
High school musical and love

"It's okay...but he is my first love, I love him the first day I saw him without thinking of anything, I also try to forget him so we can be friends but he cheated on me and also lie that he broke up with his girlfriend " Who is the guy," Herrin asked " You don't need to know him.... because I won't be able to face you again if you know the asshole guy I fell in love with," Liz explained Who is the guy that stole the heart of the chairman's daughter

Snowprincess · Teen
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34 Chs

The roommate

The next morning, Liz open her eyes, she used her hand to cover the reflection of the sunlight that come through the window, that was when Liz realize that her bed was beside the window she stood up and walk to the window that was the time she see the beauty of the school, the compound was very large and nice also with nice flowers which were written informed of the school name.

" Hello" she had a voice behind her back and she turned and saw her roommate ( Lola) who was using a towel to dry her washed hair " am just coming out of the bathroom, you can go and take your bath, hurry up it Monday morning and I hope we have class today" Lola walk out, Liz glared at her and walk to the washroom, after some minutes she comes out by then Lola has gone to class Liz dress up and leave the room

Light fades

light shines in the lecture room

The fresher was heeding to the empty chair even though Lola was sitting beside some of the coursemates, not long Liz walk in and sit on an empty chair in front of the class.

After a couple of minutes the professor in charge of the course enter the lecture room " Hello students, welcome to our favorite musical school, we are so happy to have you as one of the students of our school...as you all know this school is all about music and instruments, so don't worry in a couple of days you will all know which department you belong to and also I need someone to be a representative of this class before you were arrange in your talent department " the professor takes off his glasses waiting for someone to raise his hand, the class was silent no one dare to raise they hand's suddenly a finger was raise and the professor clapped his hand also the course mate join they hand's together clapping, Lola stand up and walk to the front " my name is john Lola, I will be the representative of this class"

Liz glares at her and made a loud hiss " mtcheew" and the class was silent as soon they had the sound of her mouth and they all stare at her, Liz noticed they were set of eyes on her and she started looking at the glass window and focus on it as if she was watching a football she was embarrassed and the professor break the silence with the word of " you can have your sit, john Lola "

And Lola walks back to her seat.

Light fade

After the lecture ended, Liz walk down to the school canteen to have her lunch, she went to collect her food and sat on an empty chair and she start eating her meal, some two guys walk to her and sat beside her and she was at the middle

" What's up pretty" the guy at her left side tried to get her attention but Liz ignore him and continue eating her food, the left side guy grunted and push the meals away from her, Liz was mad at them " are you out of your mind or maybe we should say you are crazy" she was demonstrating with her hand, the left guy was frustrated and he raised his hand to slap her suddenly, Lola walk there and hold his hand " am sorry about my roommate she lack etiquette" Lola apologize behave of her roommate and the two guy stand up from the sit

"It's all because of you or else she will have been beaten up right now, you have to warn your roommate "The right-hand guy advises Lola to behave of her roommate and they leave, Lola face Liz " hey girl you have to be careful, you know we all came to school without our bodyguard, right now we are ordinary human because we are here to learn " after she advises Liz and she walks away, Liz was confused with her statement, she thought all of them is a child with no Pedigree, but she was wrong they are also people like her, she drops the spoon on her hand and run after lola.

At the hostel

Lola was unlocking the door and Bianca come out from her room beside their room

" Hi room neighbor" she greeted and leave only Lola answered and Liz do as if she doesn't know someone was talking to her, Lola unlock the door and enter with Liz.

Next day

Liz stand up from her bed and she walk to the bathroom when she was done she come out and still seeing Lola sleeping she woke her up

" Hey good morning" Lola open her eyes and greet Liz as soon she saw Liz standing beside her, she stood up and walk to the bathroom using her finger to scratch her eyebrows after she was done she come out and saw Liz she has dress up also sitting on her bed, Lola took her clothes and dress up " thank you for yesterday" Liz appreciate her and Lola grunted " so you can appreciate, I thought your pride won't allow you to do that" Lola asked and she walk to the mirror and continue packing her hair.

" Okay dress fast so we can walk to class together" Liz took her bag waiting for Lola, after some minutes Lola was done and they both walk out.

Light shine in the lecture room

Lola and Liz sat at the empty chair in front of the class, the class was lively not long a woman enter and they all went mutt as soon they saw the professor

" good morning, my name is Professor Norna, I hope you all love our school, we can't delay anything because your career started now, I will be offering you music settings and I want you guys to form a group and by tomorrow each group leader to submit the group name...bye have a nice day" after what the professor said she walks out and the students start looking for a group to join, Bianca was sitting opposite her neighbor and she walks there

" Hi neighbor" Bianca get their attention "We can create our group," Bianca asked and Lola nodded she bought out a pen and book wrote down their name, and she was about to drop the pen and one young guy show up same years as them

" Hi am Larry by name, I have been staring at you guys since, please can I join your group," Larry asked and Lola nodded

" Am Lola by name" she introduced herself

" Am Bianca by name " Bianca exchange hands with Larry and Larry bring his hand out to exchange greetings with Liz but she ignored his hand

" Am Liz by name" she introduced herself, Larry was embarrassed and kept his hand, Lola smiled and wrote down his name

"It's good meeting you guys" he appreciates them

After the class ended they all went out of the lecture room