
Hong Kong Billionaire

An unrighteous and a cold hearted man. a villain who struggled from the bottom to the top of society. to overcome his foes he chose to be ruthless and immoral. In a world full of cruelty Fang Ming had no intention of holding back. A story of a man who traveled back to 1980 equipped with his knowledge of the future and his profound wisdom, Fang Ming is determined to pursue his ultimate goal once again.

DaasWolfe · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 29 What you disdain is the deadliest

Fang Ming who followed Senchenko's hand saw the 2 black Land Rovers and recognized the military number plate was instantly petrified and his face turned white pale he immediately mixed in the crowed and disappeared from scene without a second thought.

That military serial number plate was the bane of all the smugglers that's The KGB's number those die hard believer of the Communism, Fang Ming didn't believe one bit that those KGB's agents would tolerate smuggling Soviets arms nor taking part in it.

Fang Ming didn't know what Senchenko and Makhachev were thinking this two lunatic dare to smuggle The Soviet Union military weapons and befriend KGB's at same time, Fang Ming who knows just how troublesome the KGB's were didn't even want to see them let alone get to know them as for allowing them to capture him and believe in the justice system of The Soviet Union well that's a hard pass Fang Ming would rather chose the Japanese justice system 10 time rather than the Soviet's system once at least you have 1% of getting some justice from the Japanese but not the Soviets.

Fang Ming who fled didn't even bother looking back at Senchenko and Makhachev this two retards are done for, hopefully he can make it out of the vicinity before the KGB get information's on him form Senchenko or Makhachev.

The 2 black Land Rovers came to a stop in front of Senchenko and Makhachev, 8 guys fully armed to the teeth got off the cars and aimed their AK's at them and started to shout in at them to get on the ground in Russians.

Senchenko and Makhachev were stunned at what they were seeing this guys didn't come to welcome them but to arrest them. Senchenko turned to Fang Ming trying to explain to him that this is just a misunderstanding and he shouldn't resist the arrest was stunned Fang Ming was no where to be seen.

One of KGBs agents approached Senchenko and Makhachev who were on the ground and asked them: "Where is your Chinese partner?".

Senchenko said without hesitation: "He was here just a moment ago, you guys must have scared him".

Makhachev looked at Senchenko with wide eyes this guy sold their new partner right away.

The KGB agent who lifted his AK 47 high was waiting for Senchenko to faint ignorance about his new partner so he can proceed to hit him a bit and question him later like the usual scenario was also stunned and his mouth started to twitch.

Senchenko really lived up to his reputation as a coward completely displaying the essence of fearing the strong and bullying the weak.

The KGB agent wanted to scold Senchenko for being a coward and refusing to take a beating had no choice but to hold it in as he told 4 other KGB agents to go capture Fang Ming and catch up with them before proceeding to arrest both Senchenko and Makhachev and escorting them to their car.

Fang Ming was some distance away saw one of the black Land Rovers leave with Senchenko and Makhachev while the other 4 KGB agents started to look for him didn't chose to leave the air port because it was already to late for that, Fang Ming just took one look and the number of Chinese people in air port didn't surpass 5 it would be impossible for him to blend in and leave.

Although Fang Ming completely disregarded the danger normal police mans stationed in the air port and customs officers could cause him in the upcoming confrontation he didn't have the guns to take them on either.

Fang Ming chose the second best option for him now he entered a Women's Rest room coincidentally a blond women was leaving the bath room at this exact moment, as the two came face to face Fang Ming without any hesitation elbowed the blond women in the face instantly knocking her down before carrying her back to Women's Rest room.

Fang Ming chose the second cabinet and throw her inside she will be a good bait in the upcoming confrontation after that he took his mobile phone and sett a timer to one minute and waited for the KGB agents approaching to inspect this Women's Rest room.

The KGB agents were currently split in a two mans team as they searched for the Senchenko and Makhachev Chinese smuggling partner after searching the closest Man's Rest room they proceeded to search the Women's Rest room.

The two KGB agents entered the Women's Rest room and start to search it carefully once they were in front of the second cabinet they could tell someone was in there so they lifted their guns and aimed at it before asking the one inside it to come out with his hand behind his head and walk to them slowly.

The two KGB agents asked again and even threatened to shoot but there was no response from the cabinet, at this point both of them felt that something was wrong they gestured to each other and one of them proceeded to open the door while the other was keeping guard suddenly a phone started ringing from the last cabinet which attracted their attention for a split second but the KGBs were elite units they didn't falter instead they focused more on the cabinet in front of them.

Fang Ming who was hidden in his portable space had his eyes closed as he stood motionlessly with a butcher knife in his right hand while counting the time in his heart with utmost focus.

When Fang Ming reached 60 second he opened both of his eyes and left his portable space, the moment he left his portable space, synchronized exactly the alarm he set up previously in his mobile phone before leaving it at the last cabinet.

The split second the KGB agents got distracted by the phone alarm, Fang Ming appeared behind the last one of them, he swiftly blocked his mouth with his left hand and cut his throat with his right hand, and run to the one who was opening the cabinet door.