
Honkai Impact: Herrscher of Progressions

Xin Tian is a 13-year-old kid who loves to read and watch anime. Suddenly, he gains the power of the gamer and, due to curiosity, activates his skills to travel into Apotheosis without caring about the dangers he may confront.

zedmoto123 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 4 Growing Feelings(Rewrite)

"Xin Tian, I respect your choices, but I need to be certain that you are fully dedicated to this mission. If you are not, it would be best if we part ways now, as I cannot afford to have any doubts or distractions as I venture into this Land of Snow," Luo Yan concluded, her voice filled with a mix of concern and doubt.

As she awaited Xin Tian's response, Luo Yan couldn't help but wonder whether their paths would diverge, leaving her alone.

"Luo Yan, don't compare me with you or anyone else," Xin Tian explained, looking into her eyes with seriousness. "It's like I'm getting stronger because I want to become stronger. I'm a stubborn person. Once I set my mind to something, I wouldn't change it. It's not just a matter of motivation; it's a matter of willingness."

As Xin Tian finished his explanation, Luo Yan felt a mix of emotions welling up inside her. His words resonated with her, highlighting their fundamental differences in mindset and aspirations. While she sought the artifact for the greater good and the advancement of her sect, Xin Tian's motivation seemed driven by personal growth and the pursuit of strength.

Luo Yan couldn't help but feel a tinge of disappointment. She had hoped that Xin Tian would accompany her on this perilous journey, not only for the added strength he possessed but also for the companionship. The thought of facing this adventure alone weighed heavily on her.

Silence lingered in the air as Luo Yan contemplated her next move. She understood Xin Tian's unwavering determination and respected his individualistic nature, but it didn't alleviate her concerns. The Land of Snow was known for its treacherous terrain and formidable Monsters, making the mission incredibly dangerous for a single cultivator.

Finally, Luo Yan mustered the courage to speak, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "Xin Tian, I appreciate your honesty and your steadfastness in pursuing your own path. But embarking on this mission alone, without your support, fills me with unease. The Land of Snow is fraught with danger, and I fear for my safety."

Xin Tian's expression softened as he noticed Luo Yan's distress. He realized the impact of his decision on her, and if she died in her adventure would leave a bad taste on his mouth. "I understand your concerns, But you should trust my strength despite this is the first time we met."

Luo Yan took a deep breath, her eyes reflecting a mixture of resignation and determination. She understood that she couldn't change Xin Tian's mind, and she had to make a difficult decision. As much as she desired his companionship, she couldn't force him to stay against his will.

"Very well, Xin Tian," she replied, her voice steady. "I will trust in your strength. If you're that confident in your abilities and willing to face the dangers of the Land of Snow, then I won't stand in your way. Let us proceed together."


New Mission Update

Title: Frostfall's Legacy

Objective: Venture into the Snow Land and retrieve the ancient artifact known as Frostfall's Legacy.

Overview: Xin Tian, aided by his companions, embarks on a perilous quest to explore the treacherous Snow Land in search of the legendary artifact, Frostfall's Legacy. This artifact is said to possess incredible power and is coveted by dark forces seeking to use it for their nefarious purposes. Xin Tian must overcome various challenges, including battling fierce creatures, solving intricate puzzles, and navigating hazardous terrains, to reach the artifact's resting place and secure it before it falls into the wrong hands.



1. The Frozen Gateway: Find the Frozen Gateway (Complete).

2. The Blizzard's Labyrinth: Enter the Labyrinth (Complete).

3. Frostbite Caverns: Defeat the monster inside the Labyrinth and defeat 10,000 monsters (6,000/10,000).

4. Frostpeak Summit: Reach floor 50 of the Frozen Labyrinth.

5. The Frozen Sanctum: Reach floor 80.

6. Frostfall's Chamber: Defeat the final boss.

7. Claiming Frostfall's Legacy: Once the boss is defeated, refine the Frozen Labyrinth.


- Frostfall's Legacy: An ancient artifact imbued with ice magic

- Experience Points(45,000,000 Exp)

- Frozen Labyrinth


Xin Tian gave a heartwarming smile upon seeing the mission, But that smile cause Luo Yan to blush. Embarrassed, she quickly looked away.

"Thank you, Luo Yan," Xin Tian said, his tone filled with sincerity. He then adopted a teasing tone, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Oh, Luo Yan, you should know better than anyone that I'm strong. After witnessing my abilities, it's surprising that you still doubted my power~"

Luo Yan's cheeks flushed, a mixture of embarrassment and amusement washing over her. She playfully rolled her eyes and retorted, "Well, you can't blame me for wanting to be absolutely certain. After all, it's not every day that I encounter someone with your unique talents and mysterious past."

Xin Tian chuckled, his playful demeanor softening into a gentle smile. "I suppose that's true," he admitted, his voice laced with warmth.

With a thought, Xin Tian accessed his inventory and retrieved a modern house, a comfortable and spacious living space. As he placed it in the world, the house materialized before him, complete with all the amenities and furnishings one would expect in a modern home.

Luo Yan was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the weird-looking house and began to speculate whether it was an ancient artifact. She couldn't help but wonder about Xin Tian's true identity and what secrets he might be hiding.

As Luo Yan stepped inside the modern house that Xin Tian summoned, her eyes widened in surprise. She couldn't help but gasp at the sight of the beautifully designed living space and the unique furniture that adorned each room.

"Xin Tian, this...this is amazing!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with astonishment. "I never expected to find such a luxurious house inside your storage ring. It's like stepping into a different world altogether."

She walked around the living room, running her fingers along the smooth surfaces of the sleek furniture. The contemporary decor and tasteful artwork on the walls added an air of elegance to the space.

"I've never seen anything like this," Luo Yan marveled, her eyes sparkling with wonder. "It's as if we've been transported into a realm of comfort and tranquility. Thank you for providing me with such a remarkable resting place."

Luo Yan explored further, discovering a well-equipped kitchen stocked with modern appliances and a cozy bedroom with a plush bed that seemed to invite her to sink into its softness. She marveled at the bathroom's sleek design, complete with a relaxing bathtub and a refreshing rain shower.

"This house... it's truly incredible," Luo Yan remarked, her voice filled with gratitude. "To think that I can find a comfortable house in a dangerous journey is a blessing. Xin Tian, you have my deepest appreciation."

Xin Tian smiled, pleased to see Luo Yan's genuine surprise and appreciation. He had wanted to provide her with a comfortable space to rest and recharge, and her reaction confirmed that he had succeeded.

"I'm glad you like it, Luo Yan," he replied, his voice warm. "We will need our strength and focus for the adventure that lie ahead, and I will provide us with the things we need."

"I still haven't given you a reward for saving me. Can you please let me know what you want?" Luo Yan asked, feeling uncomfortable about not being able to give anything to her savior.

Xin Tian's eyes softened as he looked at Luo Yan, appreciating her genuine desire to show her gratitude. He reached out and gently placed his hand on her head, offering reassurance.

As Xin Tian began to contemplate Luo Yan's question, mischievousness danced in his eyes, and a playful smile curved his lips. Unable to resist the opportunity to tease her, he responded with a light-hearted tone.

"How about becoming my wife?" Xin Tian playfully suggested, his voice filled with jest.

Luo Yan's eyes widened in surprise, her cheeks flushing with a mixture of amusement and embarrassment. She playfully swatted his arm, a playful glint in her eyes. "Are you sure? I have many suitors if they found out that I got a husband here they would immediately try to kill you,"

"I don't mind, you finally open up," Xin Tian said, He know that Luo Yan was being guarded and reserved in their conversations, but he appreciated the rare moments when Luo Yan showed a glimpse of vulnerability. Xin Tian had noticed that Luo Yan seemed distant lately, lost in thought as if burdened by something.

As they sat in the comfortable living room of the modern house Xin Tian, created using his magic and runes.

Xin Tian decided to let her tell it herself and cooked something using the monster meat and various ingredients he had found in the Land of Snow.

As Xin Tian prepared a meal using the monster meat and other ingredients he had acquired in the Land of Snow, he unexpectedly discovered a newfound skill for cooking. With each precise cut and careful seasoning, he realized an innate talent for transforming raw ingredients into delicious meals. Luo Yan watched him with a mixture of curiosity. The aroma filled the air, making her stomach rumble with hunger.


Status update

New skill created:

Cooking: Cooking - Level 1: Has a natural talent for transforming raw ingredients into delicious meals and prepare a variety of dishes using different cooking techniques, flavors, and seasonings.


The aroma of the meat filled the air, mingling with the enticing scents of the herbs and spices. Xin Tian's instincts guided him as he intuitively adjusted the heat and timing, ensuring that each piece of meat was cooked to perfection. He experimented with different flavors, combining them in a harmonious symphony of taste.

Luo Yan watched in awe as Xin Tian effortlessly moved around the kitchen, his movements fluid and confident. It was as if he had been cooking his whole life, effortlessly creating culinary masterpieces from the simplest of ingredients. Her initial surprise gave way a sense of anticipation, eager to taste the meat.

Finally, Xin Tian presented the cooked monster meat, plated with finesse and accompanied by a colorful array of vegetables. The dish was a feast for the eyes, its presentation rivaling that of a high-class restaurant.

As Luo Yan took her first bite, her taste buds exploded with delight. The meat was tender and flavorful, infused with the perfect balance of herbs and spices. It was a culinary revelation, surpassing any expectations she had held.

"You have truly mastered the art of cooking," Luo Yan remarked, her voice filled with amazement. "This meal is extraordinary, Xin Tian. I never imagined that monster meat could be transformed into such a delectable dish. You have a natural talent for cooking."

Xin Tian grinned, his eyes gleaming with pride. "It seems that even in the harshest of environments, new skills can be discovered," he replied, his voice tinged with satisfaction.

As Xin Tian smirked at her, he couldn't resist teasing her further. "I'm delighted to see that you enjoyed the meal, Luo Yan. If you were to accept me as your Dao companion, you could have the pleasure of tasting this dish every day," he playfully remarked.

Luo Yan's face flushed once again, a mixture of surprise and amusement coloring her expression. She couldn't deny the allure of Xin Tian's offer, and the thought of experiencing his culinary talents on a daily basis was tempting. However, she knew that a decision like that couldn't be made lightly.

"As enticing as that sounds, Xin Tian," she replied, her voice filled with playful banter, "I'm afraid I can't make such a significant commitment based solely on your cooking skills. I'll need a bit more time to consider your proposal."

Xin Tian chuckled, his eyes sparkling with mirth. "Fair enough, Luo Yan. Take all the time you need," he said, his tone lighthearted. "In the meantime, I'll continue to surprise you with my culinary prowess and other talents. Who knows what other skills I might have?"

Luo Yan smiled, appreciating Xin Tian's playful nature. She felt a warmth growing within her, a deepening connection.

As they sat together, enjoying the delicious meal Xin Tian had prepared, the modern house enveloped her a sense of comfort and tranquility. It became a sanctuary amid the trials and tribulations that awaited them in the Land of Snow.

Luo Yan didn't notice that her cultivation level was improving by leaps and bounds, and her talent was increasing as well.

As days turned into weeks, Luo Yan continued her arduous journey alongside Xin Tian through the treacherous Land of Snow. They faced numerous challenges, from battling fierce snow beasts to navigating through icy terrains and enduring extreme weather conditions. Despite the hardships, their bond grew stronger with each passing day.

Luo Yan couldn't help but marvel at the changes within herself. Her cultivation level soared, reaching heights she had never imagined possible. She effortlessly tapped into her inner power, unleashing techniques with precision and finesse. Her movements became more fluid, her attacks more potent, and her control over her spiritual energy unparalleled.

Luo Yan looked at Xin Tian, suspicion etched on her face, as she finally discovered the reason behind her rapid progress. It became clear to her that Xin Tian's meals and the inventions within the modern house were responsible for her remarkable cultivation growth and increased talent.

As Luo Yan observed Xin Tian, she noticed that he didn't know the worth of his modern house and meals.

Curiosity piqued, Luo Yan decided to confront Xin Tian about his lack of awareness regarding the true value of his modern house and meals. She approached him with a serious expression.

"Xin Tian, I have been thinking about something," she began, her voice firm yet gentle. "It seems you are unaware of the immense value of the modern house you summoned and the meals you prepare. They are not ordinary possessions, but rather extraordinary treasures that hold great significance."

Xin Tian looked at her with a puzzled expression, clearly surprised by her words. "What do you mean, Luo Yan? How could a simple house and meals be considered treasures?"

Luo Yan took a moment to gather her thoughts before continuing. "Xin Tian, your modern house is unlike anything I have ever seen. It materialized from your Storage ring, equipped with all the comforts and conveniences. It's because of your extraordinary abilities and your creativity to a realm beyond my own. The fact that it exists here, in our cultivation realm, is remarkable."

Xin Tian felt a bead of sweat trickle down his forehead as he heard Luo Yan's statement. She was right; he was indeed from another realm.

She paused, allowing her words to sink in before she shifted her focus to the meals he prepared. "And the meals, Xin Tian... They are not just ordinary dishes. They are infused with your unique talent for cooking, a talent that has the power to nourish and enhance one's cultivation. The flavors, the balance of ingredients, and the way they harmonize with our bodies... It's an art in itself, a culinary cultivation technique."

Xin Tian's eyes widened as he began to grasp the significance of Luo Yan's words. He had never considered the possibility that his creations held such profound value beyond their immediate utility. The realization washed over him, mingling with a sense of awe and gratitude.

"I never thought of it that way," Xin Tian admitted, his voice filled with a mixture of humility and wonder. "To me, the house and the meals were simply tools to provide comfort and sustenance. I didn't realize the deeper implications they held."

Luo Yan smiled warmly, appreciating Xin Tian's genuine humility. "You possess a rare and precious gift, Xin Tian. Your creations hold the potential to elevate and empower those who partake in them. They are not just ordinary possessions but treasures that can aid in cultivation and transform lives."

Xin Tian's expression shifted, a newfound sense of purpose and responsibility dawning upon him. "If that is the case, then I must learn to recognize and embrace the value of what I possess. I will no longer overlook or underestimate the significance of my modern house and meals. Instead, I will strive to use them wisely and share their benefits with those who can benefit from them."

Luo Yan nodded in approval, her eyes filled with admiration. "That is a commendable decision, Xin Tian. With your talents and the treasures you possess, you have the potential to make a profound impact on the cultivation world. Together, we can ensure that their true worth is recognized and utilized for the betterment of all."

As Xin Tian and Luo Yan became more open with each other, Xin Tian started experiencing an unfamiliar feeling towards her. Despite being accustomed to interacting with girls due to his cousins, who were all girls, this newfound sentiment was different.

Xin Tian found himself drawn to Luo Yan's strength, intelligence, and unwavering dedication to their mission. He admired her determination. Her presence brought warmth and comfort to his heart, a feeling he couldn't quite explain.

As their mission progressed, Xin Tian and Luo Yan found themselves growing closer. Their shared experiences, challenges, and triumphs created a deep bond between them. They began to rely on each other not just as partners but as confidants and sources of support.

Luo Yan couldn't help but notice Xin Tian's unwavering loyalty and his ability to find humor even in the most difficult situations. She admired his resilience and the way he always put others before himself. His presence brought her a sense of security and a feeling of being understood.

As their admiration and respect for each other deepened, they began to realize that their feelings went beyond friendship. They both felt a strong connection, a magnetic pull that brought them closer together. It was as if they were two halves of a whole, complementing each other in ways that no one else could.

They shared stolen glances, meaningful conversations, and moments of vulnerability that only strengthened their bond. However, they were hesitant to acknowledge their growing feelings, fearing that it could complicate their mission or potentially ruin their friendship.

But as time went on, it became harder to ignore the chemistry between them. Their hearts yearned for something more, and they couldn't deny the depth of their emotions. Eventually, they found the courage to confront their feelings and take the leap into a romantic relationship.

With their shared dedication to their mission and newfound love for each other, Xin Tian and Luo Yan became an unstoppable team. Their love fueled their determination and gave them the strength to face any challenge that came their way. Together, they found solace, passion, and a love that surpassed their wildest dreams.



Name: Xin Tian

Job: The Gamer

Race: Human

Title: <The Gamer>

Level: 96

HP: 18,800/18,800

MP: 35,000/35,000

Strength: 90

Vitality: 90

Dex: 67

Wisdom: 122

Intelligence: 94

Luck: Immeasurable

SP: 0

Rebirth: 0 (Note: Reach level 100 to rebirth)

Rebirth Status: XP: 1x, Additional SP: 0

Money: 26,456,890


- Mana Missile Lv50

- Mana Manipulation Lv40

- Healing Magic Lv20

- Concealment Lv23

- Fireball Lv69

- Ice Lance Lv78

- Lightning Bolt Lv89

- Wind Magic Lv70

- Drain Magic Lv68

- Water Magic Lv87

- Gravity Magic Lv97

- Earth Magic Lv93

- Advance Rune Magic Lv1

- Engineering Lv 34

- Cold Resistance Lv 43

- Cooking (New)

Passive Skills:

- Concealment Lv67: It hides one's presence.

- Ancient Wisdom Lv45: Unlocks advanced magical techniques and increases understanding of world energy.

- Exploration Lv87: Prevents the user from getting lost.

- Survivalist Lv90: Detects upcoming danger and poisonous plants.

- Myriad Travel: Allows travel to random worlds.

- Messy Luck: Brings both luck and unluckiness to the user, affecting those around them.

- Gamer's Body: Grants a body that functions like a game, absorbing experience points, creating skills, and offering an indestructible body. Restores HP, MP, and status effects by sleeping in a bed.

- Gamer's Mind: Enables calm and logical thinking, grants immunity to mental disorders and soul attacks.

-Healing Pool Connection: Allows Xin Tian to establish a temporary link with healing energy sources, enabling him to replicate their rejuvenating effects for a unlimited time.

- Inventory: Provides infinite storage where time is stopped.
