
The Coven

They both came to a smooth landing inside a cave. The rocky walls of the cave have flaming torches affixed to them. At the center of the cave was a fountain that mysteriously produces water of different colors. The roof of the cave is glittering with all kinds of precious stones. This isn't the first time Jane is visiting the white witches' cave. When she was attacked by the rogue alpha, she was lying unconscious near a dumpster. Her eyes were losing their sight as a result of the pain sustained, but she was saved by Bonnie and brought to the white witches' cave.

The white witches' cave is a place of meeting for the white coven. They gathered around the fountain because of a serious issue. Bonnie and Jane walked in to join them. "She's here," Bonnie said, leading the way.

"Glad you are here!" said a Kik. Kiks are known to have served the white witches over the ages. Their dwarf nature with a sea nymph ear and their hideous looks often make them not mix up with people. They can also change their appearance. The oldest of them is called, 'Vik' and has lived for three thousand years. Mostly, Kiks are women and they are also considered as powerful as the white witches. However, they prefer to serve other than power wrestle with the white witches like the dark witches are fond of doing.

On seeing Jane, Vik gestured for her to come and sit beside her. Jane obliged and made her way to sit beside the Vik. This is the council of witches and Jane has been honored to be in their midst.

"What's going on?" Jane whispered to Vik.

"The rogue alpha has…"

Vik's words were pushed back to her throat when Gwen stood at her feet to speak. The clearing of her throat interrupted Vik's words. "Sisters, I welcome you all here tonight and I am delighted to be worthy of speaking to you all." Gwen is the first white witch to ever walk the earth. Unlike every other white witch that dresses in white as a symbol of their pure heart, Gwen is always in a flowing red gown. She never missed putting it on. She moved closer to the fountain and sat on its pavement and continued, "Our worst fear as the guiders of the true alpha has become a reality and if we don't act now, we all will be wiped from existence."

She paused for a few seconds as the entire coven began to murmur, wondering what exactly she meant by that. Only a few of the witches, like Bonnie, knew what was going on. There are about 400 white witches that have gathered and 100 Kiks. Bonnie quickly stood at her feet to silence them. "Silence!" she yelled and immediately they seized their murmuring.

"Thank you, Bonnie." Gwen expressed her gratitude. She moved towards Jane and stood in front of her. "Do you know why you are here?" she asked.

Jane swallowed a lump in her throat and spoke in a quivering voice. "No!" she answered. What terrified her were the words of Gwen, especially hearing her saying: 'we will be wiped from existence.'

Gwen stretched forth her hand towards Jane. As soon as Jane held her hand, she helped her up to her feet. "For the very first time in ages, we are soliciting the help of a werewolf. Jane Lucas, we need your help…"

"Will you be kind enough to help us?" Gwen asked.

Jane was still lost, and so were other witches that had gathered for the night. She didn't want to take up a task bigger than her. At least not before knowing what exactly Gwen was talking about. "I still don't know what you are talking about. Will you be kind enough to let me know?" Jane glanced at her with curiosity. She can't leave her bed at this odd hour to join the council of white witches and yet she has no idea of what's going on.

"I'm sorry I haven't gotten to the bottom of what I was saying." Gwen switched back her gaze at the fountain and continued. "We all know the werewolf packs are no longer united. The rogue werewolves and their alpha are seriously working with the dark witches. Soon our worst nightmare will become a reality if we let them. It has come to my notice that the dark witches have found the mystic orb and they plan to use it to make us mortals again."

The entire coven rose to their feet, murmuring again, and this time, Bonnie couldn't silence them. The mystic orb is a very powerful magical object that has been lost for centuries. It holds the power to make immortal mortals again and mortals immortals. This object in the hands of the dark witches, there is indeed cause for alarm.

Chaos was stirred up by what Gwen had said. Jane can't stand this and she must do something to stop this since Bonnie has tried and she failed. This is not the time to argue but to find a solution. She couldn't help but let out a low pitch-howl. She needed to add more energy to her howling, not just a low-pitched howling if she must maintain the calmness. She quickly stood on top of the pavement of the fountain. She growled, followed by a high bark-howl. Her eyes were glowing as she continued barking-howling to silence them all.

"It worked?" Gwen said with a sigh of relief. She glanced at them all and ordered them to sit down or she would walk away. Without saying a word, they quickly sat, with their eyes fixed on Gwen.

Jane jumped down from the pavement and, with her gaze cast on Gwen, she asked, "How do you want me to help?"

"We need you to accept the rogue alpha's proposal and be his bride. With this, we can…"

"What?" Jane couldn't let Gwen finish what she had to say. This is insane and she doesn't like the idea. She never expected the people that stood by her to oppose the rogue alpha's proposal now to push her into his arms. She can't imagine being with someone she didn't love. When she arrived at the white witches' cave, her entire attention wasn't there. She had been picturing what happened between her and Daniel and she couldn't let go of that. The touch; the lips that tasted like a strawberry and the arms that held her around the waist. Even though it was a forced kiss, something in her had woken up and she can't throw away her chances of getting Daniel's attention.