
Homunculus in BNHA world. (Re-write is up.)

In his first year at Hogwarts, Harry Potter died. Death didn't like it and sent him into the new world of Quirks with a special Stone... Re-write in progress. I do not own BNHA, Harry Potter, Fullmetal Alchemist, or the cover, exception: I own a cute cat. Her name's Tosya.

Simple_Russian_Boi · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

The exam begins!

His hair had already grown to the middle of his back and took on a reddish tint, he usually tied it in a ponytail like Azumi's. He grew to a comfortable 180cm and stopped. He couldn't tell if it was Envy or just his normal height. Harry made subtle changes in his biology throughout his life. Slightly stronger bones, flexible and strong muscles, healthy tan and perfect skin. If you use your Quirk, then use it to the fullest.

Because of his looks, he has become quite popular with his peers, especially after getting his Quirk and participating in several martial arts championships. Several times he was even recognized on the street. The only thing is that Harry still did not have, were friends. Of course, he often talked with children in the Orphanage, but he can never forget their looks when he was 'Quirkless'.

"Well, I've only had two real friends in my life, Hermione and Ron... I hope I won't remain a hermit for the rest of my life."

Harry sighed heavily and walked down the road towards the gate. He was dressed in a long dark green coat, black pants and boots, and he wore leather gloves on his hands. Oddly enough, Harry was constantly freezing, even in the summer.

He was walking past the green-haired kid when he staggered and flew face down to the floor. Harry reached out and grabbed the guy by his shirt so he wouldn't break his nose, but realized that he didn't weigh anything.

"Are you okay? Sorry to use my quirk on you, but apparently I wasn't the only one who noticed that you were falling."

Harry looked to his left and saw a girl with a bob-cut and pink cheeks. As soon as he put the green haired guy on the ground, she brought her fingers together and the guy regained his weight.

"You alive?"

Harry asked with amusement in his voice. The broccoli's face turned beet red after he realized he was talking to a girl.

"Ah. Oh yeah."

"Well, this is definitely nerve-racking! Good luck to all of us!"

The girl waved her hand and walked towards the entrance to the building. Broccoli's face broke into a smile and Harry just couldn't help it.

"If you do not pass now, you will miss both the future girl and the chance to become a Hero."

"Wha-! But- I am not!"

Harry didn't listen and went into the building, laughing quietly.


After the theory exam, Harry took his number - 7777 lucky - and sat down in the allocated seat. Knowing that only 36 of all people would pass, Harry began to wonder why both exams are held on the same day. It would be possible to immediately remove everyone who does not qualify for intelligence.

"Welcome to tonight's show! Say 'Heeey!'" shouted Present Mic... No one answered him "Difficult crowd, right? Okay, let's not waste time on such trivial things!"

Harry tried to listen to the Hero's voice that was too loud, given his close seat amd hurt eardrums - which he even amplified with Envy - he could only read the document he was given. Four villains, from 0 to 3 points, the last one serves as an obstacle. A smile appeared on Harry's face.

"I've found some fun~!"

The muttering became a little too loud and someone could not stand it. In the hall, there was a small conflict between a beefy guy with glasses and a green-haired broccoli. Honestly, Harry just blocked his hearing and went deaf for the rest of the speech, trying to pass the time.

When everyone started to get up, he went to the false city under the letter F and quickly changed his clothes. His Quirk didn't require anything extra, so he just dressed in a baggy sports uniform that made his shadow look a little bigger. Yes, he had learned to control the shadows of the atoms themselves, but it was still difficult, controlling such small shadow particles made Harry's brain boil.

Excited examinees stood around him and looked at the city, and the green-eyed teenager only sent a pair of shadows with eyes into the city to explore the area. At the same time, one white animal with a smile watched Harry's actions.

"Well, we didn't say anything about proper research."

"And... begin!" Harry immediately jumped from his place to the city "What? In a real battle, there is no countdown! Fight and die, little listeners!"


The entire staff of UA School sat in the teacher's room. Many looked at the screens with interest. Here the participant number 366 almost broke his leg, the girl number 5734 destroyed another 2-point robot. Even so, some personalities have attracted attention.

Those who can gather information in the shortest possible time.

Those who are never late for a party.

Those who can make decisions quickly.

Natural born fighters.

And even among them, those who had several advantages stood out.

"Hey, this guy already has 37 points! The test started three minutes ago!"

Nezu looked at the screen with interest and his face broke into a blissful smile.

"Hoo... number 7777? Quirk 'Pride', the ability to manipulate shadows. He hooked me from the very beginning."

A pair of heads turned towards the animal.

"And how was he able to attract your attention?"

In response, the white mouse-dog-bear just pointed at the screen. Harry finished with another robot and began to hunt for a new one, shadows spread across the floor and eyes appeared on them, frightening several examinees. As soon as the shadows noticed a new target, they immediately crawled inside the robot's body and destroyed it from the inside, leaving only the shells behind.

Harry walked with his hands in his pockets and sometimes looking around, the shadows doing all the work for him. He was even able to help a couple of members who got stuck under the rubble or were fighting too many robots.

"He has a precise plan and strategy. He behaves like a predator on the hunt and does not even try to hide it." a picture of Harry's face with a grin appeared on the screen.

"Well, now we find out the true face of our students!"

Nezu pressed the 0-point release button and all the cities shook with the weight of the robots.


Harry felt a jolt and turned to look at the source. The examinees were running from the far side of the city, someone tried to destroy a couple more robots, but most were just trying to hide from danger. Harry looked at this for a few seconds and walked calmly towards the giant Robot. According to his calculations, at the moment he has 67 points for and another 3 minutes in stock.

He can afford a little fun.

The teenager created a ladder in front of him to the roof of one of the houses and found himself on the same level with the head of a huge villain. Harry pulled his hands out of his pockets and two long shadow whips with huge mouths emerged from his palms. He swung both hands at the same time and the shadows rushed with incredible speed towards the Robot. Harry didn't even bother to sneak the shadows inside the Robot's body, he immediately ripped through the armor with his teeth.

The 0-pointer raised his arms to protect the vulnerable parts, but they quickly turned to dust. The rest of the members looked in shock at the laughing Harry, who enjoyed the strength with a mad smile.

'What a huge step from the closet under the stairs!' he screamed in his mind.

"It's all over!" Present Mic's voice sounded, Harry could barely stop Pride from completely crushing the Robot. No one will thank him for destroying the material. The shadows returned to his body and the teen's hands were pierced with sharp pain, two deep cuts on his palms. Harry frowned; this has never happened before... Each wound blinked with an eye and closed just as quickly as it opened.

"Fuck... That was weird..." he stood for a couple of seconds on the roof in a complete stupor, but quickly came to his senses and began to walk towards the exit.


Harry dressed again in long coat and black trousers; the cold quickly reached his body. He tried to raise his body temperature with Envy, but that only made the situation worse. The teenager rubbed his gloved hands and walked slowly to the Orphanage. Many will worry about his results, but the only important person for Harry there was Azumi... Maybe a couple of younger kids.

The teenager stopped next to a bookstore and decided to see what was inside. This shop was one of the oldest in Japan and contained books even before the advent of Quirks, so Harry was very interested in the books here. This was one of his few hobbies and connections with a past life.

Over the years, more and more old books appeared in his room, some of them were difficult to find even in museums. He was even able to find his old book on Transfiguration from Hogwarts - which raised a lot of questions and a little madness in his head - so that his collection could be called impressive.

Harry walked over to the old cashier Shu and waved his hand. The old man was deaf and mute from birth and communicated only with gestures. Shu just pointed in the direction of the Historical Chronicle section and Harry nodded. Every time Shu had a book for him, he putted it in the least visited department so that no one could pick it up.

Harry went into the department and immediately noticed the book, it was a thick black tome with pages of parchment and no inscription on the cover. The teenager smiled, he remembered the last time he asked Shu to find a notebook with thick sheets of paper. Old Man Shu never did things by half. Harry took the book, paid for it at the checkout and left a small note of thanks, and also wrote down the address of another store where he found the collected works of Shu's beloved poet. He put the book in his bag and left the store.

Why there is a csene in a bookstore? Не знаю, вас ебать не должно, мне просто захотелось. Вовсе не потому, что я решил добавить немного личности персонажу.

No, I'm not going to translate that, have fun.

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