
Honkai Impact: Herrscher of Progressions

Xin Tian is a 13-year-old kid who loves to read and watch anime. Suddenly, he gains the power of the gamer and, due to curiosity, activates his skills to travel into Apotheosis without caring about the dangers he may confront.

zedmoto123 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 6

As Xin Tian and Luo Yan continued their adventures, facing formidable foes and unraveling mysteries, Xin Tian's level steadily climbed, inching closer to the coveted level 100. With each battle won and each quest completed, Xin Tian grew stronger and more skilled in his abilities as The Gamer.

Finally, the day arrived when Xin Tian reached level 100, the pinnacle of his current progression. As he stood atop a majestic mountain peak, basking in the glory of his achievements, a surge of power coursed through him. The Gamer System reacted to his newfound strength, presenting him with the long-awaited option: Rebirth.

With a mixture of excitement and curiosity, Xin Tian selected the Rebirth option from the system's menu. As he did, a blinding light engulfed him, enveloping his entire being. The world around him faded away, replaced by a realm of pure energy and ethereal beauty.

Within this transcendent realm, Xin Tian felt a profound connection to the essence of the universe. It was as if he had become one with the very fabric of existence. He understood that Rebirth was not merely a reset or a restart but a transformation of his entire being.

As the light subsided, Xin Tian found himself standing in a familiar setting, yet everything felt different. He looked down at himself and noticed the changes. His appearance had transformed, his features becoming more refined and radiant. His eyes shimmered with an otherworldly glow, and a newfound aura of power surrounded him.

Xin Tian now stood reborn as a transcendent being, transcending the limitations of his previous form. The power coursing through him was immeasurable, and he felt a profound sense of enlightenment and clarity.

His abilities as The Gamer had evolved to unimaginable heights. The skills he had honed and mastered before had reached their peak, and new abilities had awakened within him. Xin Tian's stats were amplified beyond his previous limitations, granting him unparalleled strength and potential.

Name: Xin Tian

Job: Transcendent Gamer

Race: Celestial Being

Title: <The Ascendant>

Level: 1/100

HP: 1000/1000

MP: 500/500

Strength: 150

Vitality: 150

Dex: 100

Wisdom: 180

Intelligence: 140

Luck: Infinite

SP: 100

Rebirth: 1

Rebirth Status: XP: 2x, Additional SP: 10

Money: 50,000,000

Xin Tian's eyes widened in awe as he reviewed his new stats and abilities. The vast power at his disposal filled him with a sense of responsibility and purpose. He knew that he had been reborn for a reason: to protect the world and bring balance to the forces of darkness.

With his rebirth, Xin Tian's knowledge and understanding of the world expanded. He could sense the threads of destiny intertwining, guiding him towards his true purpose. He turned to Luo Yan, who had witnessed his transformation with amazement and admiration.

"Luo Yan," Xin Tian said, his voice filled with a newfound resonance, "I have been reborn, transcending my previous limitations. With this power, I shall shout 'KONO POWE!'" When he finished shouting, he gave a heartfelt laugh.

Luo Yan stood in awe, her eyes brimming with admiration and love, but that image was destroyed when he used a weird pose.

"Xin Tian," she said, there's a tired sigh in her voice but filled with happiness as long as he's being himself.

"Xin Tian," she said, her voice filled with a tired sigh but also with happiness, "Please try to stop yourself doing weird posed."

Xin Tian chuckled, his laughter filled with a mix of amusement and enthusiasm. "I can't promise anything, Luo Yan. The Gamer's mind is still a part of me, it's just a hobby of mine, I'll try to keep the weird poses to a minimum."

Luo Yan smiled, appreciating Xin Tian's lightheartedness. "I appreciate the effort, Xin Tian."

"Thank you, Luo Yan," Xin Tian replied, a playful glint in his eyes. "I'll do my best to restrain my otaku instincts during serious moments. But hey, you have to admit, those poses can be pretty entertaining!"

Luo Yan chuckled, shaking her head affectionately. "You never make me laugh."

Luo Yan smiled, her eyes sparkling with determination and warmth. "Xin Tian, I appreciate your playful nature, but let's remember to stay focused and diligent on our journey. We have important tasks ahead of us, and it's crucial that we approach them with a clear mind and strategic thinking."

Xin Tian nodded, his expression serious yet with a mischievous smile playing on his lips. "Let's finish this mission quickly. I can't wait to see the reaction of your beloved brother, Luo Zheng, when he finds out we got married," Xin Tian teased, his voice filled with playful anticipation. He heard many things about Luo Zheng from Luo Yan.

Luo Yan blushed at his remark, a mixture of embarrassment and amusement crossing her face. "Xin Tian, you always know how to catch me off guard with your unexpected comments. But yes, it will be quite a surprise for Luo Zheng. Let's make sure we complete our mission successfully before I introduced you to him," She can't wait to see the surprised expression of her brother.

After countless battles and trials, Xin Tian and Luo Yan found themselves standing at the entrance of the legendary Final Floor—a place rumored to hold unimaginable power and secrets. The Final Floor was said to be a realm accessible only to those who had surpassed their limits and reached the pinnacle of their strength.

With Xin Tian's transcendent powers and Luo Yan's unwavering determination, they stepped into the Final Floor, ready to face whatever awaited them. The air crackled with energy, and the surroundings seemed to pulsate with anticipation.

As they progressed deeper into the Final Floor, they encountered increasingly powerful adversaries and mind-bending challenges. Xin Tian unleashed his newfound abilities, combining his strategic thinking with his transcendent powers. His attacks were devastating, and his presence alone was enough to inspire awe in his enemies.

Luo Yan fought alongside Xin Tian, her skills complementing his own. She showcased her agility and precision, gracefully dodging attacks and delivering precise strikes. The bond between them strengthened with each battle, their synergy unmatched.

The Final Floor tested not only their physical prowess but also their mental fortitude. They encountered illusions, riddles, and trials designed to challenge their resolve and force them to confront their deepest fears and insecurities. But Xin Tian and Luo Yan pressed forward, their determination unwavering.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of intense battles and trials, they reached the heart of the Final Floor. There, they faced the ultimate guardian—a colossal, mythical beast that radiated raw power. The ground trembled beneath their feet as the beast let out a thunderous roar.

Xin Tian and Luo Yan stood side by side, their eyes meeting with unspoken trust and determination. They unleashed their full power, combining their strengths and coordinating their attacks flawlessly. Xin Tian's transcendent abilities and Luo Yan's agile movements created a deadly synergy that overwhelmed the beast.

As their final blow landed, a blinding light engulfed the chamber. When the light subsided, the mythical beast lay defeated at their feet. The Final Floor resonated with their victory, as if acknowledging their triumph.

Xin Tian turned his attention to refining the magical energies of the labyrinth. Drawing upon his newfound transcendent powers and the knowledge he had acquired through his rebirth, he began the intricate process.

Using his innate connection to the Gamer System and his deep understanding of the labyrinth's inner workings, Xin Tian channeled his energy into purifying and stabilizing the mystical forces that permeated the Frozen Labyrinth. His celestial aura intertwined with the icy essence, creating a harmonious balance that radiated throughout the labyrinth's corridors.

As he refined the Frozen Labyrinth, the environment transformed. The walls shimmered with a crystalline glow, and the air became infused with a cool, invigorating energy. The once treacherous traps and hazards of the labyrinth were now tamed, serving as tests and training grounds for future adventurers.

Xin Tian's refinement efforts extended beyond the physical aspects of the labyrinth. He also attuned the labyrinth's magic to align with the principles of balance and harmony. This ensured that the Frozen Labyrinth would not fall into the wrong hands and would continue to foster growth and development for those who dared to explore its depths.

As Xin Tian completed the refinement of the Frozen Labyrinth, a surge of power and responsibility coursed through him. He realized that he had become more than just a guardian of the labyrinth; he was now its rightful owner.

With a deep understanding of the Gamer System and the ability to manipulate the fabric of reality, Xin Tian reached out with his transcendent powers. He willed the Frozen Labyrinth to shrink and condense until it transformed into a small, intricate key. This key symbolized his ownership and control over the labyrinth.

With a gentle touch, Xin Tian captured the key within his palm. It radiated a faint icy glow, pulsating with the magic and essence of the Frozen Labyrinth. Then, he directed his focus towards his inventory, a mystical space within the Gamer System where he could store and carry various items.

Drawing upon his profound connection to the Gamer System, Xin Tian opened his inventory and carefully placed the key-shaped representation of the Frozen Labyrinth inside. As the key vanished from his hand, a sense of fulfillment washed over him, knowing that he could access and deploy the labyrinth at will.

From that moment on, Xin Tian became the keeper of the Frozen Labyrinth, possessing the ability to summon it whenever he desired. The labyrinth, once a physical location in the world, now existed within the digital realm of his inventory.

Name: Xin Tian

Job: Transcendent Gamer

Race: Celestial Being

Title: <The Ascendant>

Level: 1/100

HP: 1,000,000/1,000,000

MP: 500,000/500,000

Strength: 15,000

Vitality: 15,000

Dexterity: 10,000

Wisdom: 18,000

Intelligence: 14,000

Luck: Infinite

SP: 100

Rebirth: 3

Rebirth Status: XP: 2x, Additional SP: 10

Money: 50,000,000


- Mana Missile Lv100 (Transcendence)

- Mana Manipulation Lv100 (Transcendence)

- Healing Magic Lv100 (Transcendence)

- Concealment Lv100 (Transcendence)

- Fireball Lv100 (Transcendence)

- Ice Lance Lv100 (Transcendence)

- Lightning Bolt Lv100 (Transcendence)

- Wind Magic Lv100 (Transcendence)

- Drain Magic Lv100 (Transcendence)

- Water Magic Lv100 (Transcendence)

- Gravity Magic Lv100 (Transcendence)

- Earth Magic Lv100 (Transcendence)

- Advanced Rune Magic Lv100 (Transcendence)

- Engineering Lv100 (Transcendence)

- Cold Resistance Lv100 (Transcendence)

- Cooking (Transcendence)

Passive Skills:

- Concealment Lv100 (Transcendence): It hides one's presence.

- Ancient Wisdom Lv100 (Transcendence): Unlocks advanced magical techniques and increases understanding of world energy.

- Exploration Lv100 (Transcendence): Prevents the user from getting lost.

- Survivalist Lv100 (Transcendence): Detects upcoming danger and poisonous plants.

- Myriad Travel: Allows travel to random worlds and has the ability to revisit previously visited worlds.

- Messy Luck: Brings both luck and unluckiness to the user. Brings luck to those around them.

- Gamer's Body: Grants a body that functions like a game, absorbing experience points, creating skills, and offering an indestructible form. Restores HP, MP, and status effects by sleeping in a bed.

- Gamer's Mind: Enables calm and logical thinking, grants immunity to mental disorders and soul attacks.

- Healing Pool Connection: Allows Xin Tian to establish a temporary link with healing energy sources, enabling him to replicate their rejuvenating effects for an unlimited time.

- Inventory: Provides infinite storage where time is stopped.

Marriage Panel:

Spouse: Luo Yan

Marriage Date: [Date of marriage]

Shared Experience Points (EXP): Yes

Shared Items: Yes

Shared Bank Account: Yes

Shared Housing: Yes

Marital Buffs:

- Love's Embrace: Increases overall stats by 10%.

- Couple's Bond: Enhances teamwork and coordination in battles.

- Emotional Support: Provides emotional stability and morale boost in challenging situations.

- Shared Goals: Mutual encouragement and motivation to achieve personal and joint aspirations.

- Mutual Understanding: Through their strong bond and shared experiences, Xin Tian and Luo Yan have developed a deep understanding of each other's thoughts, feelings, and intentions. This skill allows them to communicate and coordinate seamlessly, enhancing their synergy and cooperation in any situation, be it combat or decision-making. It grants them an intuitive understanding of each other's abilities, strategies, and needs, leading to more effective teamwork and coordination.



Name: Luo Yan

Job: Cultivator

Race: Human

Level: 1,235

HP: 850,050/850,050

MP: 560,000/560,000

Strength: 8,000

Vitality: 6,000

Dexterity: 10,000

Wisdom: 23,000

Intelligence: 23,000

Luck: 789

SP: 170

Rebirth: Not Applicable

Money: 125,720,490


- Sword Mastery Lv200

- Energy Manipulation Lv190

- Healing Arts Lv180

- Elemental Control Lv175

- Stealth Lv170

- Wind Walk Lv195

- Fireball Lv180

- Ice Shield Lv200

- Lightning Strike Lv200

- Water Manipulation Lv190

- Earth Armor Lv200

- Spirit Sense Lv205

- Void Step Lv185

- Divine Protection Lv190

- Celestial Sword Dance Lv155

- Heavenly Winds Lv165

- Thundering Roar Lv175

- Celestial Ascendance Lv150

- Grandmaster Alchemy Lv100

- Astral Projection Lv85

- Time Manipulation Lv70

Cultivation Techniques:

- Divine Ascension Realm: Stage 3

Passive Skills:

- Enhanced Physicality: This passive skill augments Luo Yan's physical attributes, including strength, speed, and endurance. It allows her to surpass the limits of an average human, granting her exceptional physical prowess and the ability to endure strenuous battles and rigorous training.

- Spiritual Perception: This skill enhances Luo Yan's ability to sense and perceive spiritual energy. It allows her to detect hidden presences, divine auras, and fluctuations in the surrounding spiritual essence. This heightened perception enables her to locate hidden enemies, anticipate attacks, and maintain awareness of her surroundings.

- Inner Harmony: Cultivation often involves intense mental and emotional challenges. Inner Harmony allows Luo Yan to maintain a state of balance, calmness, and clarity during cultivation and combat. It helps her remain focused, control her emotions, and make sound decisions even in the face of adversity.

- Elemental Affinity: Due to her extensive training and natural talent, Luo Yan possesses an attunement to the elements. This passive skill grants her improved control over elemental forces such as fire, ice, wind, water, and earth. She can manipulate these elements to create defensive barriers, launch powerful attacks, and adapt to various combat situations.

- Extreme Purple Mist Physique: Luo Yan's rare physique, known as the Extreme Purple Mist Physique, bestows her with a natural affinity for profound energy. This unique trait enhances her cultivation potential, allowing her to absorb and refine spiritual energy at an accelerated rate. As a result, Luo Yan experiences faster cultivation progress, increased overall power, and a deeper connection to the profound forces of the world.

- Soul Resonance: This passive skill enables Luo Yan to resonate with her own soul and spiritual essence. It strengthens her soul's resilience, enhances her spiritual energy control, and grants her the ability to unleash powerful soul-based techniques. Soul Resonance also allows her to forge soul connections with allies, enabling shared consciousness and coordinated actions.

- Divine Aura: As Luo Yan's cultivation advances, her aura radiates with a divine quality. The Divine Aura exudes an awe-inspiring presence, commanding respect and inspiring allies. It also serves as a deterrent to adversaries, causing them to hesitate or feel unease in her presence. This passive skill can instill confidence in allies and weaken the resolve of enemies.

- Celestial Blessing: Luo Yan's connection to the celestial realms grants her the Celestial Blessing. This passive skill draws upon celestial energy, providing her with divine protection and enhancing her combat abilities. It grants her resistance against certain attacks, boosts her healing and recovery capabilities, and empowers her divine and spiritual techniques.

- Absolute Mastery: This passive skill represents Luo Yan's unparalleled mastery of her various skills, techniques, and cultivation realms. It grants her an unrivaled understanding and control over her abilities, enabling her to maximize their effectiveness and reach their full potential. With Absolute Mastery, Luo Yan can execute her techniques flawlessly and make precise adjustments as needed in the heat of battle.

Marriage Panel:

Spouse: Xin Tian

Shared Experience Points (EXP): Yes

Shared Items: Yes

Shared Bank Account: Yes

Shared Housing: Yes

Marital Buffs:

- Love's Embrace

- Couple's Bond

- Emotional Support

- Shared Goals

- Mutual Understanding
