
Hong Kong Billionaire

An unrighteous and a cold hearted man. a villain who struggled from the bottom to the top of society. to overcome his foes he chose to be ruthless and immoral. In a world full of cruelty Fang Ming had no intention of holding back. A story of a man who traveled back to 1980 equipped with his knowledge of the future and his profound wisdom, Fang Ming is determined to pursue his ultimate goal once again.

DaasWolfe · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 41 ( Trial do not read yet)

"Crack, crash, crash!"

When Fang Ming woke up from the darkness, he saw that everything was gray and that his eyes were heavy.

With his stomach full of water and the sound of waves in his ears, he found himself resting on a beach!

Feeling nauseous, he vomited, "Ouch!"

A rush of memories that did not belong to him crazily rushed into his mind. The strong impact made him feel dizzy for a moment, and he passed out again!

He had traveled through time. His name is Fang Ming, a person from the 21st century!

He currently inhabits a body known as Fang Yuejin, a name that is highly indicative of the era!

He is 20 years old this year, having been a scout for three years and participating in the Vietnam War. His parents died early, and he became homeless after retiring. So, he decided to come to Hong Kong Island to live a better life!

However, fate led him to be discovered by the marine police, and he was shot through the chest while hiding!

His soul was directly replaced by Fang Ming's!

"The stubborn Hong Kong police have no moral ethics and actually shoot directly!" Fang Ming cursed in his heart!

After all, the original owner of his body had been a scout for three years, and he was also a person who had come out from the battlefield and was used to tough and hard conditions.

Had he not been shot, he could have swum straight to the island of Hong Kong.

However, Hong Kong Island in this era is not as safe and beautiful as he imagined!

Although the British Empire collapsed, Hong Kong became more chaotic and disorderly.

Without strong constraints, association activities became increasingly rampant, conflicts worsened, and crimes such as extortion, theft, robbery, and territorial fights escalated.

Countless evils bred in the dark, chaos and madness prevailed, and various criminal cases occurred frequently, with the power of the community growing bigger and bigger!

The nobody's, such as Fang Yuejin, who is from China, are defenseless and will struggle very hard to adapt and survive on Hong Kong Island.

Still, China's communication policies with the surrounding countries are closed at this time. Many Chinese still think of Hong Kong as a paradise and try to sneak into it every day!

However, upon arriving on Hong Kong Island, they realized that this place is hell for the poor!

"System?" Fang Ming said this in his heart, looking forward to the arrival of his golden finger.

But after a while of embarrassment, he found that there was no response at all, leaving him feeling helpless!

Other time travelers have a system where rewards are given out when you sign in and punch in, but his configuration doesn't work!

But at the next moment, Fang Ming found that a white light flashed in front of his eyes, and his body appeared directly in another place.

Without the waves and the sand on the beach, the world would have completely changed!

"This is a warehouse?" Fang Ming looked at the space in front of him in confusion. It seemed similar to the common warehouses in later generations, but it looked very big.

It was as big as a football field.

It was empty inside, with nothing!

Fang Ming walked forward and groped slowly, but found that his movements were completely restricted in this warehouse, and he could not move further away.

"In other words, this is my golden finger. A portable warehouse!"

"I should be able to store things in it! But is it useful?"

Fang Ming left the space helplessly and returned to reality, ready to experiment and research the function of this warehouse.

But at this moment, there was a faint sound of surprise in his ears.

"Ah! Grandma, there is someone there!"

It sounded like a girl's voice, very light and sweet, with a hint of surprise and nervousness.

"Probably a kid from China!" Grandma's voice sounded a little confused.

"The smugglers from China all go to Yuen Long. How did he end up in Tuen Mun? Did he swim so far into the sea? Is he alive?"

Is this Tuen Mun?

Who knows how many days he was unconscious?

Fortunately, he had arrived on Hong Kong Island and should be safe for the time being!

He opened his eyes with difficulty, and it took him a while to get used to the orange-red sunlight!

Turning his head and looking around, he saw in front of him an endless, majestic sea, with miles of winding yellow sandy beaches on both sides, and a small hill behind, which looked a little desolate.

It should be early morning now—just dawn!

And two women, one young and the other old, were standing ten meters away from him, wearing plain clothes, and observing him with some curiosity and alertness.

Both of them carried backpacks as though they were hoping to capitalize on low tide and the early morning hours when fewer people were around to get some fish, shrimp, and crabs from the beach and resell them for money.

"Yeah! He moved; he's still alive!"

The girl said this in surprise and nervousness, looking at Fang Ming with her big eyes flickering and holding her grandma's arm tightly.

The girl appeared to be in her fourteens or fifteens. She was slim and a little dark and thin, but not quite grown out. She had a solid base and was rather tall. She would undoubtedly grow up to be beautiful.

However, Fang Ming always felt familiar when he looked at the small face and large eyes in front of him.

The grandma asked, "Young man, are you coming from China?" as she stepped closer at this point.

The grandma was in her sixties, with kind eyes, and she looked a little haggard due to constant fatigue.

Fang Ming nodded gently!

"What's your name?" The grandma asked again!

"Fang Ming!"

He did not use the name of his current body but the name of his previous life.

After all, Fang Yuejin is so unique, and in Hong Kong dialect, it always sounds a little strange.

What's more, when he came here, no one knew his past. Using the name Fang Ming was a brand new beginning.

"You came here alone? Where is your family?" The grandma asked.

"They're all dead! I'm the only one left!"

Fang Ming didn't say much, but the grandma could imagine that they either died while smuggling across the border or disappeared over there. After all, she heard that the current China was very poor and often suffered from famine.

She couldn't help but think of that time when China was hit by disasters in the 1940s, and there was no food to eat, so her family came to Hong Kong Island.

Later, due to various reasons, only the little granddaughter is left.

Thinking of this, the grandma felt sad and a little melancholic. Looking at the eighteen- or nineteen-year-old young man in front of her, her eyes became softer.

"You must be hungry, right? Come to my house first; I'll find some clothes for you to put on first."

Previously, Fang Ming felt nothing, but upon hearing this, it seemed as though every cell in his body responded, and he was suddenly overcome by hunger.

He didn't know how many days he had been in a coma, but he felt like he could swallow a cow now.

And he had already taken off his clothes before entering the water, leaving only a pair of shorts to cover his shame.

Seeing Fang Ming's embarrassed look, the girl also blushed and laughed!


"My name is Zhou Huimin."

The girl looked at Fang Ming's face and said it a little shyly.

Fang Ming is still very attractive, even though he appears extremely embarrassed right now.

He has very deep and sharp eyes, and his short, raised hair looks very energetic.

What matters most is that his height of 180 centimeters evokes a powerful feeling of oppression in people.

This is a kind of masculine charm, which is very lethal to this kind of fourteen- or fifteen-year-old girl.

But at this moment, Fang Ming was stunned when he looked at the girl. The figure in his memory slowly overlapped with the girl in front of him!.