
Hong Kong Billionaire

An unrighteous and a cold hearted man. a villain who struggled from the bottom to the top of society. to overcome his foes he chose to be ruthless and immoral. In a world full of cruelty Fang Ming had no intention of holding back. A story of a man who traveled back to 1980 equipped with his knowledge of the future and his profound wisdom, Fang Ming is determined to pursue his ultimate goal once again.

DaasWolfe · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 13 Not What It Seems

Hong Kong was really a small place, but out of all places this two has to be here beside Fang Ming, when he was drinking his coffee and looking for a rich second generation to kidnap.

From the conversation that didn't seems to go well for the young man, Fang Ming got to know their names and their family background.

The young man name was Shen Hao he was the second son of the multi millionaire Shen Yue whose estimated net worth was about 50 millions HKD, and the young women name was Yan Ruyue she was the third daughter of real estate company owner whose net worth don't exceed 10 million HKD.

Fang Ming continued to listen to their love conversation, who knows he may get to learn some skill at picking up girls, although Fang Ming really doubted Shen Hao skill in this area.

Not only was he rich he was handsome to, with all the odds on his side. he actually failed to hook up with this girl he had been chasing for so long.

"I called you over today because I have something to tell you Yan Ruyue" young master Shen Hao said in affectionate tone.

"Yan Ruyue you know my feelings toward you, you are my light my one and only love, i will do anything for you, you just have to tell me who is bothering you and i will make him regret the day he was born" Shen Hao looked like a crazy licking dog, he seemed willing to do anything to please Yan Ruyue.

Yan Ruyue on the other hand had a very cold face and a slight disgust on her face.

But Shen Hao didn't seems to notice and continued to express his feeling in what he thought was a romantic way.

But Yan Ruyue who was about to explode didn't buy it, and interrupted him rudely this time.

"Young master Shen Hao please stop calling me out, it is impossible between us, i hope Young Master Shen Hao find his fated true love in someone else more worthy".

Shen Hao was stunned he didn't expect Yan Ruyue to reject his advances so blatantly, than his humiliation turned to anger.

"Why.. why Yan Ruyue you and i are a perfect match, your family is in a dire states and it need a loan urgently, no bank is willing to lend you money. you have already mortgaged everything you had".

"How is your dad going to save his company no one will help you at this time, i'm your only and best choice you just have to accept marrying me, my father will save your father from going bankrupt, it's a win win for both our families and we can live a happy life we can travel all around the world!".

Fang Ming who was by the side drinking his coffee almost choked, is this Shen Hao crazy did he really have to shout that loud in a coffee shop.

Fang Ming had no doubt this guy didn't care about his face at all just seeing him acting like a licking dog was more than enough to prove that.

Fang Ming felt very arrived he didn't even acted against this Shen Hao yet, but he already spoiled this newly bought suit by this a cup of coffee.

All the surrounding people turned to look at this place wondering what was happening.

Yan Ruyue had and angry face she stood up, picked her Hand bag and left without saying anything more.

Shen Hao who saw this stood up and angrily shouted.

"Yan Ruyue, you will come back to me and beg me to save your father dying company but i wont be this nice, you better think this through before you regret it!".

Seeing that Yan Ruyue didn't stop and continued to walk away, the surrounding people in the coffee shop started to whisper and point fingers at Shen Hao.

Shen Hao turned to the surrounding people and shouted " what are you looking at, you poor beggars turn your ugly faces away!"

After that he left the coffee shop as well with an extremely ugly face, he got in his sport car and drove off.

At this moment Fang Ming stood up walked to his car and started following Shen Hao's car.

After some time Shen Hao car stopped at a high end nightclub, he parked his sport car, got off and entered.

Fang Ming stared at nightclub for a while and drove off to pick up his two new team mates Lu Zi and Lin Fan.

Later that day

In another stolen car sat Fang Ming in the driver seat while Lu Zi and Lin Fan sat in the back. as they looked at a sports car not far away.

Fang Ming said in deep voice "Get ready, he is here".

Lu Zi and Lin Fan stared unconsciously at a handsome young man in suit, as he walked out of the bar and got into the sport car and drove off.

Fang Ming started the car and followed right behind.

They didn't talk in the car. Fang Ming could already see fear and hesitation on their face but he didn't talk to them or console them. the operation has already started and there is no way for them to turn back now.

Young master Shen Hao was driving his sport BMW after leaving the bar was still in a very bad mode, the softness of the girl in the night club didn't manage to calm him one bit.

Shen Hao was frowning and thinking of the early encounter he had with Yan Ruyue today.

He wasn't a licking dog nor did he really like Yan Ruyue, in fact he was very smart and an ambitious guy. all of his disgraceful actions was just a pretense he put for Yan Ruyue family to let their guard down. nevertheless he was still pissed.

If not for the opportunity to swallow her family wealth, he wouldn't even bother himself chasing her he would just drug her and take her to his bed, later consequences will be fixed by his father connections, he had done this multiple time already.