
His Again: “Mistress to My Billionaire Ex”

Austin was the only man Maria had ever known. She had given him everything, but when she needed him most, he accused her of cheating and abandoned her. Desperate, she fled his toxic grip to build a life for herself and her unborn child. Fate, however, had other plans. She ended up working at a nightclub, and one night, a customer slipped a drug into her drink, leading her back into Austin's bed. Seizing the opportunity, he claimed her as his again. Maria desperately needed five million dollars for her son's heart surgery. Austin left her no choice but to accept his contract: three months as his mistress in exchange for the money. "I'll be your mistress for three months, but I need five million in exchange," she stated, her voice steady despite her inner turmoil. She had escaped him six years ago to save her son's life. Now, her son's life hung in the balance once more, in Austin's hands. She also needed to hide her son from him. There was no one else who could provide such a large sum of money, so she reluctantly agreed to Austin's terms. Yet, she had no idea of the humiliation and degradation he had planned for her. He was intent on destroying her, shattering her life, and leaving her lifeless once again.

Eva_Sharma_1192 · Urban
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5 Chs


Six years later

"It's so hot," Maria winced, rubbing her neck. She stumbled into the bathroom, barely managing to walk. "Damn, that bastard put something in my drink," she mumbled. She rarely drank with customers, but today's VIP guest had forced her to, and he must have slipped a drug into her drink. Her whole body felt hot and strange, as if she needed something she couldn't quite identify.

Maria splashed water on her face and wiped off her makeup, drenching herself in an attempt to cool down, but the drug's effects persisted. She struggled out of the bathroom, stumbling and using the walls for support.

As she got into the elevator, she saw two men whose eyes filled with wicked smiles as soon as they saw her. "Hi beautiful, need some help?" said a man with dark skin and red hair. Maria felt like throwing up at the sight of them.

"No," she replied, turning to walk out of the elevator, but her bad luck struck— the doors had already closed.

"Don't be shy," the other man said, grabbing her shoulders and pushing her against the elevator wall.

"Don't touch me," Maria tried to push him away, but she was too weak. Her hands felt useless, and her legs were like jelly.

"Don't worry, soon you'll be begging for more," he whispered, starting to kiss her neck. Maria's entire body trembled, the drug's effects overwhelming her. Her vision blurred, but she continued to struggle. "Please, don't..."

Just then, the elevator door dinged open. Maria managed to stumble out but immediately collided with a hard chest. Thinking it was a wall, she reached up and felt warmth, realizing it was a person. "I'm sorry..." she mumbled, keeping her head down and trying to step away. She almost lost her balance but was caught by strong arms.

"Hey... leave her," the two men said, walking out of the elevator and reaching to grab Maria. She pushed them away and clung to the stranger's arms. "Please save me, I don't know them," she whispered, too weak to fend them off herself. Despite everything, she felt a strange sense of safety in the stranger's embrace.

"She is mine. If you don't want to die, leave now," the stranger said, gritting his teeth. Maria, stunned, thought the voice sounded familiar. Slowly, she raised her head, trying to see the man, but her vision was too blurry.

The two men immediately ran away upon seeing Austin's furious expression. He looked like he was ready to bury them alive. Once they were gone, Austin looked down at the woman clinging to his arms. His expression grew even deadlier when he recognized her. His eyes burned with anger as he pushed her away in disgust. It had been six long years since he last saw her, and she was still as petite as before.

But Maria reached out again, wrapping her arms around him. "Please help me, it's so hot," she pleaded, her hands wandering over his back. Austin's face twitched with anger and disgust.

"You..." He grabbed her face, lifting it to see her clearly. Maria's eyes fluttered as she struggled to meet his gaze, unable to see his face clearly.

"Please help..." Her voice trembled, and before she realized it, she was kissing him. Austin's eyes widened in shock, feeling paralyzed. He could feel the heat radiating from her body; she was clearly not in her right mind. He, too, was drunk and lacked the strength to push her away.

In a swift move, he lifted her from the ground and carried her into the elevator. They didn't break the kiss all the way to his room. Once inside, he pinned her against the wall, taking control of the kiss.

Inside the room, Austin pinned Maria against the wall, deepening the kiss. The heat radiating from her body and the drug's effects intensified her desperation. Austin, battling his own intoxication, struggled to maintain control. His mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions—anger, disgust, confusion, and an undeniable, unwanted attraction.

"Please... help me," Maria whispered between kisses, her hands roaming over his body. The plea in her voice and the vulnerability in her touch made Austin's resolve waver.

The next morning, Maria woke up, her entire body sore and achy. She rubbed her temples, trying to recall the events of the previous night. Suddenly, she felt a touch on her hand and jumped in fear, glancing at the tall figure lying next to her. His strikingly handsome face had sharply defined features and deep-set eyes. He remained sound asleep, showing no signs of waking.

Maria's eyes widened in shock. How could this be happening? Why was he here? In front of her was her past—Austin Texas, the man who had once held her entire life in his hands and still did, in many ways. He was the one who had given her both the best and worst memories of her life. She had never thought she would cross paths with him again, but there he was, lying naked next to her.

How could this be? It's not that she didn't think that she would run into him on this career path. She thought it would have been fine if she didn't get involved in any jobs that Austin participated in but she never expected that she would be forced to meet him like this. She was not prepared to meet him at all.

Before she could have a panic attack from the flood of memories, Maria quickly grabbed her torn clothes and put them on, then ran out of the room. She couldn't let him find her, otherwise, who knew what he might do to her?

As she fled down the hallway, her mind raced. She needed to get out of the hotel and as far away from Austin as possible.

Back in the hotel room, Austin stirred, slowly waking up. He reached out, finding the space next to him empty. His eyes snapped open, and he quickly realized what had happened. Maria was gone. His face hardened as he sat up. "You dare to run away again? Let's see how long you'll keep running?"

One week later

"Lilly, we need you urgently." Maria was about to leave after her shift when the manager rushed in, looking anxious.

"Why?" Maria asked, zipping up her jacket.

"Misa suddenly fell sick. We have to send her to the hospital. You need to cover her shift, just for tonight. I'll double your pay," the manager pleaded.

"You know I can't. I have to go to the hospital; my son..." Maria started to say, but the manager interrupted, grabbing her hands.

"Please, Lilly... I'll send someone to look after your son. I promise. You know I wouldn't ask if it weren't urgent. These are important customers, and we can't risk sending anyone else," he begged, his eyes almost in tears.

Maria was torn. She couldn't leave her son waiting at the hospital, but the manager had always helped her in her toughest times. After a moment of hesitation, she finally agreed. "Alright, Noah."

"Thank you so much, sweetheart. You're a lifesaver," he said, hugging her tightly before explaining the situation.