
Hong Kong Billionaire

An unrighteous and a cold hearted man. a villain who struggled from the bottom to the top of society. to overcome his foes he chose to be ruthless and immoral. In a world full of cruelty Fang Ming had no intention of holding back. A story of a man who traveled back to 1980 equipped with his knowledge of the future and his profound wisdom, Fang Ming is determined to pursue his ultimate goal once again.

DaasWolfe · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 3 A Strange Hobby

"Grandma, I can't trouble you more than i already did, i'm fine now and i should start my journey" Fang Ming quickly refused.

Although this era is the time when Hong Kong Island economy took off, and it has become the pearl of the east, it does not mean that the life of ordinary people has become better.

Prices are rising rapidly, and housing prices are ridiculously expensive.

The salary of an ordinary worker is even less than 1,000 HKD in this era. ordinary worker are struggling to feed their families.

And the pair of grandmother and granddaughter obviously aren't as good as ordinary people. yet they hosted him and treated him well how could he trouble them more.

"Grandma, when I make money, I will definitely pay you back, i won't forget this favor".

Fang Ming said firmly. he was a pragmatic man with benefit above everything. but he was a man who believed that a debt should be repaid. and what's more important than a life saving debt.

Then he patted Ling Chen head again: "Listen to Grandma's words, study hard, the next time i visit I'll buy you some sweets".

Fang Ming is very tall, and although Ling Chen is tall and slender, she is still a little shorter after all she is only fifteen years old, just right on Fang Ming chest.

Looking up at Fang Ming, Ling Chen cheeks suddenly turned a little red.

But she said stubbornly " don't rub my head and i don't want sweets I'm not a child."

"I want to eat crispy baked chicken thighs".


After leaving Ling Chen house. Fang Min walked for some time on the street, he loved the sun. he always loved receiving its warmth, or bathe in its light.

He was happy to be alive again. he felt a slight warmth within his heart, Then he started to examine his situation right now, the entire world was a chaotic chess board, but there was nothing that had been determined yet, who is going to be the chess pieces and who will be the players.

If he didn't start preparing now and failed to advance and consolidate at every step, all that is waiting for him would be failure and death, he know deep in his heart he would rather die multiple times over and over than to submit and be ordinary man and live a normal happy life, this is just who he is.

Getting on the bus, and arriving at Tuen Mun Street an hour later, Fang Ming first obtained a Hong Kong ID card for himself, naturally using the name Fang Ming.

Now, it is relatively easy to obtain a Hong Kong ID card. It wont be this easy after a few years, Lot of people from China, Vietnam, Malaysia and other places will be rushing in, and there will be new restrictions on obtaining Hong Kong ID card .

With an ID card, he is no longer an unknown household which is necessary to start a business company or own a house or a car.

Next, Fang Ming has to solve his own food problem. as for lodging problem well he have the portable space to sleep in.

In this era, the economy of Hong Kong Island has taken off, and prices have also skyrocketed. The cheapest lunch box costs 5 HKD. as for the Rent that will be 300 HKD.

Therefore, finding a job and maintaining food and clothing is the top priority. but Fang Ming has no plan to do an honest job.

He always believed that earning money is taking that money from another person you may do that legally by convincing them to buy your product or to employ you. or illegally by snatching it by violence or robbing. and Fang Ming would rather do it the easy way.

Following this, Fang Ming started to go about his proper business

Tuen Mun has three main big markets that sold everything. and Fang Ming just picked the closest one .

The structures here were made from a combination of stone and wood. they made Fang Ming feel like he was in a completely different era.

At first he just toured the place. after doing this, he started to wander around the market to see if he could find anything of value.

As he walked around, he found a stall with many people crowded around it, and he went over to take a look.

Fang Ming saw a young man who looked 24 or 25, was trying to impress a young women who was a little younger. probably 20 or 21 years old.

The middle aged man who was the stall owner sat cross-legged and wore black clothes. he gave off a sharp aura.

Fang Ming was surprised to find that kind of sharp gaze and determined eyes outside of the US special forces alpha team.

As it was rare for others countries soldier to have such a sharp aura. because most of alpha team members, had been trained to kill and started to execute assassination missions on the cartel and drug dealers. from when they were young.

To have such a powerful aura this guy is probably a retired special spy or an assassin. because Fang Ming could tell with one glance that man has taken many lives before.

"What's your price for this?" the young man who was trying to flirt with the girl beside him said arrogantly to the stall owner as he pointed to a jade hair pin.

The middle aged man looked at the flamboyant young man in front of him before calmly replying, "I'm not selling it! I'm only exchanging it for ancient Chinese antics".

So he wanted Ancient Chinese antiques, not money. Only then did Fang Ming realize what was happening in front of him. the middle aged man is one of those Kung Fu addict who like to slap faces.

Fang Ming was speechless, you are so old yet you come here to play such games.