
Hong Kong Billionaire

An unrighteous and a cold hearted man. a villain who struggled from the bottom to the top of society. to overcome his foes he chose to be ruthless and immoral. In a world full of cruelty Fang Ming had no intention of holding back. A story of a man who traveled back to 1980 equipped with his knowledge of the future and his profound wisdom, Fang Ming is determined to pursue his ultimate goal once again.

DaasWolfe · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 31 Tears Gas As A Game Changer

At this moment Fang Ming didn't really care whether Senchenko and Makhachev lived or died he just knows one thing it's to early for him to enter the KGB scope and whatever information Senchenko feed this agents be it true or false Fang Ming wanted it to disappear with the death of this agents.

Fang Ming didn't stop shooting the KGB agents until 5 second later after completely emptying the magazine only then did he let go of the AK 47 to take back the car steering wheel, following that Fang Ming continued his assault by smashing the KGB car with the one he was driving in attempt to stop it.

Few seconds later Fang Ming managed to force the KGB car to a stop by forcefully slowing it following that he took a Tears Smoke Grenade from his portable space and throw it inside the KGB agents car before he slowly got out with his AK 47 in hands.

Inside the KGB car not only Senchenko and Makhachev survived Fang Ming chaotic assault but another KGB agent and even the KGB captain who was the one that Fang Ming aimed at first found out that something was wrong and immediately crouched down to avoid the rain of bullets.

The KGB agent who was sitting at the back right sit shouted loudly, preparing to protect his captain:

"Captain, hurry up and get out of the car!".

But he heard The KGB Captain shout loudly back at him with a terrified face, but an extremely firm and focused eyes: "No, I can't leave the car, I can't open the door!".

At this moment, The KGB Captain's head was very clear, what does the guys chasing them want?

There are only two possible goal for him 1 to rescue Senchenko and Makhachev from their hands and 2 to kill everyone to prevent the KGB for getting any information's on him and his partners, The KGB Captain was sweating profusely not only from his shoulder that has almost been torn off by the lethal AK 47 bullets at such a close range but also from anxiousness, he believed they may have a slight chance to survive if its the former but if it's the latter their chances of making out alive is very slime.

The KGB Captain chose to bet on the former without any other choice right now staying closer to Senchenko and Makhachev is the safest place.

After some time both cars came to a stop, both the KGB agent and the captain didn't dare make a single sound while issuing a warning signs to Senchenko and Makhachev who nodded and didn't dare to act unreasonably at this crucial moment of life and death.

The two surviving KGB agents who waited for Fang Ming to approach the car and check the survivors heard something making a clunk sound when it fell inside the car and they both followed it with their eyes subconsciously before turning pale, the Tears Smoke Grenade that Fang Ming throw inside the car was a game changer.

In an instant, a white smoke enveloped the entire car directly.

Several painful calls for help sounded, and after a few seconds, the people in the the black Land Rovers opened the door and rolled out.

"Ah cough cough...".

"Fak mother faker ah cough ...".

The four of them came out crawling on their knees with red eyes pale faces and tears and mucus ruining down all over Fang Ming could tell they were having a hard time breathing.

The KGB Captain and his agent were Lying on the ground powerlessly trying hard to breath Fang Ming by the side who saw this soften his heart and decided to give them a painless death, He took out his beloved Butcher Knife and proceeded to cut their throats before collecting the copses and the weapons laying on the ground.

Fang Ming left Senchenko and Makhachev and run to the next street and proceeded to Hijack a car passing by, the car driver saw that Fang Ming was wearing a combat outfit of the KGB and was aiming an AK 47 at him didn't dare play any trick and immediately stopped his car before getting out and squatting on the ground.

Fang Ming ignored the man squatting on the ground he got inside the car and drove back to where Senchenko and Makhachev were.

At this time the embarrassing state of Senchenko and Makhachev who were coughing and breathing roughly attracted the sympathy of some brave mans who approached them to give them a helping hand.

Fang Ming came with the stolen car and saw this scene and was thankful to god he managed to find a car to hijack just near by who knows what troubles this kindhearted people may end up causing him, he immediately got off the car and started to chase them away before he proceeded to help Senchenko and Makhachev inside the car.

Fang Ming started the car while Senchenko and Makhachev opened their windows trying to breath more air just like that the group quickly disappeared from the street.

All that was left was a messy scene of two KGB black Land Rovers crashing into each other and a lot of splattered blood on the ground and of course the dead bodies of the KGB agents inside the car that was filed with the Tears Smoke that Fang Ming didn't dare go in to pick them up.

The entire operation may have seemed chaotic but Fang Ming had a clear understanding of the arrangement's the KGB agents were going to take before hand so he organized his thoughts and built a plan that would specifically target this KGB team arrangement's and from the beginning of the attack to the end of the loading, it took no more than 5 minutes.

When the police finally gathered their forces and rushed over Fang Ming and the other two has already disappeared completely from everyone's sight.

The KGB were the first to arrive at the scene after they received a call for help they immediately rushed to reinforce their comrades but when they arrived half of the team was killed while the other half disappeared and only left a pool of blood on the street.