
Hong Kong Billionaire

An unrighteous and a cold hearted man. a villain who struggled from the bottom to the top of society. to overcome his foes he chose to be ruthless and immoral. In a world full of cruelty Fang Ming had no intention of holding back. A story of a man who traveled back to 1980 equipped with his knowledge of the future and his profound wisdom, Fang Ming is determined to pursue his ultimate goal once again.

DaasWolfe · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 16 Negotiation Is Just A Game Some People Enjoy It

After hanging up Fang Ming stood in same place as he contemplated. negotiation that's an easy skill yet many fail to master it.

Lot of people in the world use threats as a negotiation chip, but that is also their last resolve, because most of the time it end up breaking the negotiation instead of achieving anything.

Just like now Fang Ming used an extreme threat that almost broke the negotiation, but not to rise the price or bargain. he used it to test the importance Shen Yue paid to his son.

So Fang Ming can get the maximum price for the ransom controlling the lethality of the threat used is not easy, and controlling the timing to take step back is even harder.

Just now Shen Yue was so enraged he was like a lion who can take on the world alone. he didn't care about his son nor his wealth he didn't care about anything at that moment.

But as he vented his anger his rationality took over and he started to accept reality and opened up to Fang Ming price.

That was another type of excitement completely different from that of life and death he experienced few days ago, Fang Ming loved negotiations it has always been one of his favorites games.

On the other side Lu Zi and Lin Fan who heard Fang Ming talk over the phone were ecstatic. 7 million HKD they never dreamed of having that much money in their life, once they started to daydream about the future and how many cars and girls they can get with that amount of money, greed was also getting over to their heads.

Immediately after the call was over, they started to argue with Fang Ming over the shares they will be getting.

"Brother Fang Ming this mission is extremely dangerous and we may get caught by the police its not worth the risk for a small amount of money".

"Yes yes brother Lu Zi is right. we are taking equal risk and should have equal rights".

Fang Ming saw that Lu Zi and Lin Fan were completely blinded by greed and they started to argue with him over their shares.

He wasn't angry instead he was happy, with greed taking over their reason. this two cowered who turn around first thing when they see the police will become so courageous they will probably shot back with guns and even kill policemen's. this is just how much the temporary boost greed give to people.

Fang Ming didn't bother to argue with them at all and said in flat tone " we will split the money equally between us. we are brothers in life and death and we will share sorrow and joy beside this is not the only bucket of money we will get, we will have more in the future, now its time to work again go fetch a car and a motorcycle".

Although Lu Zi and Lin Fan were rudely interrupted by Fang Ming who refused to explain to them how they will be splitting the shares.

He already told them that they will be splitting the ransom equally, having already relented once the two of them believe they can force him to relent once more and give them more shares when they get the ransom.

"yes, yes we will go now".

Lu Zi and Lin Fan were satisfied and went to steal a car and a motorcycle, while talking and making funny faces to each other.

Fang Ming looked at this scene with amused eyes and left to prepare for the up coming operation.

Most rich people don't have much in cash, instead most of there money is invested in fixed assets, Fang Ming know that Mr. Shen Yue can only mortgage some of his properties and get a loan from the bank if he want to ransom Shen Hao.

Early in the morning, just when the bank opened, Mr. Shen Yue to rush to withdraw cash, as he was following the procedure the get a loan, a staff member came in and told him that, few police officers rushed in and They said they wanted him to help them investigate his son kidnapping case.

" Go tell them i don't need the police to meddle in my business, My son is fine".

Shen Yue didn't want the police to interfere, he just wanted to pay the ransom and get his son back they can investigate all they want, once his son is safe, what a joke is this risking his son's life in their investigations what if one of the kidnappers got hurt and killed his son in vengeance.

Shen Yue is old and won't be able to have more kids. he wont risk his second son's life on the whims of the Hong Kong police.

Although he felt distressed for this lost 7 million HKD. his second son life is definitely worth it.

However at this moment a young and energetic police women barged in, she walked to Shen Yue and with a righteous tone said: "Mr. Shen I understand your difficulties but i ask you to believe in our police Special investigation department, we will do you justice and we will definitely capture the kidnappers".

Shen Yue face twitched this women talked about justice and capturing the kidnappers, and didn't even mention saving his son once, damn British they don't care about my son's life at all, they just want the credit of capturing the kidnappers.

"I repeat, my son is fine, he is fine please leave me and my family alone. we don't need your help".

At this moment, the phone rang and Shen Yue hurriedly picked it up.

"Hello Mr. Shen, are you ready for the exchange" Fang Ming said in a deep voice.

"It's ready. it's all cash, How is my son?" Shen Yue asked hurriedly.

"He is fine for now, but if you call the police he won't be, and this transaction will be canceled".

Fang Ming said in a serious tone.