
Burning Desire

Jane finally pulled away from Daniel. She pushed him away and yelled at him. "What did you do that for?"

Daniel, without saying a word, started licking his lips and at the same time winking at Jane. When he finally made up his mind to speak, Jane could see his mouth about to open but she rudely snapped back at him. "You know what, I don't want to know!" she said.

Getting into her room, she slammed shut the door and threw herself on the bed, not bothering about the wet clothes she was still putting on. She can't imagine what just happened. To her, it happened so fast that she couldn't even help herself but be lost in his arms.

After a while, she stood to her feet. "I was lost in his arms," said Jane, as she moved towards her window. It was still raining heavily that night and all she could think of was how Daniel's lips tasted like a strawberry. She didn't ask for the kiss but she did enjoy the kiss when Daniel forced his lips on her lips.

The burning desire to have him inside her is triggered just like she triggered her werewolf curse some nights ago. It was only a kiss, but now, she wants more than that! She began caressing herself with her eyes shut. As she was caressing herself, she was licking her lips. Her mind was going wild.

Her moment was interrupted by a fisted knock on her door. She quickly flicked around believing it was Daniel. 'Perhaps he has come to finish what he has started,' she said in her heart, making her way to answer the door. Someone has indeed woken up a strange feeling that was not even supposed to happen at all.

She held the doorknob and pulled it towards herself. Her heart went flat when she saw it was her mother. "What are you doing here?" she asked. She was expecting someone else but disappointedly she got someone else standing by her door. The very last person she wants to see at this moment.

"We need to talk, Jane…"

Mr. Lucas breathed in and out and continued. "I know I have not been a perfect mother since your father died."

"I am glad you know, goodnight," Jane said, slamming the door.

After some minutes, she heard another fisted knock but this time around, she ignored it and went straight to have her bath. However, the knocks continued and finally stopped. When she was done with her bath, she threw herself on the bed. She was so tired that she barely walked to the bed. Her eyes were beginning to close. After all, she had been through for the night. The least she could do was to get some bed rest.

She was already asleep, although not fast asleep when a bright white light lit up the scene of her room. She didn't bother opening her eyes to see what was happening around her. The light mysteriously came from the wall and out of the bright white light emerged an old woman. She was bearing a wooden staff in her left hand. Her hair was grey with a wrinkled body.

Immediately she walked out of the light, the light disappeared as she made her way to Jane's bed. She stood at the edge of the bed hitting her staff on the ground twice. Jane, who was fast asleep at this time, was suddenly awakened by the unstable shaking and vibration of her bed.

She jumped and her gaze was drawn to the old woman standing next to her bed. She already knew who she was and didn't bother to put up a fight with her. It's her friend Bonnie, a white witch from the white coven.

"Hi friend," Bonnie grinned.

"Why are you here?" Jane asked with curiosity and tiredness was written all over her face. She wasn't much bothered about her sleep being interrupted by Bonnie since she hardly visits except when it's urgent.

"Something has come up," Bonnie replied as she waved her right hand at her face. Mysteriously, she took the appearance of a young lady with a shapely figure and blonde hair. As a white witch, she can change her appearance, especially when she wants to disguise herself. Her main appearance is that of a young lady, but often as she pays a visit to Jane late in the night hours, she changes her appearance to that of an old woman to avoid being recognized by the dark witches. Bonnie has lived for a thousand years and she never aged except if she wants to switch her appearance to that of an old woman. She's one of the ancient witches from the white coven that protects the true alpha since some werewolves have gone rogue and have chosen their alpha.

Jane climbs down from her bed. She was still feeling sleepy. She yawned and then asked with curiosity. "What has happened this time?"

"You have to hear it for yourself," Bonnie replied. She snapped her fingers as they both disappeared into white glowing light.