
Hong Kong Billionaire

An unrighteous and a cold hearted man. a villain who struggled from the bottom to the top of society. to overcome his foes he chose to be ruthless and immoral. In a world full of cruelty Fang Ming had no intention of holding back. A story of a man who traveled back to 1980 equipped with his knowledge of the future and his profound wisdom, Fang Ming is determined to pursue his ultimate goal once again.

DaasWolfe · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 27 Negotiations Part 2

Fang Ming saw that Li Ming was sipping his tea and had no plan to say anything he couldn't help but continue to talk:

"Manager Li Ming, as a Chinese i would love to help China advertise its products and prove to the world that China have quality cars but as a businessman what motivate me the most is profit don't you agree with me manager Li Ming".

Li Ming snickered and said: "I don't agree with you Mr. Fang Ming i believe serving once country is the most correct choice".

Fang Ming scoffed and replied: "Than let me ask Manager Li Ming are you willing to contribute will all you can to the country".

Li Ming replied without any hesitation "Of course contributing everything i have to the country is what motivate me the most every time i wake up in the morning".

Fang Ming interrupted Li Ming and said with a serious tone "Manager Li Ming to tell you the truth i was asked by someone to give this chance to FAW it seems some people have noticed your devotion to the country and are looking after you, But Manager Li Ming never take this chance for granted my first and most optimal choice has always been JAC Motors while i wouldn't mind doing that person a favor i will never compromise when it come to my profits"

Li Ming who heard that frowned and said: " JAC Motors can't compare to us, and do you really think that stingy Wang Bao will give you a discount"

Fang Ming replied to that with a confidant smile: "We both knows whether JAC Motors is good or not while i don't know Wang Bao stingy nature i know he is a very ambitious person that won't miss the opportunity to be the first State owned enterprise to export Chinese cars, an ambitious person like him will do what is necessary to get promoted".

Li Ming frown depend and he said: "Our Cars are sold at 90 000 RMB our top dealers get the cars at 70 000 RMB i will give you the same favorable price as our best dealers".

Fang Ming shock his head and said: "As i stated before i am different from the people doing business with FAW inside the country i have more expenses than them, i have to pay import export taxes which aren't low and the shipping costs have risen recently. you have to give me a lower price, selling domestically and in foreign countries is a completely different concept, there should be a different treatment".

Li Ming gritted his teeth before he said: "65 000 RMB this is the lowest price i am going to give you, i will be selling at a lose if i go lower than that, i have never given anyone of our FAW long contracted dealer this price".

Fang Ming laughed at that statement and said: "You are still treating me like one of your dealers who sell their cars domestically, manager Li Ming you don't seem to understand the difference between a domestic dealer and an exporter so let me explain it to you for once i am not competing with you on the domestic market instead i am exploring and pioneering the road for your future export market".

"Do you actually know that western car manufactures pay their exporters 40% of the advertising fees and they even help share the pioneering coasts in the said countries. right now i am doing all of this out of my own pockets this cossets should have been bared by you and you think i am not entitled to receive more discounts and more help, are you serious".

When Li Ming heard Fang Ming explanation he was tong tied but he didn't want to lower the price more because that will affect his promotion, the Higher the price he negotiate with Fang Ming the more competent he will appear to his leaders so he stubbornly said: "65 000 RMB i wont go any lower than this take it or leave it".

Fang Ming relaxed expression was gone and he stared with a murderous gaze at Li Ming before he said every single word slowly: "Are you playing with me?".

Li Ming by the side who was waiting to refuse Fang Ming next argument to lower the price further was stunned by his piercing murderous gas, the two Russian by the side who had no clue what Fang Ming and Li Ming were talking beside them in Chinese also noticed the suffocating atmosphere.

Makhachev patted Fang Ming shoulder and told him in Russian: "Don't be rash it's not worth it we brought the police with us".

Fang Ming snapped back from that stat of anger and replied in Russian in a half heartened tone " I will definitely kill him some time later, let's go".

Fang Ming turned to look at Li Ming and smiled before saying: "the negotiation is over, i can't see FAW as a potential partner in this adventure".

Fang Ming stood up and started to walk away with the two Russians.

Li Ming who had cold sweat all over his body from the suffocating atmosphere finally snapped back from that terror seeing that Fang Ming and the two Russians were leaving he refused to let this deal fall through and said "64 000 RMB this is really the lowest price i will ever go for".

He waited for Fang Ming to turn back but the later didn't and kept walking away Li Ming was stunned Fang Ming didn't turn back even with such an attractive deal this is 64 000 RMB for a car worth 90 000 RMB no matter how Li Ming thought about it Fang Ming would end up making even more than FAW, but Fang Ming didn't turn back and left.

Li Ming couldn't believe it, he rushed to the window and saw Fang Ming and the two Russian get in their car before it disappeared on the road, but what Li Ming really saw was his future promotion disappearing with it.