
Hong Kong Billionaire

An unrighteous and a cold hearted man. a villain who struggled from the bottom to the top of society. to overcome his foes he chose to be ruthless and immoral. In a world full of cruelty Fang Ming had no intention of holding back. A story of a man who traveled back to 1980 equipped with his knowledge of the future and his profound wisdom, Fang Ming is determined to pursue his ultimate goal once again.

DaasWolfe · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 15 Negotiation.

Lu Zi and Lin Fan got excited by the huge some of money and all that fear and nervousness they felt was gone, just three days ago they were completely broke, and now they are about to make 200 000 HKD, there dream of standing on top of the world is not so far after all.

Shen Hao who saw this scene was also happy in his heart as he thought to himself " Humph look at them flying in happiness for just a mere 200 000 HKD. bunch of beggars to actually dare kidnap me just you wait, once my father pay the ransom and get me out of this, i will find you and make you regret the day you were born"

Fang Ming who was watching the reaction of every single one of them on the rear view mirror, shook his head.

Lu Zi and Lin Fan didn't even receive a single dollar and they are already flying in joy, when they haven't even started negotiating a ransom yet, with that kind of attitude they will never stand on top of the world, maybe beyond it or below it, but definitely not on the top of the world.

And that Shen Hao he act smart, but in reality he is as stupid as them, he is already showing a vengeful look on his face before even getting ransomed.

Fang Ming was already planning to get rid of this three idiots, he absolutely couldn't believe Lu Zi and Lin Fan won't be caught in a week after the incident, and that vengeful Shen Hao this type of people with to much ambition and no ability to back their ambition are a ticking bomb. he didn't want such a waste to keep bothering him.


Few hours later.

At three in the morning, Fang Ming decided to call Mr. Shen Yue who is Shen Hao's father. he decided to show some cares for the elderly father by not letting Lu Zi and Lin Fan make the call. and did it himself he believed he can make the news of the kidnapping less stressing for the old man.

Mr. Shen Yue who was awakened at three in the morning was displeased.

But he picked up the phone anyway and was ready to give a harsh scolding for the one calling him this late if the matter wasn't important.

"Hello, who this" Mr. Shen Yue said in a lazy and sleepy voice.

"Hello Mr. Shen, Let me introduce myself i'm Mr. Donald from the United States, it saddens me to inform you that your son was kidnapped by us, and it saddens me even more that we have to ask for a ransom from a senior like you this early in the morning, Mr. Shen why don't you have some talk with Young master Shen Hao first ".

Mr. Shen Yue was stunned what is this guy talking about so early in the morning, but when he heard his son name he was completely awake, and sat up immediately just as he was about to ask more he heard his son voice over the phone.

"Dad, it's me Shen Hao , I was kidnapped" Shen Hao said in anxious voice.

Before he said anything else Fang Ming snatched the phone back.

"It seems Young Master Shen Hao isn't happy with our hosting. well we aren't happy with him staying any longer with us to. he is really to demanding".

"When does Mr. Shen think he can come to pick him up and take him home".

Shen Yue face was ashen, his fingers holding the phone turned pale, as he said "what do you want, as long as you don't hurt my son, I will satisfy all your demands".

"Mr. Shen as you see your son is in a healthy condition without any pain nor is he screaming we have treated him extremely well, this is our sincerity in truly handing him over back to you safe and sound".

"Now Mr. Shen lets move on to the ransom, we want 10 millions HKD for your eldest son's life today". Fang Ming said in a sincere tone.

Hearing the amount Fang Ming asked for, not only Mr. Shen Yue was stunned even Lu Zi, Lin Fan and Shen Hao were shocked as well.

"Ten .ten millions? I don't have that much money" Shen Yue said anxiously.

"Mr. Shen i'm not negotiating with you i am just informing you. how you get that much money is not my business. i'm only here to insure your son don't get harassed and mistreated by my subordinates. you see some of them just left prison and my have AIDS or STD or something else who really know what happens in there".

Shen Yue who was listening in earnest suddenly explode "how dare you. if you touch a single hair on my son you won't have a place in Hong Kong, no you won't have a place in the world i will chase you to the end of the world!".

Fang Ming didn't respond he just waited leisurely for Shen Yue to finish talking.

After scolding and shouting angrily for some time, and seeing that Fang Ming didn't respond and the call was still on Shen Yue did his best to endure and felt the veins in his forehead bulging.

" Mr. Donald your price is too much, it greatly exceeds what my companies can support. Can you decrease it".

Fang Ming heard what Shen Yue said ,and thought This old man who knew when to give and take was worthy of respect.

It was almost the crucial moment now Fang Ming didn't want the negotiation to break down, so he softens his tone and said "Then we will decrease it by thirty percent".

Shen Yue couldn't help but massage his brows when he heard this. He replied in a sunken voice " i hope you can keep your words. Don't hurt my son".

After hanging up Fang Ming stood in same place as he contemplated. negotiation that's an easy skill yet many fail to master it.