
Hong Kong Billionaire

An unrighteous and a cold hearted man. a villain who struggled from the bottom to the top of society. to overcome his foes he chose to be ruthless and immoral. In a world full of cruelty Fang Ming had no intention of holding back. A story of a man who traveled back to 1980 equipped with his knowledge of the future and his profound wisdom, Fang Ming is determined to pursue his ultimate goal once again.

DaasWolfe · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 14 Kidnapping Operation

If not for the opportunity to swallow her family wealth, he wouldn't even bother himself chasing her he would just drug her and take her to his bed, later consequences will be fixed by his father connections, he had done this multiple time already.

Shen Hao who was still immersed in his anger was still cursing at Yan Ruyue for being an ungrateful bitch who doesn't know what's good for her, when suddenly an old Santana that was speeding appeared beside him and was about to collide with his car.

Shen Hao was instantly awake from the alcohol and tried to dodge it, but it was already to late that Santana was to close and slammed into his car.

Shen Hao who got dizzy from the collision, he was to angry to think, or maybe he got too used to acting crazy and arrogant he didn't think his next actions through.

"Fucking bastard!".

Shen Hao cursed as he got out of his car with a baseball bat. he was so angry he planned to smash the ignorant fool who dare hit his sport car.

"Who the fuck taught you to drive. don't you have eyes do you even know how much that car cost. its a 200 000 HKD can you afford that do you even know who i am".

Shen Hao was very angry he didn't plan to talk reason he will beat up this ignorant fool and vent up his angry then ask him to compensate.

He walked arrogantly to the driver seat with an angry expression while dragging the baseball bat on the ground to create fear in the Santana driver.

Just as he arrived beside the driver seat window Shen Hao who planned to reach for the driver collar was petrified by what he saw.

Because the driver he planned to beat up was holding a pistol, and the black muzzle of the gun was pointed to his face

At this moment, Young master Shen Hao know he messed up with the wrong guy. he no longer dared to show an angry expression, the image of the spoiled good for nothing rich second generation instantly disappeared. as he switched back to his normal behavior he know that people who carry guns aren't good people,.

Shen Hao have no plan nor any desire to get to know or antagonism this kind of peoples. and this one is a lunatic at that. Isn't it just a car crash who take a gun out in a car crash.

"Big, big, big brother, I, I really didn't mean to" Shen Hao said in a frightened voice as he looked for some excuse to get out of here quickly.

Shen Hao felt very wronged a poor girl who doesn't know what's good for her dared to refuse his pursuit time and time again, and he just had to bump into a lunatic, who point out his gun in car crash before even talking. whats wrong with this world.

But Fang Ming didn't talk nonsense with him, he pointed the gun at him, and said in a stern voice "Get in the car".

"What" Shen Hao was confused.

At this time, the rear doors opened, and Lu Zi and Lin Fan came out wearing black hoods and masks, they rushed to Shen Hao to capture him before violently pushing him in rear sites of the car.

The two of them got in the old Santana and Fang Ming drove away, leaving Shen Hao sports car at the scene.

The whole process didn't even take 5 min, although they weren't professionals by any means Shen Hao cooperation was crucial in this operation.


Sitting in the middle of the back seats, the still confused Shen Hao finally realized that he was kidnapped.

He had an extremely ugly look on his face.

"Big brothers, there is no need for violence we can discuss this, if you want money, that's not a problem my family will give it. we are rich we will definitely satisfy you".

Shen Hao was very nervous.

He didn't know why he was so unlucky, and was targeted by the kidnappers.

If he get to know that Fang Ming and this group of kidnappers has no professionalism at all and were just trying their luck after hearing him bragging to Yan Ruyue in the coffee. on how rich his family was and how they can afford to lend her dozens of millions HKD. his expression would be wonderful to see.

In fact the Shen family wasn't very rich and he was just bragging on how they can take out dozens of millions HKD at any time. they have at most 50 million HKD in fix assets and not in cash, that's no where near the rich people in Hong Kong who Own hundredth of millions or even the top rich whose net worth is several billions HKD.

Shen Hao was still cursing at the flashy appearance of his sport BMW, maybe it was his sports car that attracted this robbers.

It was bought by his father after he begged him for a year, to show off and pick up girls. and now instead of attracting girls his sport car attracted robbers who regarded him as a rich man.

Lin Fan who was still nervous about the kidnapping operation "asked him excitedly how much will your family pay for your life".

When Shen Hao heard Lin Fan words he was overjoyed it seems this kidnappers are just newbies who didn't investigate his family background before making there move on him, and he was more convinced it was his sport car that brought him all this trouble he swore to change it in his heart.

"A 100 000 no 200 000 HKD" Shen Hao said hurriedly he just had to appease this violent kidnappers, he didn't know what this lunatics can do the next moment, better not aggravate them.

Lu Zi and Lin Fan got excited by the huge some of money and all that fear and nervousness they felt was gone, just three days ago they were completely broke, and now they are about to make 200 000 HKD, there dream of standing on top of the world is not so far after all.