
Hong Kong Billionaire

An unrighteous and a cold hearted man. a villain who struggled from the bottom to the top of society. to overcome his foes he chose to be ruthless and immoral. In a world full of cruelty Fang Ming had no intention of holding back. A story of a man who traveled back to 1980 equipped with his knowledge of the future and his profound wisdom, Fang Ming is determined to pursue his ultimate goal once again.

DaasWolfe · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 19 Teasing Ling Chen

Less than five minutes after the gunfire was heard. the surrounding residents who were just scared by the gun shots found out that the old warehouse was filled with flames.

"It's on fire, come and put out the fire!".

"Fire brigade, call the fire brigade to put out the fire!".

The residents were panicking and rushed out to put down the fire.


The next day early in the morning.

Fang Ming went to the commercial center to buy some sets of clothes and gifts for Li Na and Ling Chen.

At this time Fang Ming had a lot of cash on him and wasn't stingy he bought a lot of sets and just stored them in his portable space.

He was planing to go to China for some business and he know he probably wont be back for some time so he decided to visit Ling Chen and her grand mother first then spend the rest of the time with Li Na before departing.

After leaving the commercial center Fang Ming went to a luxurious restaurant and ordered some delicious dessert and crispy baked chicken thighs, he remembered promising to buy Ling Chen some sweets and delicious food when he visit.

Fang Ming stored everything in his portable space and went to the bus station, he didn't plan to steal a car this time instead he just traveled legally.

When Fang Ming arrived at the poor street Ling Chen and her grandmother lived in he felt distressed over their safety and made up his mind to help them move out to a better and safe location once he cleaned the money he has on hand.

Fang Ming stood in front of their house. then he knocked on the door, soon he heard light footsteps approaching from inside the house before stopping in front of the door.

Fang Ming heard Ling Chen tender voice as she asked:

"Who is it".

Fang Ming smiled in his heart as he replied in a teasing tone "Its me Fang Ming, you haven't forgotten me have you".

Hearing this familiar voice Ling Chen was over joyed and immediately opened the door, when she saw that familiar handsome face the little girl didn't think much and dashed into his embarrass.

As she called out " big brother Fang Ming you are a liar a big liar, you said you would visit us in short while but you haven't been to our house for almost a month".

Fang Ming didn't expect the little girl to care so much about him, he could only stroke her hair as he said "be good Ling Chen look i am here now, where is grandma".

Feeling his hand stroking her hair, Ling Chen immediately blushed as she broke up from his embarrass with a flustered look, turned around and rushed back in the house without saying a word.

She didn't know what happened to her or where she got the courage to jump into Fang Ming embarrass. she was so embarrassed as she though to herself " Ling Chen you are so stupid why do you have to act flustered every time you see brother Fang Ming".

Fang Ming on the other side was even more bewildered this little girl jumped into his embarrass complained about him not visiting often then run back inside the house without saying a world, what is he suppose to do right now, stay in front of the door or go inside the house.

Fortunately Fang Ming had a very thick skin and entered the house without permission. he went to Ling Chen room and knocked on her door saying "Ling Chen come out, i am a guest is this how you welcome guests".

The little girl was currently too shy to face Fang Ming right now so she replied stubbornly " no i wont go out, you are not a guest you are just coming back home" the moment she finished saying those word her face became even redder and she instantly regret it.

Her young heart was racing like a deer a she thought to herself "what if brother Fang Ming misunderstand".

Fang Ming who was outside was really helpless this little girl is to stubborn, he could only try to coax her out with the gifts he bought as he said "Ling Chen come out i have bought you lot of gifts".

Ling Chen replied "i can't hear you".

Fang Ming " crispy baked chicken thighs".

Ling Chen "....".

Fang Ming "Delicious dessert and pastry".

Ling Chen "...".

Fang Ming "mmm it's so delicious i am gonna eat it all".


Fang Ming heard the sound of Ling Chen opening the door and showed a victorious smile as he looked at the aggrieved look on Ling Chen face while watching him eat the pastry.

Fang Ming wasn't just coaxing her, he was really enjoying this rare moment of peace while eating his pastry.

Seeing Fang Ming enjoying the pastry while looking at her with a teasing smile Ling Chen was pissed she walked closer before siting and started to eat the pastry as well without looking at Fang Ming.

Fang Ming who saw this scene smiled in his heart this little girl have a very stubborn head but a very easy to coax stomach, Fang Ming stooped eating and stood up before picking the gifts and the clothes he bought for her and started to tease her again.

Not surprisingly the little girl desire for clothes exceeded her desire for the food, she left the dinner table excitedly and started to check every single sets and dress Fang Ming picked for her, as she was jumping with joy and trying those beautiful clothes on she noticed Fang Ming victorious smile once again.

And for the first time ever in the little girl mind Fang Ming image turned form a caring and handsome elder brother to a big bully who enjoyed teasing her.

Ling Chen puffed her cheeks and looked at Fang Ming angrily.

Fang Ming stared back at her with interest.