
Highschool DxD: A New Satan

‘You were just born in the wrong era.’ That is something Vincent had heard countless times from his close ones. And he agreed. He knew where he could take the world should he had had the technology, but he could only do so much when the entire world tried to control and collar him. He pushed himself to the limits but ultimately was shackled by his humanity. Sadly the only solace he found was in stories where he could see men and women like him achieve what he could not. Luckily enough however, he was given the chance to go to a world he knew allowed for almost anyone to have near limitless potential should one know how to grasp it. He simply needed to not die before reaching the peak.

Alexander_the_grey · Anime & Comics
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74 Chs

If you want to support me

So with time passing and my bank account slowly dwindling while going through uni, I've had to make the decision to try and get a job, which would be rather difficult due to employment market stuff and my own personal situation.

That would seriously hamper the free time I use for writing.

Or I could set up a Patreon and ask for whoever liked my writing enough to donate and help me keep going as I am now. After a suggestion I also set up a Ko-fi page for my stuff.

Neither require any sort of payments to read my stuff or possess any kind of advanced chapters since I hate that practice even if I understand that it can bring in more money. I write because i like playing with established worlds filled with potential and I'm also an avid reader, so just thinking about the money annoys me.

Anyway, if you are awesome enough to even pass along 1$ for my stuff then I'll leave the links here. They both have the same name as my username for this site: Alexander_the_grey.




If about 500 people who like my stuff actually do give me 1$ then I'd be golden.

I'll spend the next few days posting everything on those two sites while taking the opportunity to do some corrections.

Thanks for all your support and to those who've already begun supporting me.

I hope you can all keep enjoying my stories.