
Hong Kong Billionaire

An unrighteous and a cold hearted man. a villain who struggled from the bottom to the top of society. to overcome his foes he chose to be ruthless and immoral. In a world full of cruelty Fang Ming had no intention of holding back. A story of a man who traveled back to 1980 equipped with his knowledge of the future and his profound wisdom, Fang Ming is determined to pursue his ultimate goal once again.

DaasWolfe · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 12 The Extremely Unlucky Young Man

After talking for so long, Fang Ming felt motivated by his own speech.

Then he suddenly changed his tone from a heart warming and motivating one to a serious and cold tone.

"Then do you know the difference between me and you".

The two were stunned once again but before they could respond, Fang Ming continued speaking.

"i have millions of dollars i have long past the phase where i get scolded by my boss, i no longer need to endure and let this capitalist jackals take advantage of me and rob my hard earned money, right now i am the one taking their money".

"You want to learn how to do that" Fang Ming asked with a smile.

The Two guys nodded their head as if chickens pecking on rice.

"So listen to me and listen well".

Fang Ming started to speak excitedly.

"Right now i'm my own boss i make hundreds of thousands HKD each day, i get to enjoy the best hotels and the best women's out there i no longer chase women, they beg to be on my bed".

"And you where are you. you are still slave to the system you still follow some rules someone else wrote for you. how do you expect to be bosses and have other people work for you".

"How can you even dream of enjoying the best women's and unlimited wealth if you are still slaves to some dead rules, those who made the rules don't even follow them. so why are you following them".

The two idle guys were stunned once again. what Fang Ming said seems to make sense. They have never seen someone talk so eloquently.

While Fang Ming used some messed up logic and some random quotes he remembered from his previous life. to this uneducated guys who spent most of their time complaining about the system. hearing someone so daringly challenging this rules they hate so much.

Made them to attracted to his speech and the future he was drawing for them. they unknowingly started to believe his words.

Fang Ming saw that his speech was working well, and the two guys were already attracted to what he said, he decided to take a the last step and the finale trump card.

Fang Ming trump card was real benefit a card that never failed to impress him.

The two idle guys saw Fang Ming open the car trunk, and they were stunned because it was full of cash there was about 100 000 HKD inside. the visual impact for this poor guys who have no ambition nor any desire to work stunned them, this sums of money they only saw in their dream.

Fang Ming specially used small banknote to fill up the full trunk of the car, which looked very impressive at first glance.

Creating a lasting impact is a very important to convince them. this type of idle people wont move before they see the real benefit.

The two guys who were completely immersed in gazing at the money, were interrupted by Fang Ming as they heard him say.

"All of this and more can be yours if you follow me, i have a business and i need brothers, true brothers, brothers who are talented and fearless, brothers who have ambition to stand on the top of the world and enjoy all the the beautiful women's, cars, mansions, and parties".

Fang Ming paused for a while and looked at the two of them earnestly and said in a sincere tone.

"Are you willing to be my brothers?"

Fang Ming made sure to ignite their ambition, he know ambition is very dangerous especially for those who don't have the talent or the ability to back it up, and that's what he want. he need them to be motivated enough to surpass the fear of the system.

The two guys nodded repeatedly one of them replied " we will be brother. life and death brother, life and death brothers, i will never abandon nor betray my brother i will lay my life for you my brother".

The second one added "yes brother just tell us what to do and we are at your disposal".

Fang Ming laughed and hugged the two brothers he just made as he wondered how powerful money is. he just made two guy he didn't even know their names call him brother and are willing to follow him for some empty promises he made. it's interesting how people's IQ tend to go negative in front of money.


Few days later.

after a lot of more motivation speech and some brainwash about how unfair life and how broken the system is. Fang Ming finally made his two new brothers. Lu Zi and Lin Fan let go of their fear, and take an adventure with him.

Fang Ming was sitting in a coffee shop.

There was a young rich and handsome man sitting opposite to a very beautiful young women.

This beauty seems to be out of a painting, with her hair hanging down like a waterfall and her facial features that are extremely exquisite, Coupled with that perfect figure under the blue dress this combination is even more suffocating and tempting than anything else you can imagine.

The only blemish on this scene is that that stern, cold face, and the impatience in her beautiful eyes, as she looked at the young man in front of her.

Fang Ming looked at the couple who were quarreling in front of him calmly and thought in his heart.

That this young man was born handsome and rich but his luck seems to have run out, the moment he meet him.

This is the same guy who Fang Ming previously pick pocketed while he was bickering with to that wired middle aged man in the market few days ago, and this is also the same young women who turned to face him at the last moment, before he tried to take her wallet

Hong Kong was really a small place, but out of all places this two has to be here beside Fang Ming when he was drinking his coffee and looking for a rich second generation to kidnap.