
His Again: “Mistress to My Billionaire Ex”

Austin was the only man Maria had ever known. She had given him everything, but when she needed him most, he accused her of cheating and abandoned her. Desperate, she fled his toxic grip to build a life for herself and her unborn child. Fate, however, had other plans. She ended up working at a nightclub, and one night, a customer slipped a drug into her drink, leading her back into Austin's bed. Seizing the opportunity, he claimed her as his again. Maria desperately needed five million dollars for her son's heart surgery. Austin left her no choice but to accept his contract: three months as his mistress in exchange for the money. "I'll be your mistress for three months, but I need five million in exchange," she stated, her voice steady despite her inner turmoil. She had escaped him six years ago to save her son's life. Now, her son's life hung in the balance once more, in Austin's hands. She also needed to hide her son from him. There was no one else who could provide such a large sum of money, so she reluctantly agreed to Austin's terms. Yet, she had no idea of the humiliation and degradation he had planned for her. He was intent on destroying her, shattering her life, and leaving her lifeless once again.

Eva_Sharma_1192 · Urban
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5 Chs

Shattered life

"This child isn't mine. Who is that man?" His grip tightened around her neck, causing tears to cascade down her cheeks like a relentless river. She felt her breath constricting but chose to endure his wrath rather than fight back.

She couldn't bear to live in a world where he doubted her loyalty. Her silence only fueled his rage, evident in his heavy breathing and fiery gaze. The hurt pierced him deeply; the betrayal was unimaginable.

"Answer me! Who is he? Who dares to lay a hand on what's mine?" His voice thundered with fury.

With a trembling voice and parched lips, she managed to utter, "Please, nobody..." Her words faltered as she struggled to breathe. The accusation hung heavy in the air, suffocating her.

"I would never betray you. How could you even think such a thing?" Her voice quivered with the weight of her denial, but he remained unconvinced, dismissing her plea as a feeble attempt to deceive him.

His disbelief cut deep as if branding her with the accusation of deceit. "You think I'm that foolish? I haven't even laid a finger on you for nearly two months. How do you explain this pregnancy?"

His voice reverberated through the walls, echoing the magnitude of the situation. Yes, indeed, there was a problem.

For Maria, his accusation felt like a dagger to her heart. The mere thought of another man's touch sent shivers down her spine, evoking a primal fear that gripped her very soul. She couldn't fathom the idea of anyone else but him touching her.

The realization struck her like a bolt of lightning—despite being aware of her haphephobia(fear of physical touch) he still accused her of infidelity, blurring the line between reality and his insecurities.

At that moment, Maria felt the weight of his doubt crushing her spirit. It was clear to her that he no longer wanted her in his life. Slowly, she relinquished the futile struggle to break free from his grasp, realizing the harsh reality of their crumbling relationship.

Her head swirled with dizziness, the room spinning around her.

"Damn it," he cursed under his breath as he witnessed her losing consciousness, releasing his grip on her. She staggered, her body betraying her as she tumbled to the floor.

Bending down, he forcefully grasped her chin, forcing her to meet his gaze. "I never imagined you could step so low," he spat, his words dripping with venom. "Was I not enough for you? I admit, work kept me occupied, but to think you'd seek solace in another man's arms..." His voice trailed off, a mixture of disbelief and anger simmering beneath the surface.

As he gazed into her tear-stained eyes, his disgust only intensified, repelled by what he perceived as her despicable actions.

"I'm leaving for a business trip. When I return in three days, we'll take care of this," he declared coldly, his disdain evident in the way he turned her face away.

Maria's heart plummeted at his callous words, her world crumbling around her.

"No, please... This is our child, yours and mine," she pleaded, desperation coloring her voice as she clung to his leg in a frantic attempt to change his mind.

"Stop it! Don't you dare claim this is my flesh and blood," he snapped, forcefully pulling his leg away from her grasp.

"In these three days, you'll make a choice. It's either me or this..."

His voice trailed off.

With all her strength, Maria rose to her feet and clutched Austin's arms tightly. "Please, Austin, reconsider. You're all I have. Without you, I'm nothing. I can't bear the thought of living without you. You know, I can't even breathe,"

she pleaded, tears streaming down her cheeks. But his expression remained unyielding. He knew she would never leave him, no matter what. He was her entire world, her beginning and end. From the moment he entered her life, there was no one else for her. He was not just a part of her life; he was her life itself, both its beginning and its inevitable conclusion.

Cradling her delicate face in his large hands, Austin drew her closer, his towering figure bending down to meet her eye level.

"I understand, which is why I'm offering you a chance," he explained, his voice tinged with a sense of finality.

"Consider this your first and last mistake, and I won't bring it up again. But you must agree to have an abortion. I'll handle everything—appointments, arrangements. And don't even entertain the thought of keeping this child. If you choose otherwise, I'll unleash hell upon the world," he warned sternly, his eyes ablaze with determination.

Releasing her, he stepped back, his resolve unwavering.

"I'm leaving now," he stated, turning to retrieve his suitcase before exiting the room, leaving Maria shattered and alone, her spirit crushed by his ultimatum.

As the door clicked shut behind him, Maria collapsed onto the floor, a wave of numbness washing over her.

She couldn't even summon tears; her heart felt like it was slowly turning to ice. The future seemed bleak, an uncertain path shrouded in darkness.

With trembling hands, she reached for the pregnancy reports scattered on the floor. They were from a month ago, a time when she had discovered the life growing within her. Yet, she never found the right moment to share the news with him.

He was always too preoccupied, barely sparing her a glance.

Maria had noticed his distant behavior for months, but She had convinced herself that he was simply too consumed with his job to pay attention to her. However, a few days ago, she stumbled upon something that shattered her very soul, casting doubt on everything she once believed.

Just a week ago, he went away on a business trip. One night, when Maria video-called him, a woman picked up his phone, and she was naked, lying in bed. She claimed he was just in the shower. Maria didn't want to believe it at first, even though she had her suspicions. But then, the woman turned the camera around, showing him actually in the shower. At that moment, Maria knew it was true.

He had only just returned from his trip this morning, but he left again. Maria had been keeping the pregnancy reports hidden in her drawer, but he accidentally found them today. Without even bothering to check the date, he accused her of infidelity, shattering her world once again.

They had been together for almost four years. When she first met him, it was in college. She was the girl who always hid herself from everyone, preferring not to be seen. But then she met Austin Texas, the only son of a billionaire businessman. Austin excelled in everything: he was the top student, incredibly handsome—like a model straight out of a painting—and had an aggressive nature. He was a fire, and she was water.

Austin was a womanizer, dangerous, aggressive, possessive, and overprotective, while she was the complete opposite—quiet and as silent as a deaf person. In her life, she only knew how to say yes and bow her head. She didn't know what it meant to say no because, in her 23 years, no one had ever asked her permission. She couldn't even remember the last time she said no to anything. When he laid his eyes on her, he claimed her as his own, and she didn't even say no. He never gave her the chance.

They were together for four years, but it seemed she was still nothing more than a toy for his satisfaction. He always kept her as his secret; no one knew about their relationship. She was hidden from his world, a quiet presence in his chaotic life.