
His Inauguration

Driven by a narcissistic desire for godlike status, Ivaim seeks to establish his dominion over the Harmonious Realm and all its inhabitants. Gathering a devoted following of individuals who are seduced by his charismatic charm and promises of eternal bliss, Ivaim forms the Unconscious Cult. He crafts a new religion around himself, proclaiming that he alone possesses the divine essence necessary to guide mortals towards enlightenment and salvation. As the cult gains prominence, Ivaim's reign of godhood raises alarm bells among the established pantheons of The Harmonious Realm. Existing deities view his actions as a direct challenge to their authority and the harmony they have maintained for eons. "His Inauguration " is an epic tale of power, faith, and the consequences of unchecked ambition. It explores the blurred boundaries between god and mortal, the nature of control, and the dangers of unchecked idolatry. In a realm where the line between worship and tyranny becomes blurred, Ivaim's journey challenges the very foundations of divinity and the limits of mortal devotion. ___ (Art is not mine, credits to the artist of "The Dark Lord's Confession". Please contact me if you request for its removal.)

WhatsADog · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs



Ivaim slowly opened his eyes to see that he was back in his room. The last time he had been awake was during the car trip he had with his father when they were traveling around town trying to find a good restaurant to eat in. He faintly remembered his father saying "Son, I'm sorry.." before he drove the car to a truck. After that, he could not remember anything else aside from being in a very deep sleep.

He wanted to open his mouth and say something, but having been in a coma for years, his muscles were too weak to move. His mind felt too dizzy and heavy to stay awake, so after a few minutes had passed, he began to doze off into his sleep once again.

A few hours passed and he found himself awoke once again. He wondered why his mother had not come to his room yet. He also wondered if his father was okay.

"I don't seem to be hungry yet.." He thought. And so he decided to wait and continue sleeping a little longer. He moved his eyes to the window and saw that it was pitch black, so he assumed it was night time and went back to sleep.

A few more hours passed and Ivaim was now in deep confusion. He looked out the window with his eyes once again, but found that it was still pitch black. However, when he looked at the grandfather clock that was leaning towards him, it said it was 10 am.

He also found it odd how he had not been hungry for a long while now. He should've been in a coma, but there were no nutrient solution machines that were feeding him, nor were there any machines that were supporting his life line.

"Is the after life as strange as this..?"

According to the grandfather clock, a total of 21 hours had passed. Ivaim had given up on waiting for someone to come in. Instead he had been trying to recover his muscles. For the past few hours he had been trying to move his toes and fingers.

"There's definitely something wrong here.." he thought.

2 days have passed. Ivaim had finally begun to move most of his toes and a few of his fingers. Perhaps the muscles have finally begun trying to be active once again, but either way, Ivaim was glad that he was making progress.

At this point, he had made a conclusion, he could not starve to death. Almost three days have passed and he has not once felt hunger in his stomach. He looked outside and saw that it was still pitch black. No car noises could be heard, not even the chirps of morning birds.

2 weeks have passed and Ivaim could slightly move his arms and legs around. He had gotten used to the never-ending silence in his room. But he knew that if this continued on for too long, he might actually lose his sanity a bit.

A month had passed and Ivaim could now move and wiggle around his bed. He was determined to be able to stand up. He was now focusing on moving his upper body.

"Just… a little more.." Ivaim was now on the side of his bed, holding the wall near him as a support while trying to stand up. He looked up in front of him to see an unfamiliar book placed on his study desk. It looked old and was definitely not his. He started with small steps, barely moving an inch towards the desk.

It took him over an hour to move towards his study desk before he finally sat down on the chair. He glanced at the book in front of him and slowly moved his arm to open it.