Luo Yan's response, he couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation and excitement. The prospect of surprising her with the unexpected encounter filled him with joy. He glanced over at Luo Zheng, who was engaged in a conversation with Mo Can, the brown-haired guy they had rescued earlier.

After a few moments, a notification popped up on Xin Tian's gaming interface, indicating that he had received a message from Luo Yan. He eagerly opened it to read her response.

[Luo Yan]: What?! You met Luo Zheng?! That's incredible! I can't believe he's also participating in the sect trial. I'm so excited to see him! Can't wait for the surprise. Let's meet up after the trial is over!

Xin Tian couldn't help but smile at Luo Yan's enthusiasm. He quickly composed a reply, his fingers flying across the virtual keyboard.

[Xin Tian]: Haha, I knew you'd be thrilled! We'll definitely meet up after the trial. It'll be a great reunion! Stay focused on the trial for now, and we'll make it even more memorable later. Love you!

With a satisfied nod, Xin Tian sent the message and turned his attention back to the ongoing sect trial. The anticipation of the surprise reunion with Luo Yan and Luo Zheng added an extra layer of excitement to the challenges they were facing. He was determined to make this experience unforgettable for both of them.

"Hand over your sect token and I would let you dogs live," A guy wearing a white robe said with full arrogance.

"Why?" Luo Zheng asked as if seeing an idiot.

"Why? Because my name is Zhuge Hong," Zhuge Hong said with a tone of arrogance and emphasizing his last name.

'Sound like a sirens,' Xin Tian thought upon hearing the name Hong. "Sirens? No, More like a barking chihuahua," Xin Tian muttered under his breath, unable to resist a subtle jab at Zhuge Hong's arrogance.

Luo Zheng couldn't help but stifle a chuckle at Xin Tian's remark but quickly composed himself, maintaining a serious expression.

"You're savage," Zhuge Hong said, his frustration evident as he bit his lips.

Xin Tian couldn't help but wonder how Zhuge Hong knew about sirens and chihuahuas. The reference seemed out of place in this realm of cultivation. But he decided to focus on the matter at hand rather than pondering the source of Zhuge Hong's knowledge.

"I don't have time for your empty threats," Xin Tian said, his voice calm yet resolute. "If you want our sect tokens, you'll have to take them by force. But I warn you, it won't be an easy task~"

As tension filled the air, Xin Tian and Luo Zheng prepared themselves for the impending clash, ready to defend their sect tokens and prove their mettle.

"Run!" The brown-haired guy shouted, pulling Xin Tian and Luo Zheng along as they sprinted away from Zhuge Hong. They swiftly maneuvered through the sect trial grounds, their feet pounding against the ground as they sought to create distance between themselves and their pursuer.

"Are you done running? Not only do I want your badge, but I also want your life!" Zhuge Hong shouted, his voice filled with fury.

Xin Tian looked at Zhuge Hong with a puzzled expression. "Why?" he asked, genuinely curious about the reason behind Zhuge Hong's aggression.

Zhuge Hong's face twisted with anger. "Not only do you dare to play a cat and mouse game with me, but you also have the audacity to question me?" he retorted, his voice seething with rage.

Xin Tian remained undeterred by Zhuge Hong's outburst. "Yes, I'm questioning why you want our lives," he persisted, still struggling to comprehend Zhuge Hong's intense reaction.

A wicked smile spread across Zhuge Hong's face as he glared at Xin Tian. "Because you dared to make me run!" he spat out, his words filled with a venomous rage.

Xin Tian found himself further puzzled by Zhuge Hong's answer. "Who said you needed to chase after us?" he stated matter-of-factly. "You're the one who pursued us, and now you're blaming us because you're exhausted? Are you an idiot?"

Xin Tian's words struck a nerve with Zhuge Hong, his face contorting with a mix of anger and disbelief. The audacity of Xin Tian's response fueled his rage even further.

"How dare you speak to me in such a manner!" Zhuge Hong shouted, his voice laced with fury. "I am from Zhuge family and you will show me the respect I deserve!"

"Okay, I've had enough of talking with you. If we can't resolve this peacefully, it means we'll have to resort to violence. And if that doesn't work, then I'll have to escalate it further," Xin Tian declared. He clenched his fists, cracking his knuckles, and began to approach Zhuge Hong with deliberate steps. Those accompanying Zhuge Hong attempted to intervene, but they were swiftly and effortlessly thrown aside by Xin Tian with a single wave of his palm.

Xin Tian unleashed a flurry of powerful strikes, landing blow after blow on Zhuge Hong. With each strike, he demonstrated incredible speed, precision, and strength. Zhuge Hong was unable to defend himself against Xin Tian's relentless assault, and his arrogance quickly crumbled in the face of Xin Tian's superior combat skills.

Suddenly, a blood lion appeared next to Luo Zheng and launched a fierce attack. Reacting swiftly, Luo Zheng skillfully dodged the lion's assault, narrowly avoiding its razor-sharp claws.

Xin Tian's eyes grew cold as he fixed his gaze upon the stone statue. He focused his energy, drawing upon its raw power with unwavering intensity. With a resounding roar, he unleashed a devastating attack that surpassed anything the examiners had ever witnessed. The sheer magnitude of his assault left them terrified, realizing that they had no chance of survival if they were to face it head-on.

The force behind Xin Tian's strike was overwhelming, obliterating the stone statue in an instant. The sheer power unleashed by his attack left no room for doubt or escape. The shockwave reverberated through the air, causing the ground to tremble and onlookers to gasp in awe.

As the dust settled, Xin Tian's eyes burned with righteous anger. "I despise those who sneak attack with such smugness on their faces," he declared, his voice filled with determination.

The individual who had been concealing himself behind the stone statue cried out in agony, writhing on the ground as he attempted to evade Xin Tian's attack. Despite his desperate efforts, he proved unsuccessful in dodging the devastating strike, as it struck his arms and legs with force, causing him to lost both his arms and legs.

"Do you really need to do that?" the woman examiner asked, her voice filled with concern and compassion as she witnessed the criminal being devastated by Xin Tian's attack.

Xin Tian turned his gaze towards the woman examiner, his expression serious and resolute. "He was attempting to harm others and showed no remorse," he replied firmly. "Sometimes, certain actions call for a strong response to protect the innocent."

The woman examiner nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. While she empathized with the pain the criminal was experiencing, she recognized the necessity of Xin Tian's actions in maintaining order and ensuring the safety of those participating in the examination.

The examiners were indeed impressed by Xin Tian's display of strength and justice. They recognized his potential and saw him as a valuable asset to their respective perspectives. They approached Xin Tian, each trying to convince him to join their peak, showcasing the benefits and opportunities that awaited him.

However, Xin Tian remained steadfast in his decision. His primary motivation was to be reunited with his wife, Luo Yan, who resided in the Yu Nu Peak. Despite the tempting offers from other peaks, but those treasure was nothing for Xin Tian who can get any treasure just by grinding and his inventory was already full of treasure.

With a firm but respectful tone, Xin Tian expressed his gratitude to the examiners for their interest in him. He explained his reasons for choosing Yu Nu Peak, emphasizing his desire to be with his wife.