
His Inauguration

Driven by a narcissistic desire for godlike status, Ivaim seeks to establish his dominion over the Harmonious Realm and all its inhabitants. Gathering a devoted following of individuals who are seduced by his charismatic charm and promises of eternal bliss, Ivaim forms the Unconscious Cult. He crafts a new religion around himself, proclaiming that he alone possesses the divine essence necessary to guide mortals towards enlightenment and salvation. As the cult gains prominence, Ivaim's reign of godhood raises alarm bells among the established pantheons of The Harmonious Realm. Existing deities view his actions as a direct challenge to their authority and the harmony they have maintained for eons. "His Inauguration " is an epic tale of power, faith, and the consequences of unchecked ambition. It explores the blurred boundaries between god and mortal, the nature of control, and the dangers of unchecked idolatry. In a realm where the line between worship and tyranny becomes blurred, Ivaim's journey challenges the very foundations of divinity and the limits of mortal devotion. ___ (Art is not mine, credits to the artist of "The Dark Lord's Confession". Please contact me if you request for its removal.)

WhatsADog · Fantasy
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8 Chs


"3rd Entry. It has been three days since I've been in this strange space. According to the tests I have conducted with the dreamweavers, the space in which only I can travel to, seems to be disconnected from the dimensions of this world. Not even the dreamweavers could find me within the web of dreams..."

Ivaim faintly started to read out loud the first page of the book, the first two entries of the book seem to have been lost, so he decided to read with what was on the first page instead.

The characters written in the book were not in a language that Ivaim was familiar with, but for some reason it had directly translated accordingly into his mind.

"According to the dreamweavers words: 'We can faintly sense that the space you are in is within the web of dreams, however it does not seem to be attached to it, instead it feels as though the web of dreams is attached to the space you are in instead.."

"The dreamweavers had marked a seal within my soul in exchange for studying the empty space I am in. We have not discovered much yet, but we will perhaps conduct a few more tests in the future..."

Ivaim fell into deep thought as he began to relate his situation with what was being written in the book. "The strange space the man is talking about seems to be similar to mine.. "

He had some speculations and questions. Did the "strange space" for the man look like the room he was occupying in right now? How could that be possible, this was his room after all.

Ivaim also began to question other things. Who were the dreamweavers? And how did the man escape and contact them?

He flipped the page and continued reading..

"6th entry. With the help of the dreamweavers, we have created a chant using their ancient language in order to help separate me from this strange space. We have named this as Excitare Sensus, which means to Arouse the Senses."

Ivaim's interest was peeked, he dared not to read out loud the chant as he was curious about what else the book offered, he was a bit unwilling to leave this place. The desire to know more was boiling his blood..

"Excitat somnus, sensus evigilant,

Mundum tangimus, ad veritatem consciamur.

Excitare sensus, ad lucem progredimur."

"In order to understand, the translation to these words means :

Sleep awakens, the senses come alive,

We touch the world, we become aware of truth.

Arouse the senses, we move towards the light.. "

Ivaim's mouth twitched. "Ancient language? Isn't that just Latin..?" Having studied this language before, he was quite well versed in this language which the Ancient Roman's used.

He shook away his thoughts and continued to read.

"7th Entry. With the help of the dreamweavers, we have made the counterpart chant of the Arousing Senses. In order to get back inside the strange space, we have named it "Ad Infinitum Somnium", which means "To Infinite Dreams", the chant for this is.."

"In lumine stellae, per aeternum noctem,

Profunditas animae, in somniis renascentur.

Ad infinitum somnium, iterum et iterum."

The translation part seems to have been ripped off, so Ivaim decided to translate it himself.

"In the starlight.. through eternal night,

The depths of the soul, in dreams reborn.

To infinite dreams, again and again....?"

Before continuing to read, he silently started memorizing the chants diligently. With the help of his familiarity with Latin, it was easy to do so.

"The dreamweavers had also attempted to conduct the chant and enter the strange space, however, whenever they attempted to do so, they were welcomed with a harmful headache that would blow up a part of their bodies.. it seems that only I am capable of entering this strange space so far."