
His Again: “Mistress to My Billionaire Ex”

Austin was the only man Maria had ever known. She had given him everything, but when she needed him most, he accused her of cheating and abandoned her. Desperate, she fled his toxic grip to build a life for herself and her unborn child. Fate, however, had other plans. She ended up working at a nightclub, and one night, a customer slipped a drug into her drink, leading her back into Austin's bed. Seizing the opportunity, he claimed her as his again. Maria desperately needed five million dollars for her son's heart surgery. Austin left her no choice but to accept his contract: three months as his mistress in exchange for the money. "I'll be your mistress for three months, but I need five million in exchange," she stated, her voice steady despite her inner turmoil. She had escaped him six years ago to save her son's life. Now, her son's life hung in the balance once more, in Austin's hands. She also needed to hide her son from him. There was no one else who could provide such a large sum of money, so she reluctantly agreed to Austin's terms. Yet, she had no idea of the humiliation and degradation he had planned for her. He was intent on destroying her, shattering her life, and leaving her lifeless once again.

Eva_Sharma_1192 · Urban
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5 Chs

Long time no see, princess,

Maria worked as a DJ at a nightclub, but she also filled in as a host when they were short-staffed, even though it made her uncomfortable. In the club, she went by the name Lilly. As a host, she had to interact closely with customers, which she hated. But she needed the money for her son's hospital bills and was willing to do whatever it took to provide for him.

After getting ready, Maria sighed as she looked at herself in the mirror. She felt like someone else entirely. Pushing aside her negative thoughts, she walked toward the private room with three other girls. Noah had emphasized that these customers were not only important but also friends of the boss. They were big businessmen and celebrities.

Maria was the first to enter the room. It was lively, with soft music playing in the background. She slowly raised her head and glanced around. The six men seated on the sofa were all incredibly handsome, holding drinks and cigarettes. They laughed and teased each other.

Maria walked in with the other girls, her eyes scanning each face. Her gaze landed on a man lounging lazily, typing on his mobile while taking a drag from his cigarette. Maria froze. What was he doing here? She had never seen him at the club before. Wasn't he supposed to be in Italy? She remembered seeing the news that morning, reporting he was in Italy with his girlfriend, busy with their upcoming wedding. So why was he here?

Does he remember what happened between them last week? Did he recognize her?

"Hello, beautiful," a cold voice whispered in her ear, startling her. She looked up to see a man towering over her. All the men in the room were so tall, making her feel tiny.

"He's getting married, so he might not be interested in you, but I am very interested," he whispered seductively.

Maria swallowed hard, her eyes drifting back to the man still engrossed in his phone. "I'm sorry..." she whispered softly, averting her gaze to the man in front of her.

Austin, who had been engrossed in his emails, froze when he heard a familiar, soft voice. He took a moment before raising his eyes and was shocked to see her. Despite the heavy makeup and the revealing dress, he recognized her instantly.

 A wave of old anger and hatred surged within him, but he didn't move from his seat.

Maria walked with a man and sat next to him. "I'm August. What's your name?" he asked, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her closer. Maria's body trembled with disgust, but she maintained a professional smile.

"I'm Lilly. Would you like me to serve you a drink?" she replied, reaching for a wine bottle. August grabbed her hand and placed it on his thigh, making her freeze.

"Mr. August, let me pour your drink," she managed, pulling her hand back and pouring the wine. She could feel everyone's eyes fixed on her, as if she were an alien.

But she felt a particularly intense gaze burning into her. She glanced over and saw Austin staring at her with a look that could split her in two. Quickly, she averted her eyes back to August.

Her heart sank when she saw August also looking at her strangely.

"I'm curious about what's under this makeup," he said suddenly, bringing his fingers to her face to wipe off her lipstick. Maria grabbed his hand, stopping him.

"Please, Mr. August," she said firmly, maintaining her composure while her mind raced with fear and confusion.

"Mr. August, I hope you know the rules of our club," Maria said softly. They were only allowed to serve drinks, not their bodies, and she already realized what August wanted from her.

August smirked, lifting her chin and letting his lips linger near hers. "If you allow me, I can change those fucking stupid rules," he whispered. Maria's heart pounded in her chest. She had faced similar situations before, but today felt different. August didn't seem as dangerous as the others, which was strange.

"That's enough. Lilly, go back to your work. This isn't for you," her boss, Camion, suddenly walked into the room, saving Maria. She immediately stood up and walked away, standing behind Camion.

"Camion, what is this?" August frowned, standing up.

"This one isn't for your lust," Camion replied sharply before looking at Maria. "Isn't your shift finished? What are you doing here? Go home," he said angrily.

"But..." Maria started to protest, but she nodded and left after seeing Camion's stern gaze. Camion had always been helpful to her. He knew everything about her situation and was also her best friend's boyfriend.

Once she was out of the private room, Maria let out a long breath. He didn't recognize her. She was sure that Austin didn't recognize her.

After changing her dress, Maria left the bar quickly. On her way out, her phone vibrated with a message from the hospital about her son's operation fee. Her son had a heart problem and needed five million for the first surgery. But she didn't even have a few thousand. His medical expenses were already high, making it difficult for her to save money despite working twenty hours a day.

Maria was lost in thought and didn't notice the man standing a few meters ahead of her. He was leaning against the wall, a cigarette between his fingers, not smoking but playing with it as if plotting something evil. As Maria approached him, he grabbed her and pinned her against the wall.

She was terrified by the sudden attack, and before she could react, she felt the softness of lips against hers. Her eyes widened in shock, her entire body jolting in fear as she recognized Austin.

"What do you think you're doing?" she gasped, trying to push him away. But he held her firmly, his eyes burning with a mix of anger and something else she couldn't quite place.

"Umhh," Maria tried to push him away, but he grabbed her hands and pinned them above her head. She started to kick, but he placed one leg between hers, trapping her against the wall and under his body. Maria's mind went blank, tears welling up in her eyes, but she refused to let them fall. She kept struggling.

Austin was furious at her resistance. He pulled away from her lips and grabbed her throat. Maria winced in pain. "Long time no see, princess," he said with an evil smile. Maria's heart stopped at the sight of his familiar dominance, danger, power, and heartlessness.

He sniffed her scent, and Maria felt a chill from his hot breath on her neck. "You still smell good," he said, licking her skin. Maria jumped at the sensation, his touch still managing to affect her deeply. "That night, you were begging for more. Now, what's wrong? Has someone else already satisfied you?" he whispered through gritted teeth.

Maria was completely lost for words. She had thought he didn't remember or had forgotten about her, but he remembered everything. "Let me go, you're hurting me," she pleaded, twisting her body to break free.

But Austin slammed her against the wall with such force that her entire body ached. "Hurting? You still don't know what hurt or pain is. You'll see from now on."

Austin's grip tightened, his eyes blazing with anger.