
Homunculus in BNHA world. (Re-write is up.)

In his first year at Hogwarts, Harry Potter died. Death didn't like it and sent him into the new world of Quirks with a special Stone... Re-write in progress. I do not own BNHA, Harry Potter, Fullmetal Alchemist, or the cover, exception: I own a cute cat. Her name's Tosya.

Simple_Russian_Boi · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

The USJ battle.

A smoke creature appeared in front of the students and blocked the exit from the USJ, Harry immediately began to move his shadows closer to the villains body to attack him at the first opportunity.

"Greetings. We are The League Of Villains. Forgive our audacity, but today we've Come here to UA High School - this bastion of heroism - to end the life of the All Might, The Symbol Of Peace."

The green-eyed teenager slowly surrounded the man with Pride and began to look for a weak spot on the bastard's body.

'This collar looks important.'

"We were under the impression that All Might would be here today... But... It seems his schedule was revisited? Well... No matter."

Thirteen's gloved finger opened and the Heroine prepared to attack. The smoke stretched out around the students, giving Harry even more shadows to use.

"My role remains unchanged."

As soon as the villain finished speaking, three people attacked. Bakugo and Kirishima struck simultaneously with Harry's shadows, which burst from the ground in long spears. But Bakugo's explosion produced too much light and Harry was only able to scratch the collar a little.

"Not if we end you first. Betcha didn't see that coming!"

"That was close... Yes. Students through you may be, you are still the Best of the best."

The black smoke began to move again and headed towards the students.

"No, get back! Both of you!"

Harry saw a black hole forming on Thirteen's finger and pulled two of his classmates to him with Pride.


The villain used his Quirk and Harry was surrounded by darkness.


Harry landed on the Conflagration zone. There was only smoke and fire around him... the teenager was able to warm up for the first time today. He strengthened his body with Envy and opened eyes to every shadow of his body. The fire was severely limiting his shadows, so right now Harry went into close combat.

"Look, they sent me fresh meat! Can i eat now?"

Harry turned towards the voice, he could see Ojiro and the two villains that surrounded them. The first was a rather short, fat bald man with a huge mouth and small eyes. The second villain was completely covered in black fur and looked like a werewolf.

"Damn, they put in the same squad with the crackpot... Why couldn't I go with that hot chick? We only got two assholes, so this one is all yours. I'll take the tailed one."

The man cracked his knuckles and began to move towards Ojiro. The student did not wait for the attack of the villains and decided to take the initiative.


The bald villain stretched out his arms towards Harry and jumped with incredible speed. The teen dodged the man's meaty hand and punched him in the side. He staggered back a couple of steps, but a second later he attacked Harry again, trying to bite him in the shoulder.

Ojiro, meanwhile, tried to defend himself from the quick claws of the werewolf and get out of the fire. The villain was overconfident and didn't notice the escape route.

Harry continued to turn away and began to slowly back away towards the wall. With each attack, the fat man became crazier and tried to get to the teenager at all costs.

"Meet doesn't want to stand still!"

A huge amount of saliva from the mouth is fatty glass, extinguishing small bits of fire on the floor. Harry could swear he saw a familiar tattoo on the villains tongue.

"Why am I so lucky on the crazy shitheads?!"

A series of blows and bites did not stop and only grew, Harry grabbed a pipe from the wall with Pride and tried to stop one of the bites, but the villain just tore through the metal and did not even choke. The teen was able to stick one of the pipe fragments into the fat man's side, but he again showed little reaction.

Harry's back touched the wall and he barely had time to move his head away from the fat man's fist. The villain's hand got stuck in the wall, but that didn't stop him and he was able to bite the teenager in the shoulder. Teeth tore apart the kevlar and flesh with a terrible sound and Harry screamed. The second piece of pipe fell to the floor.


"Mua! Meeeeeeeat!"

The villain made no secret of his delight in a small snack. A strange feeling went through Harry's body again, exactly the same as when he met Overhaul... The same as he consumed Envy... Pride and Envy began to scream in his soul and the teenager suddenly realized that before him was the owner of another Philosopher's Stone.

Harry grabbed the villain by the skull and smiled terribly. The villain's face changed dramatically from bliss to confusion.

"I've got you now, cunt."

Shadows erupted from Harry's back, ripping apart his flesh at his shoulder blades and breaking the wall. It quickly broke down under their weight and in a second two bodies flew from the eighth floor onto the ground. In the air, Harry put his feet on the fat man's stomach and braced himself for the impact. He tried to twist and turn to change his position, but in the end the villain's back collided with the asphalt with a terrible crunch.

"Ahh! Food fights back! It's not fair!"

A meaty hand tried to hit Harry, but the teenager grabbed it and stopped the movement at once.

"And now I'll try to do something interesting..."

Shadows appeared on the teenager's fingertips and entered the villain's chest in one motion. Harry clenched his fist and the familiar Philosopher's Stone emerged from the fat man's body.

Without wasting time, he absorbed it with Pride and felt the second outside surge of strength and knowledge in his life. The villain's eyes went glassy, ​​but Harry didn't care. First he needs to help Ojiro and-

"What? They couldn't even stop the kid? What a disappointment. Guys, we've got a little fry over here!"

Or he might break the neck of the bastard closest to him.

Harry stopped the bleeding in his shoulder with Envy and got to his feet. Around him stood a dozen villains, but the teenager already did not care about their numbers anymore. He looked at the fire around him and smirked.

"There are more shadows here than in the building. Do you know what that means?"

One of the villains chuckled and raised his weapon - a weird looking knife.

"And what does that mean?"

"That you are stuck between a rock and a hard place... AND I AM THE FUCKING HARD PLACE!"

Wounds opened up all over Harry's body. Shadows tore his suit open and burst out, frightening the villains. Dozens of mouths and eyes opened in the shadows and rushed to attack. Most of the villains could not dodge and lost pieces of flesh or a limb, the smell of wet metal quickly filled the burning street.


"MY ARMS! MY AR- ek!" the man's scream was stopped when a shadow hit him in the throat.

Harry's breathing became heavy and his nose was bleeding, controlling the shadow of the atoms was still too difficult. But after absorbing another Philosopher's Stone - he decided it was Gluttony - it became much easier.

Harry wiped the blood from under his nose with his sleeve and scanned the battlefield. The villains lay motionless on the burning street and the teenager pushed a couple of unconscious bodies away from the fire. He's ready to leave this trash in a coma for the rest of their lives, but he is not ready to kill them.


Ojiro ran out of the building with a split lip and stared at the bloody scene in shock. He saw Harry throwing another body at a bunch of unconscious villains and cauterize their wounds with a red-hot metal pipe. There was an unbearable smell of burning flesh and blood on the street.

"Harry, what the hell are you doing?!"

The green-eyed teen flinched from the sound, but got to his feet.

"I need to stop their bleeding... I don't need corpses... Azumi would be upset..."

Ojiro didn't know how he should react to such words and decided to leave it for later.

"This... Let's... just get out of here."

"...it would be nice..."

Harry leaned on Ojiro's shoulder and allowed his body to relax a little. But he did not dare to remove his shadow eyes and constantly scanned the area.

Two students walked to the center of the USJ, where loud battle sounds were heard. Harry knocked out the villains as soon as he saw them with shadowy eyes, and Ojiro simply served as a crutch for him. But he did not complain and knocked out those who could get past the shadow protection.

"You're slowing down. How much blood have you lost?"

"Not the problem... my brain's overwhelmed... too much information..." Harry wiped the blood from his nose again. "Fils de pute... Arrachez-leur la gorge... et chiez dans le cou." (swearing in French and threatening to shit down villains throats.)

"Harry, you sound like Aoyama."

"Oui...? That's bad..."

In the distance, an explosive blow thundered. Two teenagers saw how a huge black monster with an open brain made All Might slide several meters away and spit blood with one hit. Harry frowned when he saw Bakugo, Midoriya, Todoroki and Kirishima a couple of dozen meters away from the collision. Next to the black monster were two familiar figures, a villain with white hair and a smoke creature in a business suit. Five Heroes and three Villains.

'Is his strength equal to All Might's? This is bad...'

"This guy doesn't know how to hold back..." the hero said.

The white-haired villain spread his arms to the sides and began to speak triumphantly.

"Everything to save a comrade, right? Just like earlier when... uh.." the villain turned and looked at Midoriya, who was standing there with a couple of students "That one... The plain one. He came at me with everything he had. But violence in the name of saving others is admirable? Isn't it, hero?"

The villain's voice grew louder with every word and everyone in the USJ could hear him.

"You know what, All Might ?! It pisses me off! 'You're good'. 'You're evil'. It's just that! A symbol of peace? Hah! After all, you are just a tool of violence designed to keep us down! And violence only breeds more violence. I will show this to the whole world by killing you!"

Harry could've understand and believe this whole thing, but even his fevered brain could see the eyes of the villain.

"He's full of shit."

Ojiro just nodded in response, not taking his eyes off the scene. All Might began to approach the black monster with his trademark smile.

"What a load of hooey. Idealistic criminals have a different sort of fire in their eyes. But you're just enjoying yourself, you big liar."

Even behind the palm that covered the villain's face, everyone could see his smile.

"You got me. Saw right through..."

Harry couldn't hear what his classmates were saying, but finally decided on what to do next.

"Let's go... until we are blown away... If two power houses come together in battle..."

"USJ could turn into an area of ​​ruins." finished Ojiro and quickly walked towards the exit, dragging half-conscious Harry along with him.

The Hero and the monster's fists collided and the blast pushed absolutely everyone back, even Harry felt vibrations in his body. The remaining villains had already stopped trying to attack the students and only looked at the battle in shock. So the teenager took advantage of their weakness and quietly knocked out everyone he met.

All Might exchanged dozens of blows per second with the black villain, and he slowly began to retreat. At such speeds it was imperceptible, but the monster became slower and more rigged. The ground shook from the raw force of the blows, and cracks gradually crept into the floor. Harry and Ojiro were at the closest point from the Battle now and could hear the words of the Symbol of Peace.

"A Hero's always ready to smash through trouble! Tell me, Villain, do you know the meaning of..." The Hero's fist connected with the villain's chest and the monster flew with incredible speed into the USJ wall "PLUS ULTRA?!"

Ojiro breathed a sigh of relief, but Harry was still watching the remaining villains. The foggy bastard and the white-haired hand-man were in charge here. So the shadows of the teenager began to surround them.

"Ojiro... get ready for any weird shit."


"He drove the rats into the corner... And the rats are starting to bite..."

All Might stood confidently in a cloud of rising dust and looked at the villains.

"I'm getting slower. Before, five of these hits would have done the job... But that was over 300 just now!"

The white-haired villain began to scratch his neck and Harry saw his skin crumble.

"Well, Villain. Now's the time to hurry up and finish this?"

"You cheated...!"

Yep, Gluttony. The fat muffin himself. I suddenly realized that I didn’t know how to write fight scenes, so I’ll go read some novels about martial arts.

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