
Hong Kong Billionaire

An unrighteous and a cold hearted man. a villain who struggled from the bottom to the top of society. to overcome his foes he chose to be ruthless and immoral. In a world full of cruelty Fang Ming had no intention of holding back. A story of a man who traveled back to 1980 equipped with his knowledge of the future and his profound wisdom, Fang Ming is determined to pursue his ultimate goal once again.

DaasWolfe · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 2 Ling Chen

The grandmother continued to ask Fang Ming.

"Young man, are you migrating from the China?".

Fang Ming nodded lightly

"You came alone? Where's your family?" the grandmother asked.

"They're all dead! I'm the only one left"

Fang Ming didn't say much, but the grandmother had already heard that currently China is very poor and often suffers from famine.

The grandmother sighed in her heart and felt a little sad. Looking at the 18- or 19-year-old boy in front of her, her eyes softened She couldn't help but think of the famine that devastated china in the 1940.

It was then that the grandmother and her family came to Hong Kong to seek shelter from the famine and the wars. later to due to several reason, now only she and her granddaughter are left.

"you must feel hungry here eat some dumplings. I'll find you some clothes for you to put on first".

Fang Ming didn't feel anything before, but when he heard this, a sense of hunger suddenly hit him.

He didn't know for how long he had been in a coma for, anyway he felt that he could swallow a cow alone.

And his own clothes were torn off in the storm, leaving only ragged pieces and a shorts. revealing a lot of parts from his muscular body

Seeing Fang Ming embarrassed look, the girl laughed and said "My name is Ling Chan, you can call me Chan'er".

The girl looked at Fang Ming face and said shyly.

The girl had to admit although Fang Ming may look very embarrassed now, he is still very charming, he is handsome and have a very well proportioned body.

The bridge of the nose is strong, the face carved like a knife, the eyes are deep and sharp, and the short hair is uplifted.

The most important thing is that he give people a strong sense of oppression.

Although Fang Ming was only sitting there, the pressure he was exuding instinctively completely melted the young girl heart, such grace and serene look can only acquired by being in high position for so long time.

This is a kind of masculine charm, which is very lethal to such a 14 or 15 year old girl.


Some time later.

Fang Ming stood before the mirror wearing only a short and enjoyed observing his new body.

A strong body, eight-pack abs straight black short hair and deep brown eyes.

He grinned slightly, he was very satisfied with this body.

Fang Ming was delighted. he has worked very hard to have a strong body in his previous life. while he didn't mind working out all over again. having a handsome face and a strong body from the start was very satisfying.

After some time Fang Ming focused again and entered his portable space for a more thorough inspection.

He tried moving some random things in and out. there were some limits. he had to be in touch with the item he want to transfer it to the portable space. he himself can enter the space.

Time flow in portable space is the same as outside. his golden fingers didn't seem to be of much help but its still better than nothing, he can at least save some rent cost.

Fang Ming smiled joyfully. he was really happy he traveled back to this timeline after all, its this period in history when all the strong alliances, clans, families and chaebols were created.

This is a time full of trouble, but also full of opportunities most oil and gas resources were split in this period of time and also most of the strong companies in the worlds were created in this period, and what make this period the best is how chaotic it is. for someone with no principle nor bottom line like Fang Ming this is paradise.

Since God arranged for him to come to this era. Than Fang Ming will throw this already chaotic era. in true chaos. to reach the top and enjoy what the world has to offer.

After Putting on the clothes offered to him by the grandmother and Ling Chen. he eat the food they offered him. and decided to leave.

It's not that he is ungrateful.

But as an able young man he do rather work himself to death than to live by the pity of other, his pride will never allow it. whats more the grandmother and her granddaughter didn't seem to be doing well either. Fang Ming just had to look at their clothes and the state of their house to guess their current economic situation.

Beside Fang Ming is used to look at thing from a bystander perspective. an unfamiliar young man who run from the mainland, overstay in this house is not appropriate.

After all, there are only two women in the family, the Grandmother and her granddaughter, and the Ling Chen is so beautiful, it is completely normal for the Grandmother to be wary of this unfamiliar young man.

Moreover, the land on Hong Kong Island is very expensive, even if it is in the countryside, the grandmother and her granddaughter only have two rooms.

While Fang Ming would always put his benefit above all and could back stab and rob and kill without any scruples.

He still had a soft spot for people who helped him when he was struggling at the bottom.

Fang Ming made up his mind. when he succeed in the future, he must repay the favor ten or a hundred time.

Seeing that Fang Ming had the Intention to leave. the grandmother quickly said.

"Fang Ming you just came to Hong Kong and you are not familiar with things here why don't you stay for some times more to rest and recuperate"

The Grandmother noticed that Fang Ming saw through her thought, and that's why he wanted to leave. and not cause her more anxiety, feeling guilty she offered him to stay longer to recuperate.

Fang Ming sighed in his heart, this pair of Grandmother and granddaughter are really nice and simple people.