
Honkai Impact: Herrscher of Progressions

Xin Tian is a 13-year-old kid who loves to read and watch anime. Suddenly, he gains the power of the gamer and, due to curiosity, activates his skills to travel into Apotheosis without caring about the dangers he may confront.

zedmoto123 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 5

As Xin Tian explained to Luo Yan how he knew the location of the Frozen Gateway, both of them finally arrived at their destination. Despite having the ability to use the rune of teleportation, Xin Tian chose not to do so and decided to hide it instead.

"Ready yourself, Luo Yan! We're about to face an Ice Golem," Xin Tian said with a mischievous grin.

Luo Yan, eagerly gripped her sword, her eyes sparkling with excitement. Sometimes she admired Xin Tian's carefree spirit and his ability to find joy even in the most dangerous situations.

She started opening up and came to trust Xin Tian deeply. With each passing moments and experience, Luo Yan's walls slowly crumbled, revealing her true self to Xin Tian. Because of His playful nature and caring personality had created a safe space for her to express her thoughts and feelings without judgment.

Xin Tian and Luo Yan approached the Frozen Gateway, a massive structure covered in ice and surrounded by an ethereal mist. The air grew colder as they neared, their breaths turning into small puffs of frost.

Xin Tian placed a hand on Luo Yan's shoulder, his expression turning serious. "Remember, Luo Yan, the Ice Golem is a tough opponent. Its icy attacks are powerful, and it has a high defense. I'm gonna watch you fight the golem and help if you really need it, Ok?"

Luo Yan nodded, her grip on her sword tightening. "I'm ready, Xin Tian. I'm gonna face this head-on."

They stepped forward, crossing the doorway of the Frozen Gateway. The icy mist enveloped them, blocking their vision. As they ventured deeper into the gateway, the sound of cracking ice echoed around them, and the ground beneath their feet grew slippery.

Suddenly, with a thunderous rumble, the Ice Golem emerged from the mist. It stood towering before them, its body composed entirely of ice and frost. Its glowing blue eyes locked onto Xin Tian and Luo Yan, seemingly filled with malice.

Luo Yan took a deep breath, her focus sharpening as she stared back at the menacing Ice Golem. She took a step forward, raising her sword in a confident stance. Xin Tian positioned himself slightly behind her, ready to provide assistance if needed, but he was determined to let Luo Yan take this battle head on.

The Ice Golem wasted no time, launching itself toward Luo Yan with a powerful swing of its icy fists. Luo Yan swiftly dodged the attack, her agile movements evading the golem's strikes with grace. She retaliated with a series of precise sword strikes, aiming for the golem's vulnerable joints and weak spots.

The clash between Luo Yan's sword and the Ice Golem's icy body echoed through the frozen chamber. Luo Yan's shone brightly in her eyes as she poured all her strength into each strike. Xin Tian watched in awe as she exhibited her growing skills.

However, the Ice Golem proved to be a tough opponent. Its icy armor protected it from most of her attacks, and its relentless assaults tested her endurance. Xin Tian carefully observed the golem's movements, analyzing its patterns and weaknesses, ready to intervene if necessary.

Luo Yan refused to back down. She pushed through her fatigue and frustration, channeling her inner fire into her swordplay. She took advantage of brief openings in the golem's defenses, delivering swift and calculated strikes that gradually chipped away at its icy exterior.

"Luo Yan, listen closely," Xin Tian called out, his voice cutting through the clash of steel. "Ice Golems are vulnerable to heat and fire-based attacks. Their icy armor can be weakened and eventually melted with enough heat. Try to focus your strikes on their joints and weak spots to maximize damage."

Luo Yan nodded, her eyes never leaving the Ice Golem. She adjusted her approach, aiming her strikes at the golem's joints, where its icy armor was less dense. Each hit created small cracks, revealing the golem's vulnerable core beneath.

"Additionally," Xin Tian continued, "try incorporating quick movements and agility into your attacks. Ice Golems can be slow and cumbersome, so use your speed to your advantage. Dodge their attacks and strike when they're off balance."

"I know," Luo Yan replied and absorbed his words, internalizing the instructions as she gracefully evaded the Ice Golem's heavy blows. She moved swiftly and fluidly, dodging and weaving through the golem's attacks, always staying one step ahead.

Xin Tian observed Luo Yan's improved agility and commended her efforts. "Great job, Luo Yan! Your evasive maneuvers are spot on. Keep it up!"

Encouraged by Xin Tian's words, Luo Yan pressed on. She continued to chip away at the Ice Golem's icy armor, exploiting its weak points whenever possible. Her strikes became more calculated and precise, aiming to inflict maximum damage.

As the battle continued, Luo Yan's confidently strike. Her swordplay became more fluid and her movements more calculated. She focused on exploiting the Ice Golem's weaknesses, striking with precision and determination.

With each well-aimed blow, cracks spread across the golem's icy armor, revealing its vulnerable core. Luo Yan seized every opportunity to attack, her strikes growing stronger and more relentless. She could feel victory within her grasp.

Xin Tian watched Luo Yan's progress with pride and admiration. He knew that she had come a long way since they first embarked on their journey together. Her transformation from a hesitant fighter to a skilled warrior was evident in every move she made.

"Luo Yan, you're doing amazing! Keep pushing!" Xin Tian called out, his voice filled with encouragement. "You've got this!"

Luo Yan's confidence surged as she absorbed Xin Tian's words. She summoned all her strength and focused her energy into one final, decisive strike. With a powerful swing, her sword found its mark, shattering the Ice Golem's icy exterior and exposing its vulnerable core.

The golem staggered backward, weakened and on the brink of defeat. Sensing its imminent demise, it unleashed a desperate attack, aiming to take Luo Yan down with it. But Luo Yan was prepared. She swiftly dodged the golem's strike, evading its icy grip.

With a burst of fiery determination, Luo Yan delivered the finishing blow. Her sword pierced through the golem's core, causing it to shatter into a thousand pieces of ice, dissipating into the air.

Silence fell upon the chamber as Luo Yan stood victorious, her chest heaving with exertion. The icy mist slowly began to disperse, revealing the Frozen Gateway in all its glory.

Xin Tian stepped forward, a wide grin on his face. "You did it, Luo Yan! You defeated the Ice Golem!"

Luo Yan's excitement and gratitude overwhelmed her, and in a moment of elation, she leaned in and planted a gentle kiss on Xin Tian's lips.

Xin Tian was momentarily taken aback by the unexpected gesture.

Luo Yan blushed slightly, a mixture of shyness and happiness dancing in her eyes. She couldn't find the words to express the depth of her gratitude, but her smile conveyed it all.


Skill Name: Mentor's Guidance

Description: Mentor's Guidance is a teaching skill that allows Xin Tian to impart his knowledge and expertise to others, helping them learn and grow in various fields. Whether it's combat techniques, magic spells, or even practical skills, Xin Tian can effectively teach and guide others to enhance their abilities.

Level 1 Abilities:

1. Knowledge Transference: Xin Tian can transfer his knowledge and understanding of a specific subject to his students, enabling them to grasp concepts and techniques more easily.

2. Skill Analysis: Xin Tian can analyze the strengths and weaknesses of his students' skills or abilities, providing constructive feedback and suggesting improvements.

3. Personalized Training: Xin Tian tailors his teaching methods to suit each student's learning style and pace, ensuring optimal progress and comprehension.

4. Motivational Support: Xin Tian inspires and encourages his students, instilling confidence and helping them overcome obstacles or self-doubt during the learning process.

5. Practical Demonstration: Xin Tian showcases practical applications of the skills being taught, demonstrating proper execution and offering real-time guidance.

Level 2 Abilities (Unlocked at higher skill level):

1. Group Instruction: Xin Tian can effectively teach and manage larger groups of students, maintaining individual attention while fostering a collaborative learning environment.

2. Adaptive Teaching: Xin Tian adapts his teaching style to accommodate different levels of proficiency, catering to both beginners and advanced learners.

3. Problem-Solving Techniques: Xin Tian imparts problem-solving strategies and critical thinking skills, enabling his students to overcome challenges and think creatively in various situations.

4. Advanced Techniques: Xin Tian teaches advanced techniques and secret methods that go beyond the basics, elevating his students' skills to a higher level of mastery.

5. Ethical Code: Xin Tian emphasizes the importance of using one's abilities responsibly and with integrity, instilling a strong sense of ethics and moral principles in his students.

Note: The effectiveness and rate of skill progression may vary depending on the student's innate abilities, dedication, and the amount of time spent training under Xin Tian's guidance.


Xin Tian hold Luo Yan hand and refused to let go. He returned her smile, his eyes filled with warmth and affection.

"Luo Yan," Xin Tian said softly, his voice filled with genuine care, "you don't have to thank me that way. It was your strength that led you to your victory. I believed in you from the beginning, and I knew you had the strength to defeat that golem. without my help."

Luo Yan's heart swelled with emotion as she listened to his words. She hadn't felt this way before, despite being accustomed to compliments. She had never met someone who believed in her so deeply, who saw her potential even when she doubted herself, and the only exception was her brother.

"Xin Tian," she began, her voice filled with sincerity, "you have been more than just a companion to me on this journey. You have been my guide, my teacher, and my friend. You have shown me what it means to be brave, to trust in myself, and to find joy even in the face of adversity. I'm sorry that I acted so cold when we first met."

Xin Tian's grip on her hand tightened, his eyes never leaving hers. "Luo Yan, I don't care about that fake persona of yours."

They stood there, hand in hand, their unspoken words filling the air between them. In that moment, they both knew that their bond had deepened beyond friendship. It was a connection forged through shared experiences, mutual respect, and a profound understanding of one another.

As they basked in the warmth of their shared victory and the tender moment they had created, Xin Tian gently brushed a strand of hair away from Luo Yan's face. His touch was gentle, filled with a mix of tenderness and affection.

"Luo Yan," Xin Tian whispered, his voice barely audible, "I care deeply for you. You've become an integral part of my life, and I want to continue this journey with you, not just as friends, but as something more if you're willing."

Luo Yan's heart skipped a beat, her eyes widening in surprise and delight. The realization of her own feelings surged within her, confirming what her heart had been telling her all along.

"I... Xin Tian," she stammered, her voice filled with a mix of vulnerability and hope, "I feel the same way. I care about you deeply, too. I want to continue this journey with you, not just as friends, but as something more."

A radiant smile spread across Xin Tian's face, his eyes shimmering with joy. Without hesitation, he pulled Luo Yan into a warm embrace, enveloping her in his arms.

"Luo Yan, you've made me the happiest person in this world," Xin Tian whispered against her ear. "I would tell you everything about my secret once we left this place."

Luo Yan nestled into Xin Tian's embrace, feeling a sense of warmth and belonging as she humm herself and never experienced before.

As Xin Tian held Luo Yan's hand, a mischievous glimmer appeared in his eyes. He tapped into his Gamer System, a unique power that allowed him to interact with the world in extraordinary ways.

With a playful grin, Xin Tian accessed the system's menu and selected the "Marriage" option. A holographic screen materialized before them, displaying various choices and information. He knew that some RPG games had a marriage option, where two people could become married and share their items and experience points (XP).

"Luo Yan," Xin Tian said, his voice filled with a mix of excitement and affection, "would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Luo Yan's eyes widened in surprise, her heart skipping a beat. She looked at Xin Tian, her expression a mixture of disbelief and joy. "Xin Tian, are you serious? Isn't this moving too fast?"

Xin Tian nodded, his smile widening. "Luo Yan, throughout our journey together, I've come to cherish you and the connection we've formed. It's been hard for me to contain my feelings, and I've been eager to express my love for you. So, what do you say?"

A range of emotions flickered across Luo Yan's face—surprise, happiness, and a hint of vulnerability. She took a moment to collect her thoughts and let her heart guide her decision.

"Xin Tian," she finally spoke, her voice filled with warmth, "I never thought I'd find myself accepting this, but you know that I'm in a similar situation. I would be honored to be your wife."

Xin Tian's eyes sparkled with joy, and he pulled Luo Yan into a tight embrace. The weight of their decision lifted from their shoulders, replaced by a sense of excitement for the future they would share.

Luo Yan nestled into Xin Tian's embrace, feeling a sense of peace and contentment she had never experienced before. They knew that their bond would only grow stronger as they embarked on this new chapter of their lives as husband and wife."

As the words left her lips, the holographic screen in front of them transformed into a radiant image—a symbol of their union. A burst of light enveloped Xin Tian and Luo Yan, signifying their commitment to each other.

With their hands still intertwined, Xin Tian and Luo Yan shared a tender embrace, celebrating the start of their new chapter together. The Gamer System had brought them closer, but it was their genuine connection and unwavering love that made their bond unbreakable.

Name: Xin Tian

Job: The Gamer

Race: Human

Title: <The Gamer>

Level: 96

HP: 800/800

MP: 350/350

Strength: 90

Vitality: 90

Dex: 67

Wisdom: 122

Intelligence: 94

Luck: Immeasurable

SP: 0

Rebirth: 0 (Note: Reach level 100 to rebirth)

Rebirth Status: XP: 1x, Additional SP: 0

Money: 26,456,890


- Mana Missile Lv50

- Mana Manipulation Lv40

- Healing Magic Lv20

- Concealment Lv23

- Fireball Lv69

- Ice Lance Lv78

- Lightning Bolt Lv89

- Wind Magic Lv70

- Drain Magic Lv68

- Water Magic Lv87

- Gravity Magic Lv97

- Earth Magic Lv93

- Advance Rune Magic Lv1

- Engineering Lv34

- Cold Resistance Lv43

- Cooking (New)

Passive Skills:

- Concealment Lv67: It hides one's presence.

- Ancient Wisdom Lv45: Unlocks advanced magical techniques and increases understanding of world energy.

- Exploration Lv87: Prevents the user from getting lost.

- Survivalist Lv90: Detects upcoming danger and poisonous plants.

- Myriad Travel: Allows travel to random worlds.

- Messy Luck: Brings both luck and unluckiness to the user, Bring Luck for those around them.

- Gamer's Body: Grants a body that functions like a game, absorbing experience points, creating skills, and offering an indestructible body. Restores HP, MP, and status effects by sleeping in a bed.

- Gamer's Mind: Enables calm and logical thinking, grants immunity to mental disorders and soul attacks.

- Healing Pool Connection: Allows Xin Tian to establish a temporary link with healing energy sources, enabling him to replicate their rejuvenating effects for an unlimited time.

- Inventory: Provides infinite storage where time is stopped.

Marriage Panel:

Spouse: Luo Yan

Marriage Date: [Date of marriage]

Shared Experience Points (EXP): Yes

Shared Items: Yes

Shared Bank Account: Yes

Shared Housing: Yes

Marital Buffs:

- Love's Embrace: Increase overall stats by 10%

- Couple's Bond: Enhances teamwork and coordination in battles

- Emotional Support: Provides emotional stability and morale boost in challenging situations

- Shared Goals: Mutual encouragement and motivation to achieve personal and joint aspirations

- Mutual Understanding: Through their strong bond and shared experiences, Xin Tian and Luo Yan have developed a deep understanding of each other's thoughts, feelings, and intentions. This skill allows them to communicate and coordinate seamlessly, enhancing their synergy and cooperation in any situation, be it combat or decision-making. It grants them an intuitive understanding of each other's abilities, strategies, and needs, leading to more effective teamwork and coordination.



Name: Luo Yan

Job: Cultivator

Race: Human

Level: 85

HP: 700/700

MP: 450/450

Strength: 80

Vitality: 85

Dex: 75

Wisdom: 110

Intelligence: 90

Luck: Average

SP: 0

Rebirth: Not Applicable

Money: 12,367,540


- Sword Mastery Lv70

- Energy Manipulation Lv60

- Healing Arts Lv55

- Elemental Control Lv50

- Stealth Lv45

- Wind Walk Lv58

- Fireball Lv42

- Ice Shield Lv52

- Lightning Strike Lv60

- Water Manipulation Lv48

- Earth Armor Lv55

- Spirit Sense Lv65

Cultivation Techniques:

- Foundation Establishment Realm: Stage 6

- Qi Refining Realm: Stage 5

- Core Formation Realm: Stage 3

Passive Skills:

- Enhanced Physicality: Increases strength, speed, and endurance.

- Spiritual Perception: Enhances the ability to sense spiritual energy and detect hidden presences.

- Inner Harmony: Maintains mental and emotional balance during cultivation and combat.

- Elemental Affinity: Attuned to the elements, granting improved control and resistance.

- Extreme Purple Mist Physique: Luo Yan possesses the rare Extreme Purple Mist Physique, granting her a natural affinity for profound energy and enhancing her cultivation potential. This unique physique allows her to absorb and refine spiritual energy at an accelerated rate, increasing her overall cultivation speed and power.

Marriage Panel:

Spouse: Xin Tian

Shared Experience Points (EXP): Yes

Shared Items: Yes

Shared Bank Account: Yes

Shared Housing: Yes

Marital Buffs:

- Love's Embrace: Increase overall stats by 10%

- Couple's Bond: Enhances teamwork and coordination in battles

- Emotional Support: Provides emotional stability and morale boost in challenging situations

- Shared Goals: Mutual encouragement and motivation to achieve personal and joint aspirations

- Mutual Understanding: Through their strong bond and shared experiences, Xin Tian and Luo Yan have developed a deep understanding of each other's thoughts, feelings, and intentions. This skill allows them to communicate and coordinate seamlessly, enhancing their synergy and cooperation in any situation, be it combat or decision-making. It grants them an intuitive understanding of each other's abilities, strategies, and needs, leading to more effective teamwork and coordination.

Note: The marriage panel is a constant reminder of Xin Tian and Luo Yan's marital status and the benefits they enjoy as a married couple in their adventures and daily life.


Luo Yan couldn't help but stare at her status panel in awe. The detailed information about her abilities, cultivation techniques, and the newly added Extreme Purple Mist Physique fascinated her. It was like peering into the depths of her own being, uncovering hidden potential she had yet to fully explore.

"Xin Tian," she exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement and curiosity, "have you seen your own status panel? It's incredible! I never imagined we would have such detailed records of our progress and skills."

Xin Tian grinned, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Yes, it's quite an eye-opener, isn't it? The Gamer's system never ceases to amaze me. But don't worry, Luo Yan, your true strength goes far beyond what's displayed on that panel. You possess the Extreme Purple Mist Physique, a unique attribute that sets you apart. I believe you have even more potential waiting to be unlocked and with my ability you would surpassed your limit."

Luo Yan nodded, her heart swelling with determination. She had always strived to become stronger, to surpass her limitations, and to protect her brother now she had tangible proof of her growth. With the support of Xin Tian and their mutual understanding, now she felt lucky meeting Xin Tian and don't want to leave his side.