
Chapter Thirteen

" You seem to forget the agreement we had " Tanya drew her brows in confusion as she looked at him she knew the had an agreement does it include her not stepping her foots outside the mansion for the six months? That was inhuman how did he expect her survive with him in the same space she would literally go nuts from his torments and torture; 

"You only leave the mansion when I ask you to and you would be accompanied by guards is that understood?" He ask titling his head slightly ; Tanya nodes slightly; remembering something , she said " your guards took away my phone and laptop, the day I came here can I have them back please?" That was the perfect opportunity to ask for her stuff she may never get a chance to ask after today she thought;

Damon stared at her figure "I will look into that " 

He said and walked away his guards following immediately;

Tanya heaved a sigh of relief as he walked away ; henceforth she would remain in her room anytime he at home to avoid seeing him, now she can't leave the mansion without his knowledge "bastard" she cursed under her breath she stood up unsure of where to go ; she hadn't take three steps two guards approached her "miss we have been told to escort you to the city, this way miss" the guard pointed towards the first gate as though telling her to go on first Tanya stared at them not moving wondering what the devil was up to ; he had refused her going out few minutes ago what changed? She stared at the guards for a few seconds before moving forward.

At the first gate a black car was waiting ; the first guard sat in the front with the driver while the other sat at the back with her ; she moved closed to the shut door her mouth almost kissing the window, she remembered when she was brought in here she was bundled and there were not nice towards her at all; she tried avoiding everything that would make them handle her roughly .

Tanya was almost suffocating in the car she would have preferred to go alone but now, they were three men wearing heavy perfumes in the car she could not even breath properly .

"Where to miss" the driver asked and she told him the address of her home, why were the asking? Were they not the one that bundled her from her home, the should know her address; 

The drove in silence while she looked outside the window , " can you wind down the glass please" she asked no one in particular , the guard made eye contact with the driver and brought down the glass; 

Tanya brought out her hands from the window feeling the breeze on her hands and face as the drove; she let out a squeal she was happy at that moment she forgot about her troubles for a split second .

The guard notice she her excitement and let her be their boss had ask them not to touch her the just stared at her .

When the arrived at her house, her sister was outside spreading cloths on the line, she looked towards their direction when she had a screeching sound coming from there her brows creased as panic was written all over her face she wondered if they were her debtors at it again; she was still in shock and torture of the situation she was in, if the took her sister she wouldn't survive it tiffany was too weak for such hardship.

The car parked under an orange tree witch provided shade and the engine went off Tanya jumped down instantly;

Tiffany saw someone down from a car and her eyed widened in surprise;

"Tanya! Tanya!! Is that you " she exclaimed happily dropping the clothes in her hands, she ran into her sister's embrace; tears dropping from both eyes.

"I miss you, we thought you were dead" 

"Let's go inside we talk inside" 

She said, knowing the men where there, she could not afford to say something indicating.

The went inside their small home locking the doors from inside while the guards stood outside

"How have you been? How are you? Did he hurt you? Are you okay? You look pale tiffany ask a lot of questions guilt over flowing her.

Tanya notice the house was a bit scanty when she looked around she asked; 

" What happened? Were is father " ? Tiffany sighed " he is at the casino as usual gambling away "

Tanya smiled painfully he left her to fate in the hands of that demon while he gambled away his life, she bit her lips in anger trying to hold back the brewing tears and scream, 

Tanya looked at her sister, she was so gentle she couldn't even hurt a fly her eyes where scrunched up in fear as she asked her a millions questions ; at that moment Tanya knew she had to do all it takes to survive , she wouldn't let her sister go through what she was going through now;

"I'm fine, am okay everything would be alright tiffany don't cry okay I am fine" she assured her " I am sure he would soon get tired of me and let me go , I just have to sane for six month then we would be free from his grip" Tanya explained with a smile on her lips, she was sad but she didn't want her sister to worry , "you sure" tiffany ask with a glint of doubt in her eyes; 

"Yeah I am, has father's creditors came by?" 

Tiffany sighed " yes some of the neighbors heard what happen and helped pay some of his depths there are still few remaining , he keeps gambling nonstop pilling the debt , some came by asking for their money I promised to pay them end of the month"

Tanya brows creased 

"How do you intend to pay that" she ask wondering

"I work in a local restaurant I looking forward to using my pay , although its not a lot but it can go a long way"

Tanya sighed