
Honkai Impact: Herrscher of Progressions

Xin Tian is a 13-year-old kid who loves to read and watch anime. Suddenly, he gains the power of the gamer and, due to curiosity, activates his skills to travel into Apotheosis without caring about the dangers he may confront.

zedmoto123 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 8 A Normal Day

The Elder of Yu Nu Peak expressed her intention to bring Xin Tian directly to the Yu Nu Peak, but Xin Tian refused her offer. He explained that he already knew the direction and would go there later, as he still had a meeting with Luo Yan.

The Elder of Yu Nu Peak understood Xin Tian's decision to prioritize his meeting with his wife and respected his choice, even though she didn't know who had the privilege of becoming the wife of this talented individual.

Xin Tian found Luo Zheng talking with Mo Can and decided to bring him to the meeting place that Luo Yan had given him. "Luo Zheng, someone you know wants to meet you," Xin Tian said. Luo Zheng looked suspiciously at him, but after thinking for a moment, he decided to agree to Xin Tian's invitation.

Inside his mind, Xin Tian smirked mischievously upon hearing Luo Zheng's agreement to meet Luo Yan. He anticipated the surprise and joy that awaited Luo Zheng upon reuniting with his sister.

Xin Tian's mischievous smirk grew wider as Luo Zheng agreed to accompany him to meet Luo Yan. He couldn't help but anticipate the surprise and joy that awaited his wife.

With a playful glint in his eyes, Xin Tian led Luo Zheng toward the designated meeting place. As they walked together, Xin Tian couldn't resist teasing Luo Zheng a little. "I wonder who could be so eager to meet you, Luo Zheng. Perhaps a secret admirer or a long-lost friend?" he said with a mischievous tone, intentionally keeping the details vague to pique Luo Zheng's curiosity.

Luo Zheng, although suspicious of Xin Tian's mischievous behavior, couldn't help but feel intrigued by the unknown person who wanted to meet him. With a mix of curiosity and anticipation, he decided to trust Xin Tian's judgment and go along with the plan.

Arriving at the meeting place, Xin Tian and Luo Zheng spotted a familiar figure standing there. It was Luo Yan, radiant and full of warmth, waiting patiently.

As Luo Zheng's eyes met his sister's, a mixture of surprise, disbelief, and overwhelming joy washed over him. He couldn't contain his excitement any longer.

"Luo Yan!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine happiness.

He rushed forward and embraced his sister tightly, savoring the long-awaited reunion. Xin Tian watched the siblings' heartfelt embrace with satisfaction, his mischievous plans having unfolded perfectly.

Xin Tian's mischievous nature seamlessly blended with his warm smile and kind-heartedness as he took delight in orchestrating heartfelt moments for his loved Wife. He graciously stepped back, giving Luo Zheng and Luo Yan the space to share their stories and catch up on the years they had spent apart.

At that moment, Xin Tian couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment and fulfillment. Seeing the smiles on his Wife's and brother-in-law's faces, he knew that his mischievous yet heartfelt actions had brought them immeasurable happiness.

With a playful smirk, Xin Tian introduced himself as Luo Yan's husband, leaving Luo Zheng in utter surprise. Luo Zheng's protective instincts immediately kicked in, and he scrutinized Xin Tian, assessing his character and intentions.

"My brother-in-law is angry~," Xin Tian said, a playful smile written on his face as he deftly dodged Luo Zheng's ferocious attack.

"That's enough, dear," Luo Yan interjected, recognizing that Xin Tian was purposefully provoking her brother with his playful tendencies.

Luo Zheng paused, his anger subsiding as he realized the playful dynamic between Xin Tian and Luo Yan. He glanced at his sister, who gave him a knowing look, silently signaling that everything was under control.

Reluctantly, Luo Zheng lowered his guard, albeit still with a hint of caution. He understood that Xin Tian's teasing was a harmless display of affection. "Jeez, you're too overprotective of Luo Yan, but you should trust her decision sometimes," Xin Tian said, his expression turning serious. He didn't like it when someone forced their choices upon others.

Luo Zheng's brows furrowed, contemplating Xin Tian's words. He knew deep down that Xin Tian had a point. Luo Yan was a capable and independent woman who had the right to make her own decisions. His overprotectiveness sometimes stemmed from his own fears and desire to shield her from harm.

"I guess you're right," Luo Zheng admitted, his voice tinged with a touch of vulnerability. "I just want to make sure she's always safe and happy."

Xin Tian's serious expression softened, and he placed a reassuring hand on Luo Zheng's shoulder. "I understand, Luo Zheng. Your concern comes from a place of love and care, and I appreciate that. But Luo Yan is strong and capable. Let's trust her judgment and support her choices."

Luo Zheng nodded, a mixture of relief and gratitude washing over him. He realized that Xin Tian had his sister's best interests at heart and that his intentions were pure. It was time for him to let go of his overprotectiveness and place his trust in both Luo Yan and Xin Tian.

From that moment on, Luo Zheng vowed to be more open-minded and supportive of his sister's decisions. He recognized that she had found a loving partner in Xin Tian, someone who cherished and respected her. With a renewed sense of trust and understanding, the three of them continued their journey together, their bond growing stronger with each passing day.

As the news of Xin Tian's marriage to Luo Yan spread among the disciples of the Qing Yun sect, jealousy and envy began to brew in the hearts of some. Unable to accept that Xin Tian had won the heart of such a remarkable woman, they sought to challenge him in a fight, hoping to prove their own worth.

One by one, these jealous disciples approached Xin Tian, fueled by their own arrogance and a desire to put him in his place. However, to their dismay, each challenger was defeated with ease, unable to match Xin Tian's skill and strength.

Xin Tian, despite engaging in unnecessary conflicts, considered their challenges a waste of time. With proficiency and precision, he intended to show the Disciple how powerful he was, in order to deter them from approaching him. He saw through their jealousy and understood that their actions stemmed from their own greed to possess talented beauties in their embrace.

Xin Tian looked coldly at his fellow disciples, disdain evident in his eyes as he observed their misguided perception of his wife as a mere trophy. He refused to entertain their shallow notions and instead focused on cultivating a genuine and loving relationship with Luo Yan.

With each Challenge, Xin Tian made it clear through his demeanor and actions that Luo Yan was not an object to be won or possessed. She was a person with her own heart, thoughts, and choices, and their relationship was built on mutual love and respect.

Xin Tian, having made his decision, approached Luo Yan and gently took her hand. "Luo Yan, I want you to come with me," he said, his voice filled with warmth and sincerity.

Luo Yan looked at Xin Tian with surprise and curiosity. "Where are we going?" she asked there's a hint of excitement in her voice.

Xin Tian smiled at her, his eyes sparkling with affection. "I want to show you the world I came from—a place that is highly different from the cultivation realm. It's a world where we can relax together and then return here later. We haven't had a proper rest since we finished the frozen labyrinth, and I would like to introduce you to my parents, and friends."

Luo Yan's eyes widened in surprise and delight. She had always been curious about Xin Tian's origins and the world outside the cultivation realm. The idea of meeting his family and friends filled her with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

"I would love to see your world, Xin Tian," she replied, her voice filled with genuine enthusiasm. "It's a chance for us to experience something different and I also like to meet your parents."

Xin Tian beamed at her response, his heart swelling with happiness. He knew that this journey would strengthen their bond even further and allow Luo Yan to understand him on a deeper level.

Luo Yan and Xin Tian approached the sect Elders and Luo Zheng, gathering them together for an important announcement. The atmosphere was filled with a mixture of curiosity and anticipation as they prepared to share their plans.

With a respectful bow, Luo Yan began, "Elders, Luo Zheng, we have made a decision to embark on a journey in search of a fortuitous encounter. We believe that this journey will not only bring us new experiences but also help us grow stronger as individuals and as a couple."

The Elders exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of surprise and concern. Luo Zheng's brows furrowed, his protective instincts kicking in as he thought about the potential dangers they might face.

Xin Tian stepped forward, his voice calm and determined. "We understand your concerns, but we have carefully weighed the risks and rewards. This journey is an opportunity for us to explore new realms, encounter powerful beings, and expand our knowledge and abilities. We promise to remain vigilant and return safely."

The Elders finally accepted the excuse of the couple, understanding their need for growth and exploration. Reluctantly, they bid Luo Yan and Xin Tian farewell, offering them their blessings and well wishes for their journey.

As Luo Yan and Xin Tian distanced themselves from the sect, their figures gradually fading into the horizon, Xin Tian halted their steps in a secluded spot.

With a confident gesture, he summoned a portal, its ethereal glow illuminating the surroundings.

Xin Tian turned to Luo Yan, his eyes filled with anticipation and excitement. "Luo Yan, this portal will take us to the realm I mentioned earlier," he explained, his voice brimming with enthusiasm.

Luo Yan's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she stepped closer to Xin Tian, her trust in him unwavering. "I'm ready, Xin Tian," she replied, her voice resolute. With a shared smile and a firm grasp of each other's hands, Xin Tian and Luo Yan stepped into the portal, their figures disappearing into the shimmering light.

The portal closed behind them, leaving no trace of their departure.