
Hong Kong Billionaire

An unrighteous and a cold hearted man. a villain who struggled from the bottom to the top of society. to overcome his foes he chose to be ruthless and immoral. In a world full of cruelty Fang Ming had no intention of holding back. A story of a man who traveled back to 1980 equipped with his knowledge of the future and his profound wisdom, Fang Ming is determined to pursue his ultimate goal once again.

DaasWolfe · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 33 A Breakthrough Point

"I advice you not to make that phone call it is already to late for your family to escape whether you inform them or not wont make a difference instead it will just end up helping the KGB knows about your weaknesses and may also end up helping them locate us".

Makhachev showed a troubled expression then asked helplessly:

"What should i do then?".

Senchenko by the side clenched his fists so very hard that his nails ended up puncturing his palm skin Fang Ming by the side even noticed some blood coming out from his clenched fist.

Silence followed that and no one bothered speaking or rather no one had anything to say or was in the mode to.

After more than half an hour of silence Senchenko was the first to speak he turned to Fang Ming with a serious look and asked him solemnly:

"If it were you, if you were in our position what would you do".

Makhachev who heard this was stunned then subconsciously turned to look at Fang Ming with eyes full of exceptions.

Fang Ming smiled faintly and asked back:

"Do you want to start a new or get back at those who back stabbed you?".

Senchenko replied subconsciously: "Take revenge of course i want them to pay the price for betraying us i will have them test despair".

Makhachev on the other hand asked Fang Ming in a hope full voice:

"You mean we have a chance at a come back".

Fang Ming laughed hearty and said: "Good good you have a strong fighting spirit you haven't given up yet, Makhachev my friend of course you can make a come back i wouldn't have wasted my time saving you from the KGB if you were that useless".

Fang Ming continued saying: "Remember this moment, because this is your lowest moment in life you have to swore it to me here and now that you will drag our enemy who schemed against our business cooperation to an even lower point".

Senchenko looked at Fang Ming solemnly and said in a firm tone: "Fang Ming you are a true brother i will never forget your help when we needed it most, i will forever remain grateful".

Makhachev nodded and said: "Fang Ming i here by swore to take revenge on those who betrayed us and to repay this life saving debt".

Fang Ming smiled and said: "Alright enough with that let's discuss how you can make a come back, from my experience in this kind of situation where you become an enemy of your own country over night you only have few options, i would recommend 2 for you".

Fang Ming smile vanished and he became serious: "First you go to The United States and start over there, while this method is safer it is also very slow and not likely to succeed because you guys don't have any connections in the United States and you will have a very hard time keeping your money let alone expend it".

Fang Ming didn't stop for long and continued saying: "As for the second option which i personally recommend is to stay in The Soviet Union and continue to do arms sell business, you guys may think this is crazy and yeah i agree with you it's a very dangerous option but think about it were you guys doing legal business before, no so what's the difference between then and now its just slightly more risky now at most also you can even acquire about those who sold you out to the KGB".

Senchenko frowned but didn't say anything.

Makhachev on the other hand hesitated for a bit and asked: "If we go to The United States how long would it take for us to have our revenge".

Fang Ming thought about for a bit and replied nonchalantly: "I think 1 Billion USD should be enough to hire the best assassins to assassinate any general or minister you have a grudge against".

Fang Ming shock his head and continued saying: "as for how long it would take you to make that much money without any connections in The United Stats i honestly don't think you can make it at all, imagine a peasant in the Soviet Union become it's president it may seems impossible but who knows life is full of surprises, i just want to point out that your chances of earning that 1 billion USD is less than that peasant becoming The Soviet Union president".

Senchenko and Makhachev faces sank they have been with Fang Ming for quit a while and they understood him quit well Fang Ming wasn't someone who exaggerate things or talk big in fact he was someone who make big thins look small, if he made such an exaggerated re marque that just goes to show how hard it is for them to succeed in The United States.

Fang Ming noticed their expression and asked with a smile: "What is wrong with you guys? if you can't succeed in The Unites State just stay in The Soviet Union and do what you are best at, there is no need to look so depressed right".

Makhachev shock his head helplessly and said: "You may not know this, but the one who sold us out is probably a major generals who answer directly to the general responsible of keeping the north of Siberia's safety, he is also the one we transacts with".

Fang Ming laughed and said: "You have experience you know how to smuggle and who to sell this weapons to but those major generals and Lieutenant Generals don't, this is your advantage make use of it currently 80% of The Soviet Union generals are engaged in arms sell directly or indirectly through their subordinates make use of your experience and promote yourself to this people".

Fang Ming paused for a moment and an amused look appeared on his face as he remembered the disintegration of The Soviet Union in his past life before he said:

"you guys don't seems to understand how crazy this people are about money just go and prove how useful you are, and trust me as long and you generate money for this guys they wont mind clearing your names for you".

Senchenko who was silent all this time suddenly said: "I know the Lieutenant General responsible for logistics in Ukraine, but he is a very honest and disciplined soldier i don't think he will cooperate with us".