
Hong Kong Billionaire

An unrighteous and a cold hearted man. a villain who struggled from the bottom to the top of society. to overcome his foes he chose to be ruthless and immoral. In a world full of cruelty Fang Ming had no intention of holding back. A story of a man who traveled back to 1980 equipped with his knowledge of the future and his profound wisdom, Fang Ming is determined to pursue his ultimate goal once again.

DaasWolfe · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 18 Don't Justify Your Next Move

"You want your son and I want the money, we both want this exchange to succeed, don't let the police play with your son's life, The police want to catch us the kidnappers, they don't care about your son's life. you have 3 second to throw the bag before i leave" Fang Ming continued to speak very calmly contrary to his counterpart Shen Yue who extremely anxious.

Shen Yue who was anxious and wasn't thinking straight, was convinced by Fang Ming analyse of the situation and his clam and confident tone.

Seeing the police getting off their cars and hurrying over, Shen Yue didn't hesitate any longer and throw down the bag of money to Fang Ming.

Fang Ming walked to the bag of money and picked it up, before he got on his motorcycle and started driving away.

He had no time to check what's inside. but he believed in Shen Yue's sincerity, after all he saw him going to the bank to mortgage his properties for this money.

At this time the young police women lead her comrades to the bridge and could only see Fang Ming back as he drove off with his motorcycle.

"Damn!" the young police women slammed her fist hard on the bridge.

This was her first big case, and she wanted to catch all the kidnappers to prove that she wasn't just a beautiful vase, yet she didn't even get to see the kidnapper face.

All she saw was the guy's back as he was Riding on his motorcycle. she couldn't even identify the plating number. her face was red with anger.

"Where's my son, You have already received the money. Let my son go" Shen Yue was still anxious.

"Don't be anxious, let me check if the money is real or not i will call you back later".

Fang Ming didn't say anything more and hang up.

Shen Yue who understood that he was cheated and he probably won't see his son again was so angry he passed out.

The young police women who was still pissed about Shen Yue not cooperating with the police and even exposing them to the kidnappers.

Didn't care about Shen Yue's health state at all and even pretend not to see this useless old man fainting beside her.

She even felt a trace of happiness for miserable ending Shen Hao was going to face.

That Shen Hao is a scum who only know how to rape and force girls to sleep with him. then use his connections and bribes to clean his mess. there are dozens of rape fills in police department with his name on them.

The young police women swore in her heart, to catch this kidnappers the next time. she know very well that this type of people don't know how to invest or manage their money.

Gangsters are all like this, once they get this type of easy money they always waste it on their pleasure or to satisfy their vanity. they will never attempt to invest that money or start an honest business, sooner or later they will run out of money, at that time they will definitely make another attempt, she just have to be patient.


Later that day Fang Ming had already joined up with Lu Zi and Lin Fan and told them that he had gotten the money and hidden it in a safe place. once they finish dealing with Shen Hao they will go to split it.

Lu Ze and Lin Fan who were already filled with greed no longer cared about Shen Hao's life and death, they just wanted to get done with this as soon as possible to go split the money and enjoy the life of the rich.

Lu Zi and Lin Fan sat in front of Shen Hao as they started to judge and decide Shen Hao's fate.

"Brothers you are not really planning to let him go, right? although we got the money don't forget his father actually dared to call the police. he was the first to break our agreement" Fan Lin said in righteous tone while trying to justify his reasoning.

"How is that possible? look at him we haven't touched a single hair on him. yet Mr. Shen Yue dared to call the police on us, he is completely untrustworthy, there is no reason for us to keep our part of the agreement. i say this Shen Yue must have been accustomed to go back on his words and breaking agreements using his power and connections. its time we teach him a lesson" added Lu Zi in agreement with Lin Fan.

Fang Ming shook his head. why are this guys so concerned about Shen Hao's life.

They won't even live to see the next sunrise so why bother so much.

Fang Ming who was standing behind them pointed his black pistol at Lu Zi and removed the safety.

When Lu Zi and Lin Fan heard the sound of the pistol safety being removed they were stunned, they quickly turned around and were shocked to see Fang Ming standing further back and pointing his black pistol at Lu Zi.

They didn't expect Fang Ming who was calling them brothers few moments ago. to point a gun at them the next moment without any reason, he didn't even say a word.

"Wait brother Fang what's the meaning of..."



Before Lu Ze could finish his words. he was shot twice in the head.

Lin Fan fell to the ground trembling. as he muttered incoherently.



Fang Ming didn't waste time and gave him two bullets in the head as well. finally Fang Ming glanced at young master Shen Hao who was trembling all over. and shoot him in the head before taking the three corpses into his portable space along with the phones they used to communicate.

Fang Ming planned to dispose of everything cleanly, he started to work right after, he took out the gasoline he prepared before to burn this old warehouse.

Fire is the best cleaner in the world, it won't leave a single spark of evidence. fingerprints, fallen hair, footprint... everything will end up burning to ashes.