
Hong Kong Billionaire

An unrighteous and a cold hearted man. a villain who struggled from the bottom to the top of society. to overcome his foes he chose to be ruthless and immoral. In a world full of cruelty Fang Ming had no intention of holding back. A story of a man who traveled back to 1980 equipped with his knowledge of the future and his profound wisdom, Fang Ming is determined to pursue his ultimate goal once again.

DaasWolfe · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 25 Lies And Deceptions Version 2

This Chapter have been reworked do read the new version

Fang Ming on the side was just released from the handcuffs was as depressed as the police captain, a moment ago he believed he had succeeded in angering the police captain and just when he was about to receive that punch and succeed he failed at the last moment when the police captain regained his sanity and stooped acting recklessly Fang Ming knows that he had missed this opportunity.

The police captain who finally calmed down turned to walk to Fang Ming and started to apologize for the miss treatment they inflicted on Fang Ming before giving Fang Ming his passport with a depressed expression.

Fang Ming who received his passport didn't care what the police captain was saying at all and decided to try one last time to see if he can get some benefit from him before leaving anyway Fang Ming had no time to go to court and start suing this guy as he said in a low voice that only the police captain can hear:

"I don't think there is a need for you to apologize you were just doing your job and accident happens i understand that, i totally understand your difficulties".

The police captain smiled bitterly as he was expecting Fang Ming to continue shouting barbarically, but when heard what Fang Ming said an incredible look appeared on his face, and a seed of hope start to emerge from his heart maybe he can really convince Fang Ming to not take this to court.

Fang Ming watched the police captain changing expression for some time and continued to say:

"I can help you with this difficulties because i just saw your character an upright and a fearless police man such as you is what we civilian really need in this chaotic times such small and harmless accident should be tolerated in front of our safety concern's i would even propose to help you in testifying about your expertise and professionalism".

"I believe nothing will make me feel safer than having someone like you who care about civilian lives getting promoted and having enough power to ensure our safety, I want to be friends with you so we can help each other at making our people once again united and as the saying goes from an exchange of blows friendship grows, my friend may i know your name" Fang Ming was speaking in an excited tone and he got more excited as he kept speaking.

The police captain who was listing from the side to what Fang Ming was saying had his mouth open wide with a disbelieving expression all over his face replied subconsciously to Fang Ming.

"My name is Lin Yue"

"Lin Yue a good name the Lin family have a long historical back ground that could be traced to the Qin Dynasty no wonder such a fearless and strong man like you was born to the Lin family".

At this moment Fang Ming suddenly changed his excited expression to an extremely serious one and said in a very serious tone:

"My friend Lin Yue, i will overlook the injustice i was subjugated to just now, for a small favor you can do for us"

Lin Yue expression changed and a vigilant look appeared on his face before he said: "What do you want? as long as it's not illegal".

Fang Ming who saw this scoffed this guy will do anything to save his skin even if its illegal yet he is still trying to act hypocritically in front of him.

Fang Ming said: "I and my two Russian friends here Mr. Senchenko and Mr. Makhachev want you to escort us to First Automobile Workshop and do a small role play with us".

Lin Yue who heard this immediately changed his laid back poster and stood straight he also had a serious expression now and said with a stern voice.

"What role play, i warn you FAW is a State Owned Enterprise i can arrest you here and now for scheming against it".

Fang Ming who was getting tired of this guy hypocrisy said "Listen stop acting in from of me i am not your leader and i cant help you get promoted you and i are same type of people to achieve our goals we will do anything as long as it's legal, we rush without thinking when we see an opportunity in front of us".

Lin Yue who heard Fang Ming expose him blushed and said stubbornly "I would never conspire against a State Owned Enterprise i can really arrest you right here and now for.."

Fang Ming interrupted him saying "Yes after discriminating against us you justified your act by throwing dirty accusation at us without evidence, brilliant plan you will definitely get a promotion with that mind set".

Lin Yue was stunned once again by Fang Ming logic but this time Fang Ming didn't let him speak and continued: "Stop wasting time this foreign crowed will only get loader and by that time even if i testify for your sake you wont be able to get out of this mess, let's get in the car and talk".

Lin Yue who heard that things can get even worst didn't bother justifying his act hypocritically any longer and turned to his police comrades and told the to follow his car before turning to Fang Ming and said: "Let's talk in the car".

Fang Ming gestured for Senchenko and Makhachev to get in Lin Yue's police car as well.

Lin Yue started the car and drove off he glanced at Fang Ming beside him in the driver sit and asked him: "What do you want me to help you acting with".

Fang Ming smiled and said: "No longer acting hypocritically are we, that's better".

Lin Yue turned to look at Fang Ming and said with a very serious tone: "You think i like to talk that way the job require us to talk in a hypocritically round way, why don't you business mans like to emphases how much loses you are accruing and haggle for the smallest cents. oh you call it negotiations not bad you found a nice name for haggling".

Fang Ming didn't want to argue with Lin Yue at all this guy wasn't only shameless he was a hypocrite to.

Fang Ming said: "I just want you to escort us to FWA and help us act important".

Lin Yue by the side heard this and started to laugh " you want me to escort you because you want to look important hhhhh attention seeker".

Fang Ming didn't bother talking with Lin Yue anymore Fang Ming knows that arguing with this kind of people who are both shameless and hypocrites is just putting once mental health at risk so he turned to talk in Russian with Senchenko and Makhachev.

Lin Yue who got ignored by the side kept talking even after Fang Ming ignored him.