
His Again: “Mistress to My Billionaire Ex”

Austin was the only man Maria had ever known. She had given him everything, but when she needed him most, he accused her of cheating and abandoned her. Desperate, she fled his toxic grip to build a life for herself and her unborn child. Fate, however, had other plans. She ended up working at a nightclub, and one night, a customer slipped a drug into her drink, leading her back into Austin's bed. Seizing the opportunity, he claimed her as his again. Maria desperately needed five million dollars for her son's heart surgery. Austin left her no choice but to accept his contract: three months as his mistress in exchange for the money. "I'll be your mistress for three months, but I need five million in exchange," she stated, her voice steady despite her inner turmoil. She had escaped him six years ago to save her son's life. Now, her son's life hung in the balance once more, in Austin's hands. She also needed to hide her son from him. There was no one else who could provide such a large sum of money, so she reluctantly agreed to Austin's terms. Yet, she had no idea of the humiliation and degradation he had planned for her. He was intent on destroying her, shattering her life, and leaving her lifeless once again.

Eva_Sharma_1192 · Urban
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5 Chs

She had to protect him

Maria's heart sank in fear. This man still had his paranoia issues. Just then, Austin's phone rang, and he stepped back, loosening his grip on her throat slightly but still not letting go.

When he looked at the screen, his expression darkened even more. He was furious beyond limits.

"Hello," Austin answered the call, and Maria used the opportunity to push him away and run.

As she ran, she could feel his burning eyes on her, but she was lucky he didn't chase her. As soon as she was outside, she hailed a taxi and went to the hospital. Only when she entered the hospital hall did she feel a sense of relief. Before going to meet her son, Maria went to the bathroom and washed her face. She couldn't face him with puffy eyes.

Maria took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart. She couldn't let her son see her distress. After freshening up, she made her way to his room. Pushing open the door, she found him sitting up in bed, his small frame dwarfed by the hospital bedding. His face lit up when he saw her.

"Mommy!" he exclaimed, his eyes bright with excitement despite his pale complexion.

Maria forced a smile, pushing all thoughts of Austin out of her mind.

"Hey, sweetie. How are you feeling today?"

"Better," he said, though his voice was weak. "The nurses have been really nice."

She sat on the edge of the bed, taking his small hand in hers. "I'm glad to hear that. I missed you so much."

"I missed you too, Mommy," he said, squeezing her hand gently.

Maria's heart ached, but she kept her expression light.

"Guess what? I brought your favorite book. How about I read to you for a while?"

His eyes sparkled with joy. "Yes, please!"

As she began reading, her son's eyes started to droop, and soon he was fast asleep. Maria watched him, her heart breaking a little more with each steady breath he took.

She couldn't let Austin's darkness touch her son. She had to protect him, no matter the cost.

The next morning, as Maria made her way to the doctor's office, she suddenly spotted a familiar figure turning the corner. Her heart began to hammer in her chest. "What is he doing here?" she thought, panic surging through her. Her life had been so peaceful until yesterday, and now she had to live every moment in fear.

She immediately slid behind the wall, trying to steady her breathing. After hiding there for a while, she peered out cautiously. Relief washed over her when she didn't see Austin. She looked around carefully, making sure he wasn't there before quickly making her way to the doctor's office.

She needed to talk with the doctor about the surgery fee. She needed time to gather the money, but she also knew her son couldn't wait any longer. His condition was worsening by the day.

Reaching the doctor's office, she knocked and entered when called. Dr. Reynolds looked up from his desk, his expression serious.

"Maria, please have a seat," he said gently.

She sat down, her hands trembling. "Doctor, I need more time to get the money for the surgery. But my son's condition is getting worse. Is there anything we can do in the meantime?"

Dr. Reynolds sighed, leaning forward. "Maria, I understand your situation, but your son needs this surgery as soon as possible. We can't delay it much longer without risking his life."

Tears welled up in Maria's eyes. "I know, but I... I'll do whatever it takes. Just please, give me a little more time. I'll find a way to get the money."

The doctor nodded sympathetically. "I'll see what I can do to give you a bit more time. But please, try to arrange the funds as quickly as possible. Every day counts."

Maria nodded, wiping away her tears. "Thank you, doctor. I'll do my best."

As she left the office, her mind was racing. She had to come up with a plan, and fast.

"Ouch!" Neco exclaimed, rubbing his head after it collided with a man's strong leg. He picked up his ball and looked up at the person. "Can't you see a small child playing?" he said angrily.

Austin was stunned to see the little boy. His eyes blazed with anger for a moment but then softened.

"Kid, this is your fault. You weren't watching where you were going. And this is not a place to play ball," Austin said, his voice surprisingly calm. He wasn't known for being good with children, nor for speaking calmly. But as soon as he saw this little boy, he felt something strange, a sense of familiarity.

Neco frowned, not used to being scolded. "Well, you should still watch where you're going," he retorted, clutching his ball tightly.

Austin was stunned; he wasn't used to this feeling.

"Kid..." he started to scold Neco, but before he could finish, Neco ran off.

Austin stood there, momentarily blank, watching the little boy sprint toward the hospital ward. Shaking off his thoughts, he walked away.

Maria had just returned from speaking with the doctor about the surgery fees, her mind heavy with the burden of how she would come up with such a large sum of money. As she stepped into Neco's room, her heart skipped a beat. The bed was empty.

"Neco?" she called out, panic edging her voice. She frantically looked around the room, but there was no sign of her six-year-old son. Her heart pounded as she dashed down the hallway, searching for any sign of him.

She turned a corner and finally saw him, running towards her with a wide smile on his face.

"Neco, don't run!" she shouted, her voice a mix of relief and frustration. She quickly closed the distance between them and hugged him tightly.

"Where have you been?" she asked, looking him over to make sure he was okay.

"I was playing outside," Neco replied innocently, his big eyes looking up at her.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to go out alone? It's dangerous," Maria scolded gently, but the fear in her voice was unmistakable.

Neco nodded, his expression serious. "I'm sorry, Mom. I just wanted to get some fresh air."

Maria sighed, hugging him once more. "It's okay, just promise me you won't go off on your own again."

"I promise," Neco said earnestly.

She couldn't shake the feeling of dread that had gripped her moments earlier.

After tucking Neco to bed Maria left for work, promising she'd be back soon. It was evening, Neco's stomach growled. He loved the hospital's food, but he missed his favorite snacks. Thinking he could slip out and return before his mom noticed, Neco decided to make a quick trip to the small shop outside the hospital.

Neco, still dressed in his hospital gown, tiptoed out of his room and walked down the hall. He darted past nurses and doctors, none of whom seemed to pay much attention to the small boy in a patient's attire. His heart pounded with excitement as he reached the main entrance and slipped outside. The shop was just across the street, and it was bustling with people. Neco felt a sense of freedom as he crossed over, his hospital gown flapping slightly in the breeze. He pushed open the door to the shop, the bell above it chiming softly.

Inside, the shop was warm and cozy, filled with shelves of snacks, drinks, and other convenience items. Neco's eyes lit up when he saw his favorite chocolate bars. He quickly grabbed one, then another, and another, until his small hands were full.