
His Inauguration

Driven by a narcissistic desire for godlike status, Ivaim seeks to establish his dominion over the Harmonious Realm and all its inhabitants. Gathering a devoted following of individuals who are seduced by his charismatic charm and promises of eternal bliss, Ivaim forms the Unconscious Cult. He crafts a new religion around himself, proclaiming that he alone possesses the divine essence necessary to guide mortals towards enlightenment and salvation. As the cult gains prominence, Ivaim's reign of godhood raises alarm bells among the established pantheons of The Harmonious Realm. Existing deities view his actions as a direct challenge to their authority and the harmony they have maintained for eons. "His Inauguration " is an epic tale of power, faith, and the consequences of unchecked ambition. It explores the blurred boundaries between god and mortal, the nature of control, and the dangers of unchecked idolatry. In a realm where the line between worship and tyranny becomes blurred, Ivaim's journey challenges the very foundations of divinity and the limits of mortal devotion. ___ (Art is not mine, credits to the artist of "The Dark Lord's Confession". Please contact me if you request for its removal.)

WhatsADog · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The Diary

November 30, 2021.

It is the beginning once again, I cannot count how many times the days have repeated. However, it is near. I can feel "His" consciousness slowly rippling through the fabric beneath the timelines.

It is November 30 2021 once again; however, this is not the first.


December 2, 2021.

The boy had arrived. The mother could no longer financially support her unconscious son from his coma; hence she had decided to take him out of the hospital under the excuse of "transporting" him to another one.

The doctor's seemed to have already known her intentions of leaving the boy to die, however they did not stop her, for even they had pitied the boy who had been asleep for too long.


December 3, 2021.

The mother had trapped the boy in his room, he had not woken up yet.

She seemed to be in a fragile state, constantly whispering "it is for the best… it is for the best.." while scratching her skin till it bled.


December 4, 2021.

The mother had barricaded the boy's room, it seems she did not want make herself enter his room to see if he was fine. Her mental state is slowly deteriorating.

I pity such a mother.


December 8, 2021.

The mother had gathered different statues from different types of religion. She had kneeled down to each one of them, prayed to each one of them, to forgive her for her sins.

Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity, Shinto, Paganism, Wicca, Hinduism.

To forgive her of her failure towards the duty of being a mother.


December 13, 2021.

There were still no responses from the "Gods."

Hence the mother brought offerings, she thought that they were displeased of her constant pleas of forgiveness. It seems her sanity is crumbling little by little. After all, the basic principle of this world is that you are not allowed to praise more than one God. Conversion is acceptable, but it is considered blasphemy to preach two heavenly beings.

There cannot be two mighty creators after all. Even I know of this.


December 20, 2021.

It was unknown if her son had decayed in his room, but the mother was not even focused on that.

Every day, she would kneel to the statues for hours. Chanting "I am a good mother, forgive me." to the gods. No responses have been made.


December 27, 2021.

The mother's neighbors have started to doubt her mental state. Some are even suggesting to call the police in fear of her insanity.

"The gods aren't real, why is she doing this?"

"Well even if they were real, I don't think any of them would want to respond to her."

"I feel bad for her… Should we contact a mental facility to help her?"

Empathy, disgust, annoyance. They all had different opinions about her. Some of them thought she was a pitiful mother who was grieving her son's death. Some of them thought she was the cause of her son's death. Others were annoyed from the constant ruckus she would often create.


December 25, 2021.

It is Christmas.

A God had whispered into the mother's ear.


December 27, 2021.

A group of teenagers had decided to visit inside her house for a video titling "The insane mother's house."


December 28, 2021.

The group of teenagers never came out. I preserved the camera and had stored it somewhere in time. It cannot be released to the outside, it is far too dangerous.


December 31, 2021.

The mother had burnt the house down along with herself. The cause of it cannot be said, otherwise "They" will hear me and find this diary.


January 1, XXXX.

The boy had opened his eyes.