
Hogwarts: Breaking the Wizarding Secrecy Starting Selling Potions

Murphy, whose worldview has been solidified in materialism, finds himself in the realm of idealism and magic. Unable to adapt to this new world, he decides to change it. In order to journey to the ultimate realm of magic, he must gather resources, recruit talent, establish organizations, manipulate human nature, and become the mastermind behind the scenes. Murphy: "Give wizards technology, give Muggles magic. All for the greatest benefit!" Aurors: "Sounds nice, but you're abusing the three unforgivable curses, indulging in luxuries, violating secrecy laws, infiltrating the Ministry of Magic, controlling Gringotts. Are you still claiming not to be a dark wizard?" Guide for Avoiding Pitfalls: 1. Start as a struggling laborer, prone to outbursts of anger. 2. Accumulate wealth in the early stages, becoming a major capitalist. 3. Hogwarts School part begins in the fourth volume. 4. 'No System' protagonists in the novels who rely on Gold finger, they are nothing without Gold finger. Guide for Getting Into the Story: 1. Techno-wizard, with extensive theoretical knowledge. 2. Develop multiple ways to achieve godhood, primarily focusing on transfiguration. 3. Explore vast plot twists, operating as the mastermind behind the scenes. 4. Don't want to see how Tom gradually becomes the savior? (Updates every hour till 250 chapter) (霍格沃茨:从倒卖白鲜开始成神最新章节)

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Chapter 81 Who knows zombies better than me

"Using diffusin to promote the proliferation of specific T cells is very fast, and the antibody magnetic bead separation step only takes a short time, but we need to prepare some materials. In about a day, we can prepare enough specific T cells."

"One day?"

Murphy was a little surprised. If it only took one day, maybe Celica could really be saved.

As the last barrier of human immunity, it is also a super immune arsenal with infinite countermeasures. Once the human immune system activates specific immunity, there is basically no enemy that cannot be defeated.

Originally, he felt that Celica had been infected. If it was delayed for a few days, she might die directly. Therefore, he told Alex in advance so that he could be mentally prepared.

But now it seems that she may still be saved.

Since it has been decided to go to the village to get the seeds of the soul, Celica should be saved if she can.

This T cell immune enhancement therapy requires the collection of the subject's immune cells first, so Murphy was drawn a large tube of blood.

The blood will then be centrifuged to obtain peripheral blood mononuclear cells, and then activated T cells through antigen induction and magnetic bead sorting, and then enter the cloning and proliferation stage.

Murphy does not need to participate in these. He left the Baiyao R&D Center and called the Risk Group through the special channel provided by the security team to ask for some equipment. Since many of them are prohibited from private ownership, Murphy paid a lot of money.

But Murphy didn't care about it. He hadn't spent all the cash he looted from Isaac.

Two days later, Caerphilly Town.

Murphy took out a map and looked at it, then looked up at the forest in front of him, "This is it."

The two followed the clues left on the Celica paper crane and found the stone pillars on the edge of the woods. After activating them with magic in order, it seemed that the vision was suddenly widened, and several trees moved to both sides by themselves, revealing a path that was only wide enough for one person to pass.

"Remember, just wait here, don't go in, I need you to meet me outside. If there is any situation, I will contact you through the paper crane, and you just need to follow my instructions. Do you understand?"

Murphy finally reminded Alex.

"Understood. Boss, you have to be careful." Alex said and handed a suitcase to Murphy.

The latter took the traceless stretch suitcase, opened it, took out an M40 gas mask and put it on, then took out a set of Class A chemical protection suits, wrapped himself tightly, and then took out a tactical belt and tied it, on which were inserted four magic wands, a baton, a tactical dagger, a Glock, and an MP5K submachine gun.

After checking all the equipment, Murphy walked straight into the forest under the stunned gaze of Alex.

The trees kept parting in front of him and closing behind him. After walking for more than ten minutes, Murphy came to a stone wall.


Celica didn't mention the stone wall?

He was about to blast a hole with a thunderbolt explosion, but after thinking about it, he took another step forward, stretched out his hand with protective gloves, and actually sank directly into the wall.

"So that's it."

This wall is similar to the wall on Platform 9 and 3/4, a hidden passage.

He took a step in, walked through a dark passage, and then stepped out and came to a small bridge.

The small river surrounding the village flows under the bridge. On the other side of the bridge are several brick and stone buildings, the roofs are all thatched, and the white paint on the walls has almost fallen off, revealing the broken red bricks inside, which looks very old.

It is November now, the autumn wind is biting, the sky is particularly high, and the visibility is very good.

Murphy could clearly see the orchards and barns surrounded by low fences in the village. In the distance, there were some farmlands scattered under dense ash and beech trees. Several people dressed as farmers were driving livestock in the fields, seemingly farming.

The whole village was full of beech trees, covered with red and yellow fallen leaves everywhere, and looked quiet and peaceful in the sun.

This place has a nice scenery.

"Woof! Woof!" A few barkings brought Murphy's attention back.

Turning his head, he saw a black and brown Welsh terrier barking at him on the steps of a small house not far away.

Murphy took a look and didn't care. When he was thinking about how to find Celica, he suddenly felt something was wrong and looked at the dog again.

The dog was very thin, and there was something stuck on its black and gray fur, which was stuck together in clumps, as if it had just come out of a garbage dump.

However, it was not these that attracted Murphy's attention. He carefully looked at the right face of the dog and found that there was a black thing hanging on its face, swinging back and forth with its barking.

On the black thing, there was a rope-like tie that connected to the dog's deep right eye socket.


Sure enough, it was an eye.

An eye that had long been dried up.

Looking at the dog again, it was clear that several parts of its body and face had rotted, and the fur had fallen off, but it was not obvious that it was covered with dirt or something else.

The dog might be dead.

Murphy thought about it and pulled out an old wand, "Avada Kedavra!"

"Bang!" The dog was hit by the spell and flew up and hit the door of the cottage.

However, after a while, the dog stood up again. Except for a hole in its chest where the spell hit it, the death curse that everyone in the wizarding world feared seemed to have no effect on it.

Sure enough, it was dead.

It can still move after death. What is this? Zombie dog? Yin corpse dog?

But he still saw something different. The dog's chest that was pierced seemed to reveal some blue and translucent things.

This...could it be?

Murphy was about to fire a blazing fire to see how well the zombie dog could resist fire, but the door of the cottage suddenly opened.

A hunchbacked old lady with a scarf on her head came out. Seeing Murphy's appearance, she was obviously stunned for a while, but she still walked down the stairs slowly. Behind her was a young man who kicked the dog and the latter stopped barking.

"You are a new guest, right?" The old woman looked kind and gentle, holding a notebook. "This village doesn't often have outsiders, so you need to register before you come in."


Murphy glanced at the bones exposed on the old man's outstretched left arm and shook his head. "No need. I'm here to find someone. I'll leave as soon as I find him."

"No! There is the Black Death outside! You can't enter the village without registration!" The young man glared at Murphy fiercely. "What if you bring the plague in! Also, take off what you are wearing! Show your face!"

Murphy rolled his eyes at the fist-sized hole under the latter's collar and neck.

Take off the protective suit?

Are you waiting to be sprayed in the face with your vomit?

Do you think I haven't played Resident Evil?

Do you know that I'm the boss of Umbrella!

Who knows zombies better than me!

But he also had some curiosity in his heart.

These guys are obviously dead, but why are they still talking here and still worried about the plague?

Whether they are zombies or infernal corpses, aren't they all unconscious?

"Have you been in charge of registration here?" Murphy asked, "Have you seen a girl named Celica?"

(End of this chapter)