
Hong Kong Billionaire

An unrighteous and a cold hearted man. a villain who struggled from the bottom to the top of society. to overcome his foes he chose to be ruthless and immoral. In a world full of cruelty Fang Ming had no intention of holding back. A story of a man who traveled back to 1980 equipped with his knowledge of the future and his profound wisdom, Fang Ming is determined to pursue his ultimate goal once again.

DaasWolfe · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 30 Know Your Enemies More Than They Do

The split second the KGB agents got distracted by the phone alarm, Fang Ming appeared behind the last one of them, he swiftly blocked his mouth with his left hand and cut his throat with his right hand, and run to the one who was opening the cabinet door.

At this time the KGB agent who was opening the second cabinet door felt utter disdain for such a childish trike and he was sure more than ever that Senchenko and Makhachev Chinese smuggling partner was inside this cabinet.

He was more than 99% focused on what's inside the cabinet so even though he heard some noises behind him his strict training and discipline forced him to focus on whats behind the cabinet and completely trust his comrade to guard his back, that was until he felt two strong hand swiftly twisting his head and snapping his neck.

Fang Ming slowly put down the KGB agent dead body on the ground before striping him of his clothes he proceeded after to take the two dead bodies to his portable space before going in himself to put on the KGB special operation costume, less than 5 min after Fang Ming walked out of the portable space wearing all the gears the KGB agent was wearing with a black mask on his face and an AK 47 on his hand.

Fang Ming walked out of the Women's Rest room under the crowed gases in airport but no one suspected a thing, no one would believe that two KGB elite agents died in there without making any sound nor splattering any blood, Fang Ming walked straight to the black Land Rovers in the distance but was stopped by a curios Russian man who asked him what's going on and Fang Ming purposely used a fluent Russian with a Siberian accent to dispel any suspicion from the surrounding people as he said:

"This a top secret mission you don't have to know the details but rest assured your safety is our top priority".

Fang Ming didn't chat with the guy any longer and got in the black Land Rovers before starting the engine he was a professional in stealing cars by now he has already stole many cars in Hong Kong and his rusty skill are back to its peak.

Fang Ming didn't dare waste more time and drove the car out of the air port with high speed trying to catch up to the other KGB car that took Senchenko and Makhachev earlier although that car was no where to be seen Fang Ming who knows where the nearest KGB agent bureau was, could only make a bet and drive there hoping to finding it on the way.


Some time later Fang Ming finally saw the previous KGB car that took Senchenko and Makhachev he was delighted and immediately took off his black mask and brought a black Nike cap from his portable space and putting it on his head to hide his Asiatic features in their rear view mirror before slowly approaching them.

As Fang Ming approached them one of the KGB agents in the car also saw him in the rear view mirror and he frowned because not only that black Land Rovers seemed awfully familiar to him while he dismissed the idea of it being their comrades car he felt anxious for some reason and his experience told him that something wrong was going to happen, choosing to trust his instinct he turned to his boss who was busy questioning the coward Senchenko and said:

"Boss there is a KGB car behind us who has been driving insanely fast to the head quarter, they will be catching to us in dozens second i suspect they may need our help"

The KGB officer who heard his comrades talk was stunned and he turned to look at the car behind them with a puzzled look for a while than he issued his order in a hoarse tone:

"Slow them down a bit and ask about there emergency and if they don't cooperate with us we will force them to stop by force".

The other KGB agents nodded and prepared their AKs. their captain arrangement was following normal protocol and there was no issues with the orders so they prepared and waited of the black Land Rovers to approach them.

Fang Ming saw the black Land Rovers slowing down and he understood what decision they choose he took a deep breath and a look of firmness appeared in his eyes, Fang Ming learned by heart all the protocols and arrangements of the CIA and the KGB in his previous life it could be said that he knows and understood how the agents from this two organisation act and behaved in different scenarios more than their own coaches.

Fang Ming know that there is no avoiding the upcoming fight and he was even more aware just how risky it will be he didn't dare underestimate a vigilante and a well trained unit equipped with AKs in close distance clash, Fang Ming followed the KGB agents arrangement and slowed down.

The KGB agents who were a bit tense relaxed seeing the car behind them following the secrets protocols and curiously waited to see what's his emergency and why he was speeding crazily like that.

As the two cars drove side by side the KGB captain frowned because Fang Ming didn't lower his car window and they couldn't identify him because of the black tainted glass, as the KGB captain was screaming in Russian saying:

"Comrades lower your front car window...".

Fang Ming let go of the steering wheel and aimed with both hands one of AKs 47 he took from the two KGB agents he killed in air port at the KGB captain head and started shooting non stop through the window glass.

At this moment Fang Ming didn't really care whether Senchenko and Makhachev lived or died he just knows one thing it's to early for him to enter the KGB scope and whatever information Senchenko feed this agents be it true or false Fang Ming wanted it to disappear with the death of this agents.