
Hong Kong Billionaire

An unrighteous and a cold hearted man. a villain who struggled from the bottom to the top of society. to overcome his foes he chose to be ruthless and immoral. In a world full of cruelty Fang Ming had no intention of holding back. A story of a man who traveled back to 1980 equipped with his knowledge of the future and his profound wisdom, Fang Ming is determined to pursue his ultimate goal once again.

DaasWolfe · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 4 Li Na

Fang Ming didn't blame the middle aged man, everyone has hobbies, but he wasn't interested in seeing the outcome.

Fang Ming sneakily approached the young women in her 20 and with extreme care tried to take out her wallet of money, but luck wasn't on his side as the young woman turned to look at him strangely at that moment, Fang Ming could only smile bitterly at his lost opportunity.

As he turned to leave he shakily bumped into the flamboyant man.

After bumping into flamboyant man. Fang Ming came to his senses and quickly apologies saying, "I'm sorry, sir!". before he left quickly. while ignoring the angry young man cursing at him.

Fang Ming walked for some time and turned left. Within a dark alley, Fang Ming smiled with nostalgia he hasn't lost his skill, he used to be a little robber who go around the market pick pocketing.

He shook his head to forget this messy thoughts before he took out the flamboyant young men wallet. there were around 3000 HKD. which was by no mean a little but not too much either. average salary workers is around 1000 HKD.

Fang Ming felt really speechless that guy was acting so arrogant with just 3000 HKD, his view on life was renewed a petty middle aged obsessed with face slapping, and arrogant young man boasting as if he own the world dont even have a 10 000 HKD cash with him.


In the afternoon.

Fang Ming who was walking in the street, spotted a small restaurant and decided to go eat something. Now that he have the flamboyant young man money, he should enjoy a meal or two.

Fang Ming choose a seat close to the window, and sat their watching the crowd on the street.

Soon, a young and a beautiful waitress came and asked him what he want.

Fang Ming who had lived two life's was stunned by this waitress appearance, but he quickly regained his composure and smiled as he said.

"Beautiful ms. waitress how should i call you".

The young waitress who heard Fang Ming speak woke up from her dazed expression and blushed.

Just now she was similarly dazed by Fang Ming appearance and demeanor when he turned to face her.

She could only reply shyly: "you can call me Li Na".

"Ms. Li Na, i Fang Ming have seen many beautiful women's but this is the first time i saw a fairy, after seeing you i no longer want anything. i'm ready to die again".

Li Na blushed even more as she wasn't used to such a daring way of speaking.

Fang Ming continued to speak nonsense and flirt with her, the current Fang Ming may be considered daring and romantic in the current era, if the people from 21st century heard his shameless words they can only call him a proper scumbag.

After Li Na finished her work, she found Fang Ming who was waiting for her by the exit of the restaurant and insisted to escort her back to her house.

Li Na did not refuse his offer and let him accompany her she in fact enjoyed talking with Fang Ming his words and the way his speak was to novel for her.


Fang Ming rented an apartment beside Li Na's apartment, in this few days Fang Ming enjoyed talking with Li Na a lot.

Li Na is a native of Hong Kong. She has an average family background and works part-time in that small restaurant. She is 19 years old this year and very beautiful.

And even wearing ordinary waitress clothes can't hide the kind of temperament she carry herself with.

A kind of high and strong personality a strong women should have in 21st century. in this era such a temperament is very rare.

In Hong Kong, the person Fang Ming has the best relationship with is her!

After all, they have similar age, and she is pretty girl Fang Ming wouldn't mind spending his time with.

In addition, Fang Ming had the knowledge and the experience of his previous life, and he often coaxes her into laughing with jokes from his previous life.

The two got along pretty well and would always greet each other with a smile in the morning and go to work together.

While Li Na kept working as a waitress Fang Ming kept exploring Tun Moon and gathering information's about gangs and powers in this era.


After squatting by the wall all day long Fang Ming finally spotted some guys worth stealing from, he had no interest in stealing 50 or a 100 HKD, he only target those who carry more than a 1000 HKD with them.

This was by no mean an honorable job nor did it have any future to look forward to but Fang Ming was helpless he don't know much about the 1980s, it was a chaotic era, but even chaos has some rules and red lines that must not be crossed, and the best place to collect this general information is by mixing in the street.

He was about done investigating. 2 more days should be enough to gather all the information's he need, so while collecting the information's he want, he may as well make some pocket money.

Who knows he may have to have to buy Li Na some gifts to make her happy and advance their relation a bit more.

Fang Ming was observing today's targets.

3 overconfident fat sheep's that will definitely be carrying lot of cash. and walk around without any care or fear.

This 3 gangsters who collect the protection fees are the best target, not only they carry cash but their overconfidence built on bullying the weak and normal shops owners is a fatal weakness he can make use of.

As they were collecting the protection fees, Fang Ming noticed that their next target is the small restaurant on the road where Li Na works.

He was worried those gangster may trouble Li Na.