
Hong Kong Billionaire

An unrighteous and a cold hearted man. a villain who struggled from the bottom to the top of society. to overcome his foes he chose to be ruthless and immoral. In a world full of cruelty Fang Ming had no intention of holding back. A story of a man who traveled back to 1980 equipped with his knowledge of the future and his profound wisdom, Fang Ming is determined to pursue his ultimate goal once again.

DaasWolfe · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 28 Moscow

In the car sat Fang Ming with the two Russians, Senchenko who was curios asked Fang Ming about what happened in their and why he suddenly got angry over the negotiation.

Fang Ming proceeded to explain to him what they talked about before saying:

"I made a mistake in the previous negotiation, i have overestimated Li Ming by thinking he was a qualified business man so i went to all that length explaining to him what are the future benefit FAW was going to get from cooperating with me and how it will become one of the world biggest auto mobile manufacturer in the next 10 years". At this point Fang Ming laughed then he continued by saying:

"Li Ming wasn't a qualified business man he has no vision for the future or rather he didn't really care about FAW future for him whether FAW become a top company or go bankrupt isn't important once he get promoted to be a deputy Mayor no he probably want it to go bankrupt because that will prove how competent he is by managing to keep it alive all this time". Fang Ming took a deep breath and said:

"What i was offering him was a long term benefits which wont help him get a promotion immediately i said i was wrong because i thought i was negotiating with FAW but in fact i was negotiation with Li Ming who didn't care one bit about it"

Makhachev by the side frowned and asked: "Then what are you going to do now bring different kind of benefits that can help him get a promotion or look for other companies to negotiate with".

Fang Ming replied "We can't go back the negotiate with Li Ming he is a politician and not a business man nor can we go to other companies, Li Ming should have already informed his leaders about our negotiations and the other stat owned enterprises like Dongfeng and JAC Motors should already be aware of my bottom lines and they will definitely negotiate around it, i will end up making great concessions and loses beside like i said before the ships in my hand doesn't matter much to this stat owned enterprises directors".

Fang Ming stopped talking for a while than turned to look at Makhachev and asked him "How do you deal with a troublesome politician in the Soviet Union?".

Makhachev said matter of factly "We give some part of the business to the regional general and he will make the politicians shut up".

Makhachev thought about it and asked curiously: "you previously said your mercenary group used to be active around the United Stat right how do you deal with troublesome politicians there".

Fang Ming turned to look at Makhachev strangely and said "Are you seriously asking that or are you just trying to make small talk".

Makhachev "...".

Fang Ming shook his head and said "That's a really messed up place even normal civilian will end up strolling around your house with a bottle of whiskey and a gun, so by the time you ended up in a high position you should have experienced many death situations by then you should have already learned to not mess with the wrong people"

Fang Ming smiled a little and continued "It seems i have been acting to soft lately its time to let this trouble some officials that has been sheltered by their government all this while understand how the international market really work, let's go to The Soviet Union i want to test those weapon of yours on Li Ming and his leaders".


Few days later a commercial air plane of the type Il-6 ( Galina Kmit/ Sputnik) was landing in the air port of Moscow.

Stepping out of the plane, Fang Ming opened his hand and took a deep breath of cold air, finally i am here at Moscow again.

Although this is Fang Ming first time to Moscow in this life, he was a frequent visitor in his past life at some point he was even labeled as one of the most wanted enemies of Russia just by the shear amount of weapons and technology he smuggled out of it in the last years of fragmentation of the Soviet Union.

At this time Senchenko came to Fang Ming side and said: "Mr. Fang this is your first time to Moscow".

"yes, it's more crowded than i thought." Fang Ming replied absent mindedly while observing his surrounding the current Moscow is way more beautiful than any city in the United States and the current Soviet Union wont lose to the US in any field yet the out come of this cold war was completely one sided.

While the Soviets chose to stay in their comfort zone and develop the industry they are already good at the US chose to leave their comfort zone and chose to take a risk they chose to develop new technologies like the internet and small electronic they simply chose the future and 10 years from now the US with their new developed technology will completely crash the Soviet Union and go to dominate the world for sometime.

This thoughts has strengthened Fang Ming determination to make as much money and as quick as possible to join the internet wave before it's to late.

Makhachev who saw Fang Ming immersed in the beauty of Moscow smiled proudly in his heart he was a true believer in the Soviets reign.

Senchenko by the side also laughed proudly and said: "But of course this is the capital of The Soviet Union, Look my friend is here to pick us".

At this time Senchenko pointed with his hand at 2 black Land Rovers with a Soviet Union military number plate approaching them.

Fang Ming who followed Senchenko's hand saw the 2 black Land Rovers and recognized the military number plate was instantly petrified and his face turned white pale he immediately mixed in the crowed and disappeared from scene without a second thought.