
Hong Kong Billionaire

An unrighteous and a cold hearted man. a villain who struggled from the bottom to the top of society. to overcome his foes he chose to be ruthless and immoral. In a world full of cruelty Fang Ming had no intention of holding back. A story of a man who traveled back to 1980 equipped with his knowledge of the future and his profound wisdom, Fang Ming is determined to pursue his ultimate goal once again.

DaasWolfe · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 26 Negotiations Part 1

Fang Ming went to the First Auto Mobile Workshop with Senchenko and Makhachev escorted by two police cars.

When they got out of the cars they started to chat and laugh as they proceeded to enter the company and walk straight to the general manager office, the security guard around didn't dare stop them out of fear of offending this important group of people that have been escorted by the police.


"Manager Li Ming, an important person and two foreigners have entered our company and they are heading straight to your office".

"Oh? they shouldn't have an appointment with me, right?" Manager Li Ming asked while enjoying his tea.

"Err... no manager Li Ming they are new faces i don't know anyone among them".

"What are you waiting for then? go ask them to wait in waiting room and state their business". Manager Li Ming said with a displeased tone.

They are First Automobile Workshop, China's largest Automobile manufacturer. how can they accept to meet anyone at any giving times they should show this foreigners who dare to look down on them and visit without an appointment who is the real boss here.

"But manager Li Ming this people have been escorted by the police, this is definitely an indirect message from the top leaders".

Manager Li Ming didn't think so he didn't receive any calls from his previous leader and planned to reject meeting them once again but he thought it through, if he wanted to get promoted he should not be taking such risks.

He stood up and told his secretary "Go take them to the meeting room i will follow after" Li Ming started to adjust his attire before going to the meeting room.

After meeting up with Li Ming secretary and chatting for a while Fang Ming found out that the general manager name was Li Ming he also learned that FAW domestic manufactured car weren't doing well. because cars in this era were very expensive and normal Chinese workers definitely cant afford the current prices as for those business mans and leaders they preferred to buy foreign manufactured cars.

Manager Li Ming secretary was very honest as he thought Fang Ming was an official that will help them sell their cars to this two Russians.

Fang Ming continued to ask: "How is manager Li Ming back ground, do you think he has a strong backer?".

The secretary was stunned and didn't know how to answer that and said: "I don't know much, but the previous leader of Manager Li Ming is a deputy mayor now".

At this moment manager Li Ming came down personally to meet with this guests.

He acted very arrogantly and impatient especially after he learned that it is Fang Ming who will be negotiating with him.

After some greetings and some random talk about the cars manufactured by FAW it was manager Li Ming who first broke the chit chat and said:

"All of our cars quality are strictly controlled by professionals from western Germany and you wouldn't be here to negotiate with us to acquire them if you had doubt about the quality of our cars".

Fang Ming replied " manager Li Ming it is not me who we are discussing here, whether i have doubt or not isn't the point, what's really matter is the customer it is undeniable fact that FAW have no presence in the market at all compared to the European brand".

Li Ming interrupted Fang Ming and said with a proud tone " That is not true Mr. Fang. you haven't done your research well we have sold more than 80 000 car last year".

As Li Ming who was waiting for Fang Ming to show a surprised expression was dis pointed because Fang Ming kept a serious face and said:

"Manager Li Ming you sold 80 000 car inside of China i congratulate you for that, but this amazing figure have 0 impact on the Internationale market take Hong Kong for example if i were to export your cars their i will have to take care of the advertisement and create a completely new spar part and a repair workshop chain to be able to start selling FAW cars and this cost is astronomical and the one benefiting the most from this is you because i am doing your job at creating a brand awareness for you".

Before Fang Ming finished speaking Li Ming interrupted him once again:

"You mean you will be selling our cars in Hong Kong" Li Ming stared at Fang Ming with a hopeful expression:

Fang Ming didn't dispoint him and nodded as he continued to say:

"Me and my partners have inspected your cars and Dongfeng, GAC and JAC Motors and surprisingly Chinese manufactured cars aren't as bad as the people over the world think, as such we are planing to pioneer this adventure and introduce Chinese cars to the world".

Li Ming who heard Fang Ming speak asked excitedly "How much are you going to export to Hong Kong".

Fang Ming said "We are planing a 1000 cars for the first year and 4000 for the second year for Hong Kong depend on the market response to the Chinese cars we may increase the quantities, my two soviets friend here will help us at later time to introduce Chinese cars to the soviet union market".

Li Ming who heard Fang Ming was a little dis pointed because the quantities mentioned by Fang Ming were really small. for a big company like FAW if they run their factories at max capacity they can produce 20 000 cars a month.

Fang Ming saw that Li Ming was sipping his tea and had no plan to say anything he couldn't help but continue to talk:

"Manager Li Ming, as a Chinese i would love to help China advertise its products and prove to the world that China have quality cars but as a businessman what motivate me the most is profit don't you agree with me manager Li Ming".