
Hong Kong Billionaire

An unrighteous and a cold hearted man. a villain who struggled from the bottom to the top of society. to overcome his foes he chose to be ruthless and immoral. In a world full of cruelty Fang Ming had no intention of holding back. A story of a man who traveled back to 1980 equipped with his knowledge of the future and his profound wisdom, Fang Ming is determined to pursue his ultimate goal once again.

DaasWolfe · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 32 Overthinking Is A Double Edged Sword

When the police finally gathered their forces and rushed over Fang Ming and the other two has already disappeared completely from everyone's sight.

The KGB were the first to arrive at the scene after they received a call for help they immediately rushed to reinforce their comrades but when they arrived half of the KGB team was killed while the other half disappeared and only left a pool of blood on the street.

The KGB colonel who lead the reinforcement team saw this and his face turned pale with anger, this lunatics dared to shoot and kill KGB agents in the bright day in Moscow The Soviet Union capital he felt humiliated no The Soviet Union has been humiliated by this incident The KGB colonel swore in his heart to catch this lunatics and make them regret being born in this world.

The KGB colonel took a deep breath to calm his rising anger then he turned to look at his deputy by the side and said in a murderous voice: "You must find the culprit responsible for this incident regardless of the cause or the method, this humiliation can't be washed without their blood".

The deputy immediately saluted and replied in a firm voice "yes colonel".

Just as he finished saluting and was going to start issuing new orders to the other KGB agents he was stopped by The KGB colonel who questioned him all of sudden:

"Wait, tell me all we knows about the culprits and the suspects as well the actions you have already taken".

The deputy didn't wast time and start to report what little information they have gathered in this short period of time:

"Colonel we have already listed Senchenko and Makhachev as the top enemy of The Soviet Union we are currently investigating their new Chinese partner he seems to have entered Moscow air port with a fake Chinese ID we have checked the surveillance cameras in the air port but we didn't manage to catch his facial features he is a well trained professional, we suspect that he used to be a spy in his early days although it will be hard finding his identity we have already started by sending some of our agents to China secretly for further investigations".

The deputy stopped here for a second than continued saying with anger in his tone:

"I am planing to issue a demand for the Kremlin to condone China for their misappropriate act and condemn their actions, they have gone to far and they must pay the price for what they did".

The KGB colonel who was listening to his deputy report shook his head and said:

"Don't bother China will never dare act in such a barbaric action against The Soviet Union nor is there any country who have the gut to make such actions aside from the United States".

The deputy was stunned and replied incredulously:

"The United States but we have confirmed that the culprit is a Chinese and why would the United States contact small arm dealers like Senchenko and Makhachev".

The KGB colonel thought for a while than said in a confident tone "Nothing is certain for now and we can't condemn them without evidence but i am sure their goals isn't the arms in Senchenko and Makhachev hands nor is it as simple as just making us look incompetent and bad in front of the world".

Than he became even more angrier and continued with a begrudging tone:

"When those American bastards act they play hard and their schemes always run deep they may want our already deteriorate relation with China to worsen or maybe ....".

At this point The KGB colonel was stunned by his own thoughts and continued in a shaking voice:

"Maybe they want to bait us to start investigating the high ranking corrupt generals on the borders who are engaged arm deals to create more rifts in The Soviet Union that will cause other generals to lose their trust in the central government and weaken us even further".

The KGB colonel who was blinded by his hatred for The United States continued to over work his brain more and started to come out with more conspiracy theories and the schemes The United States were hatching for The Soviet Union, At this point the more he said the more he believed this conclusions were the truth and his resolve to catch Fang Ming and the culprits who are part of this big scheme against The Soviet Union grow bigger and firmer.

The KGB colonel didn't issue any order to his deputy instead he walked to the car to contact his leader personally this is no longer a small terrorist attack such well organized scheme by their most hated enemy the United States must be dealt with caution.

The KGB colonel wasn't someone greedy for merits and promotion instead he was a true believer in the Soviet Union Communism and didn't shy from asking for help or reporting his incompetence.


Few miles away from Moscow Fang Ming was driving in silence with Senchenko and Makhachev, the Two talked a little after they got saved by Fang Ming but after that they both fell into silence and didn't know what to do.

Fang Ming felt that he has given them enough time to collect their thoughts and broke the silence by saying:

"Have you guys made up your minds? what is your next move".

Senchenko slammed his hand hard on the car door and said self deprecatingly:

"What is there for use to chose or do its over our lives are done for, we will be chased by the KGB all around the world like dogs".

At this moment Fang Ming looked at the rear view mirror and noticed Makhachev hesitantly picking up his phone and said:

"I advice you not to make that phone call it is already to late for your family to escape whether you inform them or not wont make a difference instead it will just end up helping the KGB knows about your weaknesses and may also end up helping them locate us".