
Chapter Twelve

Tanya gazed at her naked body her hatred for him , knew no bounds he never wanted to touch her; he just wanted to humiliate her beyond comparison. She wore her cloths one after the other and stood there waiting for his command; her eyes staring blankly at the blank curtains. Damon open the fridge and took out a bottle of wine, he poured some into his glass and drank up, he kept it back and poured himself a glass of water.

Turning around he saw her still standing there; why are you still standing there?" He asked her "Leave!" He commanded his face scrunched in anger; Tanya glanced at him for a moment before turning around with gentle steps and walked away from the room.

As she walked downstairs she thought to herself; if she needed to survive with this demon, she had to become one; and is what she would become a heartless soul to match his cold and damaged soul.

He just brought out a new side of her she will see who gives up first.

The next day was sunday, she had stayed awake for the greater part of the night before she slept off. 

After taking her bath she put on a long sleeve less gown packed her up in a hair band and left the room. She walked down the hall of the front porch; there were few people inside, there were all doing one thing or the other everywhere looked serene, so she guess he might still be at home. Since she had nothing to do she guess she might go to her small town to see her father and sister to know how they are faring.

She passed by some workers she greeted them politely some replied with a smile others with a wave, they were being nice she had seen it from before, she was grateful at least she could engage in a small conversation with them; she hadn't reach the first gate when she saw him; her heart skipped a bit she hadn't expect to see him on her way out so she was nervous, he was playing archery , the was a middle aged man holding his quiver; he had just fired a shot when he saw her passing by; Tanya glanced at him but continued on her way out although as his slave she was suppose to tell him where she is headed but she chose not to; she didn't want to draw his attention she would just sneak out and sneak back if she knew he was there she wouldn't even follow that route.

When Damon saw her something came into his mind he turned saying something to the guard that was standing by his side the man nodded and ran towards Tanya. Tanya saw him approached her, her inside burned in anger,

"Miss the boss is calling you" Tanya turned to look at him where he stood his expression was aloof and he was keenly playing with the bow, her throat tightened but she did not say a whim 

; she just turned and walked towards him

After last night humiliation she knew he was full of wicked and evil thoughts but if she must stay alive for those six months she had to keep up with his demands and not cry a bit about her suffering. She needed to see her father and sister she would ask him to let her go, he might as well find a reason not to let her see her family.

Her face was emotionless as she appeared before him; he didn't glanced at her more that a second;

"Place the chair in front of the target" and the guard took the chair and kept it in front of the target.

"Go sit there" he said to her picking the arrow from the quiver. Tanya was taken aback was he about to shoot her to death?.

Tanya stared at him for a few seconds; then she turn walking to the chair she sat down.

Damon held the arrow to the bow his index finger placed above the arrow he closed his right eye as he aimed.

Tanya watched him; her heart slamming against her chest although she wanted him to kill her and end her tomernt she was in she wanted a fast death were she won't feel any pains, she was still afraid, afraid she would not die immediately afraid it would hurt her too much; he held the arrow pointing to her head. Visibly Tanya appeared calm but she was terribly shaken on the inside, there were beads of sweat forming on her for head and hands fisted on top of her laps; Damon held the arrow pulled it backward about five second he let it go. The sound cause Tanya's eyes to shut reflectively as she waited for what the impending pain she was about to feel. She felt something brushes through her neck and landed on the wood behind her leaving a cut on her neck; she had a very long hair so the arrow pined some of her hair to the wooden target.

Everyone froze as the waited for him to shot her; their hearts in their mouth as the watched him let go of the arrow ; the middle aged man shut his eyes not wanting to see what will become of this beautiful woman , he had been by his side for years he knew how heartless he was he wasn't expecting anything less; he had seen him hurt women especially when. They are spyies been sent to spy on him he showed them no mercy he would not be surprised if he hurt her.

He waited for her to scream, but he heard none; after five second he opened his eyes only to see a lady whose hair was pinned to the wood behind her and blood dripping from her neck the arrow had cut through her neck leaving an injury and held some of her hair to the wooden target. She saw him dropping the bow and took out all the arrow from the target she sighed in relief. Her hands touching the cut on her neck; he was good with arrows if he had aimed a little bit closer it would have been a different story.

"Where are you off to?" He asked emotionless with a plain voice; Tanya pushed the few strands that escaped from the hairdo behind her eyes and answered 

"I wanted to take a walk around the city, I haven't been out for weeks" she replied; her tone emotionless; Damon hummed