
Hong Kong Billionaire

An unrighteous and a cold hearted man. a villain who struggled from the bottom to the top of society. to overcome his foes he chose to be ruthless and immoral. In a world full of cruelty Fang Ming had no intention of holding back. A story of a man who traveled back to 1980 equipped with his knowledge of the future and his profound wisdom, Fang Ming is determined to pursue his ultimate goal once again.

DaasWolfe · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 34 Moldova Deal

Senchenko who was silent all this time suddenly said: "I know the Lieutenant General responsible for logistics in Ukraine, but he is a very honest and disciplined soldier i don't think he will cooperate with us".

Fang Ming was about to say something but was interrupted by Makhachev who said:

"No he will cooperate with us, everyone has weaknesses we just have to search deeper".

Fang Ming smiled when he heard what Makhachev said, he finally saw some hope for this duo now that they started to have a more ruthless and similar thoughts to his he felt relived that he didn't wast his time for nothing, Fang Ming added in a very satisfied tone:

"You guys can also start from his subordinates or superiors and maybe even his rivals, you just need him to make the first impression than experience, money and the benefits you Bering to the negotiation table is your true trump card".

Makhachev thought for a while and said: "We will probably need a lot of money, brother Fang Ming are you still interested in the arms deal we talked about previously?".

Fang Ming laughed and said: "Of course you guys need money for your adventure and i need guns and ammunition for my business lets get it done as soon as possible".

Makhachev and Senchenko looked at each other and smiled wearily, they have seen restless guys but never seen such a restless and unrepentant man like Fang Ming, he just fought KGB agents not to long ago and he is still eyeing The Soviet Union weapons.


Few days later in the north of Moldova.

An economic small car stooped in front on an old and an abandoned warehouse. Three man got off the small Lada Niva and stood in front of the door.

Fang Ming observed the warehouse in front of him speechlessly, this almost worn out warehouse in the middle of nowhere without security guards or any security measure is suppose to house more than 400 000 USD worth of guns and ammunition.

Senchenko who saw Fang Ming speechless expression showed a triumphant smile and said in a proud tone: "This kind of random hideout are the safest places to store and hide the weapons, no one would bother come to inspect an old and abandoned warehouse in the mountains".

Fang Ming became even more speechless after hearing that before he shook his head and proceeded to follow Makhachev inside the warehouse.

Makhachev smiled mysteriously and said to Fang Ming "Follow me you will definitely be satisfied".

Makhachev brought Fang Ming and Senchenko to the basement of the warehouse, than he walked to a hidden storage room before he removed the cover and turned on the light.

After Fang Ming walked in for few dozens of meters, what appeared in front of him was a shocking scene.

Fang Ming breathing became heavy for a moment, he wanted to rush and open those military green boxes of storage he urgently wanted to knew what guns were inside the boxes, as a guns enthusiast Fang Ming couldn't stop himself from rushing to hold those guns at all.

Makhachev expected Fang Ming reaction and smiled he was a guns enthusiast as well and could understand Fang Ming feeling at the moment.

As for Senchenko he smiled proudly and walked to open the first box he wanted to show off The Soviet Union most advanced light weapons to Fang Ming, Senchenko was very proud of The Soviet Union achievements in the military and couldn't wast this opportunity to show off his knowledge in front of Fang Ming who seemed to know everything.

Senchenko opened the first box and there was about 10 Soviets Union most advanced pistols of the model 30 IZh 70.

It was pitch black all over the box, every single one of this pistols was brushed with gun oil, and they were all brand new Fang Ming took one of the pistols and inspected it in his hand the barrel was very smooth obviously this pistols haven't been used before.

Fang Ming walked to the second box and opened it there were 3 assault rifles neatly placed inside, this rifles were the very famous and most used all around the world The Soviet Union AK 47.

The AK 47 was also Fang Ming most preferred weapon lot of people would argue that the AK 47 is not as accurate as it's counter part the M 16 that was nicknamed the Black Widow but Fang Ming have only one answer to that is the Black Widow as destructive or as penetrative as the AK 47 in close ranges.

Beside the opponents that Fang Ming is facing at this stage are not the most well trained and equipped the CIA, no he is just facing some 2nd rates gangsters with semi automated rifles who haven't even been trained properly or the most vulnerable Hong Kong police mans equipped with pistols.

For this kind of opponents Fang Ming believe that the cheap and destructive AK 47 is the best and most suitable gun, while Fang Ming wont ever underestimate an enemy no matter how weak he is he also wont overestimate him either.

At this moment Fang Ming noticed Senchenko walking to the corner of the warehouse before turning back to him after that he smiled and said in a proud voice:

"Mr. Fang Ming allow me to show you the collection i am most proud of".

After that Senchenko proceeded to remove a long military green fabrics that was covering a the corner of the warehouse.

Rocket propelled grenade RPG 7 and a lot of boxes full or Rockets all around the place.

When Fang Ming saw this he was stunned and this time he wasn't faking it, no this time he was stunned for real because at this point it's no longer a small and a simple arms deal of some guns and ammunition, no this is a completely different business this is a war business, what Makhachev and Senchenko presented Fang Ming with was a complete Soviet infantry battalion equipment.

Fang Ming could only sigh in his heart this kind of war business are normally made by the consent of the government for the close and allied mercenary groups.

For a small arms dealer like Makhachev and Senchenko to be in possession of such a heavy fire power without the consent of The Soviet Union government goes to show just how corrupt the current Soviet Union is.