
Hong Kong Billionaire

An unrighteous and a cold hearted man. a villain who struggled from the bottom to the top of society. to overcome his foes he chose to be ruthless and immoral. In a world full of cruelty Fang Ming had no intention of holding back. A story of a man who traveled back to 1980 equipped with his knowledge of the future and his profound wisdom, Fang Ming is determined to pursue his ultimate goal once again.

DaasWolfe · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 17 The Police Crushing Defeat

"He is fine for now, but if you call the police he won't be, and this transaction will be canceled".

Fang Ming continued saying in a serious tone.

"Come to the commercial center and i will tell you where we will meet up. you have 15 mins".

Shen Yue put down the phone, picked up the money and ran to his car.

Seeing Shen Yue run of with the cash, the young police women turned to the other police men's and said " follow him we must stop the exchange from happening, there will only be one chance to catch the kidnappers don't mess up". before hurrying herself to her car.

After 10 minutes of driving Shen Yue made it to the exchange location, and his phone started to ring.

Before Fang Ming could say anything. the worried Shen Yue started talking.

"I'm here, where are you, where is my son?".

Looking at the crowded building Shen Yue was very anxious.

Fang Ming replied in a deep voice:

"Mr. Shen you didn't keep your word you brought the police over, i think this deal is over".

"No no they came on their own i swear. please don't hurt my son the money is here. its all here 7 millions HKD" Shen Yue was really anxious and he cursed the police in his heart, this bastards really want his son to die.

Fang Ming who was watching the anxious Shen Yue from inside a clothing shop not far away, picked up a black vest and said .

"Mr. Shen this is your last chance get back in your car and lose the police for now, if i see the police in the next location i will kill your son".

"Yes, yes please don't hurt my son "

The police saw Shen Yue leave the commercial center then get in his car, were confused and started chattering in their talkie walkies.

"What's going, aren't they going to exchange the hostage here?".

"Where is he going".

"Everyone listen up, the location of the transaction has been moved, we have been exposed no need to hide anymore go and interrupt the hostage exchange now".

The young police women slammed her fist on the car, she was really pissed this Shen Yue is so stupid can't he see the big picture at all.

Catching the kidnappers is the most important thing right now, this is the first kidnapping incident on Hong Kong and if they didn't arrest the kidnappers and deterred the restless heart of the others gangster.

Hong Kong will really fall into chaos, what's wrong with sacrificing his son for the big picture, his useless play boy son will be remembered as a Hong Kong hero and his family will receive great honer.

The young police women was angry at Shen Yue for not seeing all of this and insisting to cooperate with the kidnappers. she even suspected that Shen Yue exposed them for his selfishness to keep his son alive.

The police officers who already know they were exposed, no longer bothered disguising themselves and hurriedly chased after Shen Yue causing great chaos in the area.

Five min after all the police officers left. Fang Ming also left the clothing shop he was in, wearing a new black vest he just bought, he got on his motorcycle picked up the phone and called Shen Yue.

Without any nonsense Fang Ming said directly:

"Go to maple street, you have 10 mins".

He picked up his phone once again and called Lu Zi and asked " where are you right now".

"I am at the second floor of the commercial center in the most left restaurant" Lu Ze was puzzled why Fang Ming asked that, but he answered truthfully.

Fang Ming said " alright change of plan you go back and watch over Young Master Shen Hao with Lin Fan, the police had intervened and you no longer need to show up".

Hearing that the police had intervened he was suddenly anxious but when he heard that he no longer need to participate in this dangerous operation he was instantly relieved.

Fang Ming didn't bother with this slacker any more he put on his helmet and drove his motorcycle.


On a small hill beside a bridge on the way to maple street sat Fang Ming on a big rock as he used his binoculars to look at the highway.

Suddenly he spotted Shen Yue's car speeding and driving recklessly on the road.

Fang Ming picked up his phone and called Shen Yue as he went down the hill.

Before arriving at maple street Shen Yue who was driving recklessly to lose the police chasing behind him, heard his phone ring and he hurriedly picked it up.

"Stop the car right now, and throw the money under the maple bridge".

Fang Ming said with a confident tone as if he is in control of the situation, to reassure Shen Yue.

Shen Yue who was speeding like a mad man instantly stopped his car and caused lot of cars behind to crash.

He got off the car and didn't even glance behind him to see the accident his caused, he rushed directly to bridge only to see underneath it a man wearing a black jeans, a black vest and a motorcycle helmet and holding a phone looking back at him.

"Where's my son? let my son go!" Shen yue was shouting loudly in the phone while holding the bag with cash.

"Throw down the money first" Fang Ming said in stern tone.

"What if I give you the money and you go back on your word, where is my son i want to see him right now" Shen Yue was very hesitant.

"Mr. Shen you have to believe me. The police will be here soon. If you hesitate any longer i will leave and you will never see your son again".

"You want your son and I want the money, we both want this exchange to succeed, don't let the police play with your son's life, The police want to catch us the kidnappers, they don't care about your son's life. you have 3 second to throw the bag before i leave". Fang Ming continued to speak very calmly contrary to his counterpart Shen Yue who extremely anxious.