
Highschool Dxd: Unlimited Gear Works

Just a list of sacred gears I thought would be cool For the most part, these will be my own ideas I may take some inspiration from others shows and stuff but for the most part, these are my creations For the most part Kinda Not really (Ima be honest I only watched the first seasons of DXD, so I might have messed up some terms here and there, you have been warned) (I made this for fun Obviously) . . Also . Also . Also . It would be really cool . If you know . Someone would . Like . You know . Use one of my shit . In like a story . You know . *Wink* *Wink* * Nugde* *Nugde* . . . . . . Fr tho if you use one of my ideas then cool, I don't really care if you tag me or not But like at least tell me so I can read it Also, I take requests (Warningqualitymayvarydependingonwhenimadethechapterandifyouaredisastisfiedwithoneofmyproductsthenpleacescontactmeat881-294-4952formoreinformationandifyouhaveanyproblems)

Nxgen_Snail_Kota · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

The Witch Hunter

[Power Level: 4]

[The Witch Hunter]

This was strange.

You had visited this town before and had an enjoyable time here.

The people were friendly, the inns were comfortable, and the steak was to die for.

But the place was never this...empty.

This fact unnerved you, and as an ominous mist washed over the town, seemingly out of nowhere, you knew exactly what was going on here, and you didn't like it.

Not, One, Bit.


A feminine cackle echoed out through the empty streets causing you to draw your weapon from your back.

The villagers were nowhere in sight, if true then there was no need to be subtle so you grabbed a flame enchanted arrow from the quiver on your hip and loaded your weapon.

You gripped your crossbow tightly between your hands as your eyes scanned the area trying to decern anything really, this mist was thick. The perfect cover for an ambush.

"Damn witches" You muttered under your breath as your heavy steel-toed leather boots stomped against the ground, you deciding to move forward as standing still would do you and the townspeople no good.

You had hunted witches before, many a time had they tried to take over villages and cities, but ultimately failing as YOU were called to deal with them, though that was after weeks of preparation you were the best in the field.

But now?

You only had your trusty crossbow.

But it was enough, it was always just enough to get the job done.

Your weapon whipped to the left as a noise caught your attention, your hands steady and on the trigger, an itch in your finger ready for even the slightest shift.

If your aim proved to be true then it would be another job done.

Though no need to worry about that, you had always hit your mark.

As the mist slowly started to clear your hand got closer and closer to the trigger, Witches liked to play with their prey, and you knew this, after nearly one hundred hunts you knew your enemy better than they knew themselves.

You hardened your gaze and cleared your mind and as the mist started clearing up you were ready to finally kill the witch and save the people.


You pressed down on the trigger and fired your crossbow into the still clearing mist, the flame enchanted arrow igniting mid-flight, your mark was on the other side, you knew it, you just knew it.

But it seemed the witch had played you for a fool.

As the mist cleared all you had hit was the fence.

Unbeknownst to you the witch slowly appeared right behind you, and with a sadistic smile on her face her nails elongated into claws and she drove them right into your back.

At least, that was the plan.

But you had actually anticipated the fence, the witch even the town.

When you first entered the town you knew the entire time that the people? They were constructs made from the witches dark magicks. The town? Just an abandoned village that the witch glamoured up to seem populated.

And the steak? Well, that was to die for.

But nonetheless, you had known the entire time that the town was just a setup to lure in unsuspecting victims.

So as you narrowly dodged the claw aiming for your spine, you turned around and as the witch's eyes grow wide in surprise you grab the dagger from your shoulder sheath and plunge the blade right into her chest.

Killing the witch.

Dispersing the mist.

And finally earning yourself that 100 kill bonus.


The Witch Hunter comes in the form of a black mark on the back of the user's palm, normally the mark has a dagger in the center with runes lining the rim but depending on your classification, it can come in the form of a crossbow, a spear, an ax, a hammer, or a torch.

But on the off chance you get ALL of them, the mark comes in the form of a man looking down with a cowboy wide hat covering his face.

[Classess] (-Common-Uncommon-Rare-Epic-Legendary-)

When you kill a witch, the witch's essence will flow into the mark and increase the user's own magical capacity, as well as their physical and mental strength.

[Dagger Class (Common)]

The Dagger Class gives the user two things, a rusty unbreakable dagger that can be improved upon with runes charms, and things like that or a simple cleaning and sharpening. It also gives innate knowledge of the dagger arts that the user can use to train and increase their technique with daggers to unknown levels.

[Crossbow Class (Uncommon)]

The Crossbow Class gives the user a broken down crossbow, a talent for shooting arrows both short and long-distance, and finally a textbook on how to create arrows, where to find metals and materials for arrows, how to imbue arrows with enchantments and runes, where to find the ingredients for runes and enchantments as well as a comprehensive list on which runes and enchantments go with or cannot go with which metals, and finally, directions and instructions on how to fix, create, and maintain bows, crossbows, and ballistas.

[Spear Class (Rare)]

The Spear class gives the user a shiny silver spear with the loyalty enhancement already on it, it also allows access to a separate dimension where they can train with any foe they have beaten in the past or foes that have left a lasting impact on the user whether they won or not.

And finally, the spear acts as a great medium for Ferrokinesis, meaning that only with the spear in hand can the user manipulate the metals in the area around them.

[Ax Class (Rare)]

The Ax class gives the user twin short axes with a multitude of runes already lining the blade, the runes will remain unactivated and unusable until the user can figure out what they are for, but the one rune that comes pre-activated allows for the user to teleport the Ax's anywhere within eyesight at will.

[Hammer Class (Rare)]

The Hammer class gives the user a large two-handed sledgehammer that has the ability to manipulate its own weight ranging from as light as 10 pounds to as heavy as 5 tons.

Another ability this weapon has is called [Shockwave] After slamming the hammer into enough objects all the vibrational energy that is stored in the hammer can be released on command by the user.

[Torch Class (Epic)]

The Torch Class, or Magician class gives the users increased affinity with elemental magicks, though not inherently overpowered it make using and learning elemental magick's that much easier and if you had no talent in the first place, nor any semblance of magical energy the mark acts as a storehouse for your low capacity and can increase the user's talent based on the number of witches they slay.

[Witch Hunter Class (Legendary)]

A combination of all the classes that gives the user all the previous classes passive, active and summonable abilities at the cost of them having to hunt witches for the rest of eternity until their unnatural death in battle as they will never age, or grow sick.


This Sacred gear is really only good for hunting down those who practice the dark arts, though it can be used for other foes its specialty lies in witch and demon hunting.