
Honkai Impact: Herrscher of Progressions

Xin Tian is a 13-year-old kid who loves to read and watch anime. Suddenly, he gains the power of the gamer and, due to curiosity, activates his skills to travel into Apotheosis without caring about the dangers he may confront.

zedmoto123 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 3 The fight of Two ants(Rewrite)

Xin Tian discovered that he can place the whole plot of land of his modern house inside his inventory. He decided to continue his adventure in the snowy landscape of the Land of Snow when he was ambushed by a group of bandits. With his quick reflexes and newly acquired abilities, he was able to dodge their attacks and strike back with his mana missiles. The bandits were surprised by his strength and agility, and they soon realized that they had underestimated him.

As the fight continued, Xin Tian remembered a new technique he had acquired while exploring a forgotten cave. He raised his hands and summoned a sphere of snow, which quickly grew in size until it was large enough to engulf the bandits. With a wave of his hand, the sphere exploded, burying the bandits under the snow.

But the fight wasn't over yet. Xin Tian's attacks had attracted the attention of a powerful ice dragon, who was now flying towards him with deadly intent. With his newfound skills in wind magic, Xin Tian raised his hands once more and summoned a gust of wind that propelled him into the air.

As the dragon breathed a stream of ice at him, Xin Tian used his mana manipulation skills to create a shield of ice that protected him from harm. He then channeled his gravity magic, causing the dragon to crash to the ground and allowing him to strike the final blow.

Exhausted from the fight, Xin Tian collapsed on the ground and closed his eyes. When he opened them again, he realized that he had leveled up and gained a new ability - the power to summon and control snowstorms. With this newfound power, he traveled further into the Land of Snow, ready to face any threat that lay ahead.

Xin Tian stood up, feeling the rush of adrenaline from his recent battle. He examined the aftermath and collected any valuables the bandits may have had. Placing them in his inventory, he decided to move deeper into the Land of Snow, eager to explore and face new challenges.

The snowy landscape stretched before him, and he marveled at the beauty of the frozen wilderness. With his newfound ability to summon and control snowstorms, Xin Tian decided to test it out. He raised his hands and concentrated his mana, calling forth a swirling vortex of snow and ice. The storm gathered strength, and soon the area around him was enveloped in a blizzard.

Using his Concealment skill, Xin Tian made himself virtually invisible within the storm, blending seamlessly with the snow and ice. He ventured forward, using his Exploration skill to navigate the treacherous terrain without getting lost.

As he journeyed through the icy landscape, Xin Tian encountered various creatures adapted to the harsh conditions. His Gamer's Body allowed him to absorb experience points from defeating monsters, and he used his diverse array of magic skills to overcome each monster. Whether it was blasting enemies with mana missiles, freezing them with ice magic, or controlling the forces of gravity, Xin Tian proved to be a formidable opponent.

With each victory, Xin Tian's strength and abilities grew. He allocated his newly earned skill point, investing it in his Intelligence attribute to enhance his magical prowess.

Xin Tian continued his exploration, delving deeper into the Land of Snow. Along the way, he encountered a group of yetis guarding a hidden cave. Not one to back down from a challenge, Xin Tian prepared himself for another battle.

He unleashed a barrage of mana missiles, weakening the yetis before they could close in on him. As they charged, Xin Tian used his wind magic to create gusts that disrupted their movements, giving him an advantage in the fight. With precise timing, he struck them down one by one, using a combination of ice lance and lightning bolt spells to exploit their weaknesses.

Entering the cave, Xin Tian found himself in an ancient chamber covered in thick layers of ice. The air was frigid, and he could feel the remnants of powerful magic lingering in the air. Curiosity piqued, he activated his Ancient Wisdom skill, allowing him to perceive hidden magical energies.

As he investigated the chamber, Xin Tian discovered a hidden magical rune inscribed on the icy floor. Recognizing it as a rune of teleportation, he used his Rune Magic skill to activate it. In a flash of light, he found himself transported to a different part of the Land of Snow.

This new area was unlike anything Xin Tian had seen before. Towering ice spires stretched towards the sky, and a sense of danger hung in the air. Undeterred, Xin Tian pressed forward, eager to uncover the secrets of this mysterious land.

He encountered powerful snow elementals and fought fiercely, utilizing his gravity magic to immobilize them and his water magic to exploit their vulnerabilities. The battles were intense, but Xin Tian's Gamer's Body allowed him to regenerate health and mana, ensuring he stayed in the fight.

With each victory, Xin Tian grew stronger and more attuned to the snowstorm magic he had recently acquired. He could now summon blizzards that unleashed icy winds and freezing temperatures, overwhelming his enemies. The Land of Snow became his domain, and his enemies trembled in the face of his power.

As Xin Tian continued his journey, he encountered a legendary ice golem, a colossal creature made entirely of ice. The golem was a formidable opponent, but Xin Tian remained unbothered. Drawing upon all his skills and abilities, he engaged in a fierce battle.

The clash of magic and steel echoed throughout the frozen landscape as Xin Tian unleashed his most devastating spells. He combined his gravity magic with earth magic, causing the ground to tremble and create a fissures to form beneath the golem's feet. With a final surge of power, Xin Tian shattered the golem into a thousand icy fragments.

Victorious, Xin Tian stood amidst the wreckage, panting heavily. The battle had pushed him to his limits, but he had emerged as a winner. He knew that there were still greater challenges awaiting him in the Land of Snow, but with his skills, abilities, and indomitable spirit, he was ready to face them head-on.

With his increased levels and the availability of skill upgrades, Xin Tian decided to focus on further enhancing his existing skills. He spent time honing his Mana Missile, Fireball, Ice Lance, Lightning Bolt, Wind Magic, Water Magic, Gravity Magic, and Earth Magic skills, raising their levels to 50. These upgraded the spells.


Status Update:

Name: Xin Tian

Job: The Gamer

Race: Human

Title: <The Gamer>

Level: 86

HP: 800/800

MP: 350/350

Exp: 350/1000

Strength: 50

Vitality: 46

Dex: 25

Wisdom: 55

Intelligence: 27

Luck: Immeasurable

SP: 228 (15 initial + 213 gained)

Rebirth: 0 (Note: Reach level 100 to rebirth)

Rebirth Status: XP: 1x, Additional SP: 0

Money: 26,456,890


• Mana Missile Lv25 (Upgraded to Lv50)

• Mana Manipulation Level 40

• Healing Magic Level 20

• Concealment Level 23

• Fireball Level 50

• Ice Lance Level 50

• Lightning Bolt Level 50

• Wind Magic Level 50

• Drain Magic Level 30

• Water Magic Level 50

• Gravity Magic Level 50

• Earth Magic Level 69

• Rune Magic Level 51

• Engineering

• Cold Resistance (New)

Passive Skills:

• Concealment Level 1: It would hide one's presence.

• Ancient Wisdom Level 2: Unlocks advanced magical techniques, and cultivation technique increases understanding of the world energy.

• Exploration Level 4: An ability that would prevent the user from getting lost.

• Survivalist Level 30: An ability to detect an upcoming danger and poisonous plant.

• Myriad Travel: An ability that would let you travel to some random worlds.

• Messy Luck: An ability that would make you unlucky and make you lucky. However, it only affects the user and brings luck to those around them.

• Gamer's Body: Grants a body that allows the user to live the real world like a game. It can give the ability to absorb exp by defeating monster or living individual, creates skills due to special action, and an indestructible body. Sleeping in a bed restores HP, MP, and all status effects.

• Gamer's Mind: Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. It allows a peaceful state of mind and grants immunity to mental disorders and soul attacks.

•Healing Pool Connection: Allows Xin Tian to establish a temporary link with healing energy sources, enabling him to replicate their rejuvenating effects for a unlimited time.

• Inventory: An infinite storage where time is stopped.


New Skill:

• Cold Resistance: Xin Tian has gained resistance to cold temperatures, allowing him to endure extreme cold environments and negate the effects of frostbite. It also grants him enhanced resistance against ice-based attacks and spells.


As Xin Tian continued his adventure in the Land of Snow, he found himself facing increasingly powerful opponents and treacherous icy landscapes. However, his determination and growing abilities allowed him to conquer each obstacle that stood in his way.

Having reached level 86, Xin Tian gained 213 additional status points to distribute. Considering his experience and the challenges he faced, he decided to allocate his points strategically. He assigned 50 points to Strength, 50 points to Vitality, 40 points to Intelligence, and 73 points to Wisdom. This distribution would enhance his physical prowess, durability, and magical abilities, making him a more well-rounded and formidable gamer.

As Xin Tian ventured deeper into the Land of Snow, he found himself reflecting on his current state and abilities. Despite his formidable strength and array of skills, he realized that his physical attributes had reached a point where further enhancements would yield diminishing returns. He concluded that his strength was now sufficient to tackle most challenges, and he felt a yearning to explore new horizons.

Recalling the teleportation runes he had encountered before, Xin Tian decided to make use of them and return to the flatten land he had created back at his modern house. With a wave of his hand and a focused activation of his Rune Magic skill, he found himself instantly transported back to his familiar abode.

The serene surroundings of his modern house provided a stark contrast to the icy landscapes he had been traversing. Xin Tian appreciated the calm and peaceful atmosphere, basking in the familiarity of his home.

Gazing upon the plot of land that he had placed within his inventory, Xin Tian decided to reestablish it on the flattened area he had created before. With a swift action, he summoned the entire plot of land, complete with his house and its surroundings, onto the designated space.

Standing amidst his house, Xin Tian felt a sense of comfort and nostalgia. It reminded him of the life he had before embarking on his extraordinary journey. He took a moment to rest, allowing his Gamer's Body to recover his health, mana, and rejuvenate his spirit.

While he appreciated the respite, Xin Tian knew that his adventure was far from over. He felt a renewed sense of purpose and curiosity about the world beyond the Land of Snow. With the teleportation runes still in his possession, he could easily return to this safe haven whenever he desired.

Despite having the ability to return to his familiar world, Xin Tian felt a strong desire to continue his journey and explore the vast and diverse realms beyond his modern house.

While his modern house provided a sense of comfort and safety, Xin Tian had grown accustomed to the challenges and wonders of the lands he had explored. Each encounter had pushed his limits, honed his skills, and allowed him to grow as the Gamer.

Taking a final glance at his modern house, Xin Tian, stored it safely within his inventory, knowing that he could return to it at any time soon.

As Xin Tian journeyed through the Land of Snow, his keen senses picked up on the distant sounds of a fierce battle. Curiosity piqued, he followed the commotion and soon arrived at the scene.

Before him, he witnessed an intense confrontation between three powerful cultivators. Their auras radiated strength and their attacks shook the very ground. It was clear that they were both formidable opponents, but Xin Tian sensed that he possessed greater power.

With a calm and collected demeanor, Xin Tian observed their techniques and fighting styles. He carefully analyzed their strengths and weaknesses.

As Xin Tian watched the intense battle unfold, he couldn't help but notice the exceptional skills and power displayed by the cultivators. However, he also sensed that the girl, who seemed to be outnumbered, possessed an inner strength and determination that resonated with him.

Drawing upon his Gamer's Body and Gamer's Mind, Xin Tian analyzed the situation and devised a plan to intervene and turn the tide of the battle. He decided to use his abilities strategically to assist the girl without overpowering her, allowing her to shine and contribute to the fight.

With a surge of confidence, Xin Tian stepped forward and unleashed a powerful combination of spells and techniques. He utilized his Mana Missile to weaken the enemy cultivators' defenses, while his Wind Magic disrupted their movements and created openings for the girl to exploit.

As the battle continued, Xin Tian's precise control over his magic and his knowledge of the enemy's weaknesses allowed him to assist the girl without stealing her spotlight. He used his gravity magic to immobilize the enemy cultivators and create opportunities for the girl to strike with her own formidable techniques.

Together, Xin Tian and the girl fought as a coordinated team, complementing each other's strengths and covering each other's weaknesses. With their combined efforts, they gradually gained the upper hand in the battle.

In a final, decisive move, Xin Tian unleashed a devastating flurry of elemental spells, overwhelming the remaining enemy cultivators. As the dust settled, the battlefield was silent, and the enemies lay defeated.

Breathing heavily but exhilarated by their victory, Xin Tian approached the girl with a smile. He commended her on her impressive skills and expressed his admiration for her determination.

Moved by Xin Tian's support and the strength they had displayed together, the girl introduced herself as Luo Yan , a talented young cultivator from Qing Yun sect.

"Eh, we have the same age? by the way I'm Xin Tian" Xin Tian voice out his thoughts the moment he came to know her age.

Luo Yan raised an eyebrow, clearly surprised by Xin Tian's remark. She looked him up and down, assessing his appearance and demeanor. Although they appeared to be around the same age, she couldn't help but feel a sense of disbelief.

"Are you joking?" Luo Yan asked, a hint of skepticism in her voice. "Our sect leader is one of the most powerful cultivators in the entire Qing Yun sect, and you're clearly stronger than him, yet you're claiming to be the same age as me??"

Xin Tian chuckled, understanding her skepticism. "I can understand your doubt, but it's true. My abilities have been honed through countless battles and unique circumstances. I have trained extensively and gained a variety of skills and powers that have allowed me to surpass my limits and being younger doesn't mean I'm weak."

Luo Yan looked at Xin Tian with a mix of curiosity and intrigue. She heard a tales of prodigious cultivators who possessed exceptional talents and surpassed their peers at a young age, but meeting one in person was a different experience altogether.

"If what you say is true," Luo Yan said, her tone serious, "then I would be honored to fight alongside someone as skilled as you."

"Can I know the reason why you are here?" Xin Tian asked, puzzled by the sight of someone like her venturing into such a dangerous land.

Luo Yan's expression turned somber as she spoke. "I am on a mission from the Qing Yun sect. We have received reports of a powerful artifact hidden within the depths of the Land of Snow. It is said to possess immense magical power, capable of reshaping the balance of power in the cultivation world."

Xin Tian's interest was piqued. The prospect of a powerful artifact intrigued him, and he knew that obtaining it could significantly enhance his abilities and further his growth as the Gamer. He nodded, indicating his willingness to join Luo Yan in her mission.

"I'm interested in this artifact as well," Xin Tian replied. "If it holds such power, it could be a valuable asset in my adventure. I would be glad to assist you in retrieving it."

Luo Yan's eyes sparkled with determination. "Excellent! With your skills and my knowledge of the artifact's location, we stand a better chance of success."

"Well, now that I think about it, I don't really need the artifact itself, but rather the experience of obtaining it," Xin Tian said. He realized that he could recreate the artifact using the ancient knowledge he possessed, and for him, it would be more enjoyable to use something he had created rather than someone else's creation.

Luo Yan's expression faltered as she processed Xin Tian's unexpected response. Her concern deepened, and a hint of disappointment flickered in her eyes. She had hoped that their shared mission would forge a stronger bond between them, but Xin Tian's statement caught her off guard.

"Xin Tian, I understand your perspective, but I must admit that I am disappointed to hear that the artifact itself holds little value for you," Luo Yan replied, her voice tinged with a mixture of sadness and concern. "This mission is not merely about the artifact's power; it is about the greater purpose it serves. It is about preserving the balance of power and protecting the cultivation world from those who would misuse it."

She took a deep breath, trying to convey her feelings and concerns clearly. "If your primary goal is the experience and the thrill of obtaining the artifact, I worry that our motivations might not align. This mission requires dedication and a commitment to the greater good."

Luo Yan's gaze met Xin Tian's, searching for any signs of reassurance or a change of heart. She hoped that he would understand the gravity of the situation and the significance of her mission.