
The First Night

The night weather wasn't friendly. It was so cold and wet that a violent wind swept the rain across the neighborhood. The thunder roared with a flash of forked lightning. The lightning and the thunder came close upon each other. The roaring of the thunder was so terrifying that everyone was locked inside their apartment except for Jane Lucas.

"Oh my God!" screamed Jane as she ran across the other side of the road. She has been drenched in the rain. The thunder roared once more and the lightning flashed across the sky.

Severally, she had put a call to her mother but the reception was so that she couldn't get hold of her after she called her to pick her up from the train station. After her father died, she traveled to Chicago for a time alone to mourn her father. Her father, according to the police report, was maimed by a weird bear; however, she disputed that report in her heart. Some rogue werewolves have been after her for a while since she turned down their alpha's proposal to be his bride.

Jane Lucas was turned into a werewolf against her will by the same rogue alpha. She became eager to live a normal life but that was taken away from her by the rogue alpha. She has triggered her werewolf curse some nights ago and she's ready for revenge.

Her excitement at returning to New Orleans to hunt down her father's killer was just ruined by her mother for failing to pick her up before the rain started.

As she ran across the other side of the street, she made her way to a barber's shop to stay there until the rain stopped, but disappointedly, the shop was closed for the night. "Fuck!" she exclaimed, kicking against the wall. She walked almost half a mile from the train station. Her house is just 4 minutes away if she continues by foot.

With her enhanced hearing ability, she could pick up voices from more than a kilometer away. Even though the only sound she could hear was the heavy rain and the roaring of thunder, she channeled her enhanced hearing ability back to her home to know exactly what was going on with her mother.

She has been living a life of secrecy since she was turned. Her mother isn't aware of her new identity as a werewolf. All her mother knew was that her daughter was the sweetest girl in the neighborhood. She never paid more attention to Jane anymore and all she now wanted was to live her life not just as a single mother but as one who has a man around her.

"Oh hell no!" exclaimed Jane. She became furious on hearing her mother with her enhanced hearing ability making jokes and laughing. Her eyes glowed yellow with her fangs and claws popping out as she heard a masculine voice saying: 'I can go for another round.'

She can't just keep walking home. She needed to get home right away. It's obvious that her mother just abandoned her because of a man in the house with her. She moved at an accelerated speed, heading towards her home.

Werewolves can move faster than humans, whether in wolf form or human form. At their accelerated speed, they can move faster than the naked eye can see.

Instead of getting home in four minutes, she got home in 45 seconds. Without wasting any time, she slammed open the front door. "Who is this mom?" she asked in a terrifying mean voice with her gaze cast on the strange man who was seated on a couch next to her mother. The man was only putting on short pants with a white T-shirt.

"Welcome home Jane!" said Mrs. Lucas with a soft smile as she moves closer to her daughter.

Jane cast a mean gaze at her mother. "That didn't answer my question. Who is she?" she asked again, frowning at her mother.

"My new boyfriend."

"I don't like him, send him away."

"I don't need your approval to date a man of my choice."

As the argument was about to hit up, the man approached with a cute smile. He cast his gaze at Jane. Still putting on a cute smile, he said, "Hi, I'm Stan White and I have heard nice things about you from your mother."

It is just over eight weeks since her father passed, she considers it so sudden for her mother to hook up with another man. She is so mad at her mother right now for failing to pick her up from the train station, whereby allowing her to be drenched in the rain. She couldn't say anything much to either of them. She ignored Stan and walked out on them.

As she made her way to her room, she stumbled upon a young boy. The look of the boy seemed familiar to her but she couldn't place where she knew him from. He has a pointed nose, thin lips, and a pointy chin. The boy smiles at her, displaying his shinny-gaped teeth and his dimples are always visible.

She couldn't help but ask: "Who the hell are you?"

"I'm Daniel White, nice to meet..."

Before he could finish what he had to say, Jane rudely interrupted. "I don't care, just stay away from me or you will get hurt real bad!" Hearing the same name 'White,' she concluded in her heart that this must be the son of her mother's new boyfriend. It's now clear to her that her mother chose them over her. 'This is why she must have ignored my plea to pick me up,' she pondered in her heart.

Jane didn't bother to ask Daniel any more questions. All she wants right now is to change her wet clothes and get into the bathtub. Daniel pulled her back as she was about to walk away and forced his lips on hers. She struggled to escape, her lips touching his; however, Daniel was holding her firmly by her waist. He made sure her boobs were touching his chest.

It was a forced kiss. A lot of things are going through her mind right now, but she has to do something to get away from him. As she wanted to pull away, Daniel pressed her buttocks. This made her mad, but at the same time, she enjoyed every bit of what was happening.